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2/2/2015 5:10 PM 204141 23219_reading.pdf
2/2/2015 7:13 PM 171270 23225_writing test questions.pdf
2/2/2015 8:43 PM 712315 23243_Teaching Adult Students.pdf
2/4/2015 5:33 PM 308029 23279_Improving.pdf
2/4/2015 5:37 PM 196761 23280_3 strategies.pdf
2/5/2015 7:46 PM 192434 23281_phone book.pdf
2/4/2015 5:42 PM 247300 23282_KWLs.pdf
2/5/2015 7:28 PM 176441 23339_Classroom management.pdf
2/5/2015 7:44 PM 164690 23340_Learning That Lasts.pdf
2/5/2015 7:44 PM 1314647 23341_Preceptor.pdf
2/5/2015 7:45 PM 808430 23342_Strategies.pdf
2/11/2015 2:39 PM 12454 23434_Educator's Day 2015.docx
3/2/2016 5:39 PM 223619 29931_cell phones.pdf.pdf
3/8/2016 3:59 PM 108143 30018_Effective queationing techniques.pdf
3/8/2016 4:01 PM 108143 30019_Effective questioning techniques.pdf
3/8/2016 5:31 PM 688587 30021_How to Give Better Feedback.pdf
3/8/2016 5:37 PM 312685 30022_Characteristics of Effective Teachers.pdf
3/8/2016 6:35 PM 108143 30024_Effective Questioning Techniques.pdf
3/8/2016 8:12 PM 388777 30026_10 Activities to Make Lectures Interactive.pdf
3/8/2016 10:50 PM 267650 30033_Improving Student Achievement with Effective Learn.pdf
6/28/2018 7:56 PM 27185 48840_PPM Observation form.docx
1/23/2019 7:50 PM 21946 53378_WBC OBSERVATION.docx
1/23/2019 7:57 PM 19316 53379_FLU OBSERVATION.docx
11/1/2019 5:44 PM 27185 58874_STL LABPOC PPM Observation form.docx
6/24/2021 8:07 PM 26134 71323_STL LABPOC PPM Observation Form.docx