Global Point of Care


There is no time like ID NOW.

Now the fastest molecular Strep A test without the need for culture confirmation.

The CLIA waived ID NOW™ Strep A 2 test provides molecular results in 6 minutes or less on the unique ID NOW™ platform; allowing you to confidently test, and with a positive result, treat, during the patient’s visit.

Faster than other molecular methods and more accurate1 than conventional rapid tests, ID NOW™ Strep A 2 delivers results within an actionable time frame allowing you to make real-time clinical decisions which impact patient care.

  1. Cohen, J.F. et al. Rapid antigen detection test for group A streptococcus in children with pharyngitis (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2016, Issue 7
  2. ID NOW™ Strep A 2 clinical trial data, held on file
  3. ID NOW™ Strep A 2 Package Insert
    †Based on the reported sensitivities of RADTs and ID NOW™ Strep A 2.