From:                                         Harry Alberti, MD

Sent:                                           Friday, January 18, 2013 8:41 AM

To:                                               VVMC

Subject:                                     Calling off due to Flu


Dear VVMC Employees,


Below are guidelines for calling off during flu season.  These were put together by Human Resources. They are based on

current policy, recommendations from the CDC, and on what other hospitals across the nation are doing to help minimize the spread of the flu to each other, the patients and their families.


Thank you all for taking these requirements very seriously. 


Here are the Guidelines:


Employees who develop a fever of 37.8°C or 100° F and/or respiratory flu symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, body-aches, extreme fatigue, headache, chills) will be instructed not to report to work, or if at work will need to go home.  Employees will notify their supervisor and are encouraged to seek medical care immediately.  Employees at high risk for complications of influenza should be encouraged to seek medical care promptly upon earliest development of symptoms.  Employees with underlying chronic conditions; chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal hepatic, hematological (including sickle cell disease), or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus) and pregnancy should seek medical care immediately upon earliest development of symptoms.


Employees who develop a fever can return to work when symptoms have resolved without use of fever reducing medications and are symptom free for 24 hours.  If symptoms such as cough and sneezing are present, employees should wear a facemask during patient care activities.  Employees who develop acute respiratory symptoms without fever may still have influenza infection and should be wearing a mask.


Employees who have a confirmed case of the flu are required to be away from work for a period of 7 days from time of symptom onset or until all non-cough symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer. 


All employees are required to follow proper call-off protocol.  Any absence which occurs for an employee with influenza or influenza like symptoms will not be counted against them for attendance.  Employees will be required to provide a physician note to their supervisor.  Employees will be paid in accordance to the HR Paid Time Off and Short Term Disability policies (HR 7-1 and HR 7-2).  Employees must use 32 hours of Paid Time Off or unpaid time if PTO is unavailable prior to accessing Short Term Disability (STD).  Short Term Disability may be accessed immediately with written physician confirmation of the influenza.  As a reminder STD is paid at 85% of base salary


Remember hand hygiene is key to preventing the spread and acquiring the virus. 


For more information please visit the CDC at





Always think "Patient first"

Harry Alberti, MD, MBA

Chief Medical Officer/Vice President of Medical Affairs

Verde Valley Medical Center

(928) 639-6056