International Clinical Cytometry Society
Online Membership and Meeting System
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The International Clinical Cytometry Society is an international organization whose primary purposes are to:
- to foster the development and implementation of clinical applications of cytometry in the diagnosis and management of human pathologic conditions;
- to promote professional advancement of all aspects of clinical cytometry;
- to foster education and the exchange of information among persons engaged in clinical cytometry by means of an annual meeting and a variety of other educational activities;
- to issue publications in the field of clinical cytometry;
- to interact with agencies, both private and governmental, which regulate, oversee, monitor and control the practice of clinical cytometry.
The International Clinical Cytometry Society holds an annual course and meeting yearly in the United States. Both are focused on education in the field of clinical cytometry and include very practical information concerning interpretation of difficult cases, new protocols, techniques, and reagents, and consensus and guideline documentation. Members of ICCS include many of the foremost clinical cytometrists in the world.
Welcome to the ICCS and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Account Details
Username: Geahaematol
Password: redblood