- /ltac/docs/custom/783/

[To Parent Directory]

12/4/2012 5:09 PM 171 10680_eclipse_bcn.asx
12/4/2012 5:09 PM 192 10680_vacutainer_bc.asx
12/11/2012 1:18 PM 192 10749_vacutainer_bc.asx
12/11/2012 1:03 PM 207 10750_vacutainer_push_button_bcs.asx
2/25/2014 3:38 PM 171 17779_eclipse_bcn.asx
2/25/2014 3:47 PM 207 17780_vacutainer_push_button_bcs.asx
2/25/2014 4:12 PM 782590 17781_4PreventingNeedlesticksPartIII.pptx
4/28/2016 6:58 PM 207 30935_vacutainer_push_button_bcs.asx
5/3/2016 7:03 PM 782132 31013_4PreventingNeedlesticksPartIII.pptx
5/6/2016 5:35 PM 429794 31095_CDC Packaging_Shipping.pdf
5/10/2016 3:36 PM 23030209 31125_BD_PushButton_V3_LowRes_080313_Original.mp4
6/1/2016 3:43 PM 161726 31488_Latex Allergy - A Prevention Guide.pdf
6/1/2016 3:45 PM 562347 31488_What is a Latex allergy.pdf
9/12/2016 7:38 PM 14708 33701_READ ME FOR HAND WASHING TRAINING.docx
9/12/2016 7:51 PM 1425595 33702_Tourniquet Review.pptx
9/16/2016 2:47 PM 2948100 33776_Emergency Eyewash Training.12.18.12.pptx
9/16/2016 3:54 PM 2948100 33777_Emergency Eyewash Training.12.18.12.pptx
5/4/2017 6:28 PM 525824 39456_PPEslides-CDC without test and answers.ppt
5/4/2017 5:45 PM 1556480 39456_PPEslides-CDC.ppt
5/12/2017 5:47 PM 529408 39573_PPEslides-CDC without test and answers.ppt
8/28/2017 3:43 PM 23030209 41621_BD_PushButton_V3_LowRes_080313_Original.mp4
9/18/2017 12:20 PM 2948100 42873_Emergency Eyewash Training.12.18.12.pptx
9/18/2017 7:20 PM 1425595 42908_Tourniquet Review.pptx
10/13/2017 3:01 PM 8170 43256_content.htm
10/13/2017 3:14 PM 10489 43256_Course Launch CDC Hand Hygiene Interactive Educat.htm
10/13/2017 2:20 PM 77060 43256_Hand Hygiene Interactive Education _ CDC-2.PDF
10/13/2017 2:33 PM 44659 43256_Hand Hygiene Interactive Education _ CDC.pdf
11/30/2017 8:53 PM 14493 43656_Hand Washing.docx
11/2/2017 7:46 PM 1627648 43656_hand_hygiene_supplement.ppt
12/28/2017 7:36 PM 1980445 44945_Sharps Injury Prevention.ppt.pdf
5/22/2018 2:16 PM 723196 48219_HematomaPrevention.pdf
6/8/2018 5:12 PM 617710 48453_AcceptableVenipunctureSites.pdf
7/19/2018 6:17 PM 562347 49745_What is a Latex allergy.pdf
9/21/2018 1:01 PM 1425595 50738_Tourniquet Review.pptx
1/3/2019 8:02 PM 2005583 52766_44945_Sharps Injury Prevention.ppt.pdf
1/3/2019 7:41 PM 723813 52766_NeedlesStickPrevention.pdf
1/3/2019 8:11 PM 12999 52772_33701_READ ME FOR HAND WASHING TRAINING (1).docx
2/4/2019 2:04 PM 55510 53600_UA-SOP-3.2 Manual Urine Microscopic Procedure.docx
2/7/2019 3:32 PM 805519 53734_TourniquetTime.pdf
2/7/2019 4:35 PM 723813 53736_NeedlesStickPrevention.pdf
8/21/2019 7:38 PM 723196 57831_HematomaPrevention.pdf
8/22/2019 6:39 PM 617365 57866_Hemolysis.pdf
8/23/2019 1:50 PM 617958 57880_PatientIdentification.pdf
8/23/2019 2:18 PM 533851 57881_BloodCulturesDoneRight.pdf
8/23/2019 3:02 PM 742595 57882_Hemoconcentration.pdf
8/23/2019 3:24 PM 572629 57883_AggressivePatients.pdf
8/23/2019 4:04 PM 584480 57884_CommunicatingWithElderlyPatients.pdf
8/23/2019 5:48 PM 612297 57886_PersonalSpace.pdf
8/23/2019 6:01 PM 696651 57887_NonVerbalCommunication.pdf
8/23/2019 6:26 PM 714672 57889_CathetersAndPorts.pdf
8/23/2019 6:40 PM 714672 57890_CathetersAndPorts.pdf
8/26/2019 6:59 PM 636246 57909_InfantsAndToddlers.pdf
9/25/2019 2:21 PM 546131 58325_TDMs.pdf
10/3/2019 2:51 PM 678472 58455_CustomerServiceExcellence.pdf
10/9/2019 4:59 PM 766719 58533_PathogenParade.pdf
11/8/2019 7:22 PM 685246 58988_SuccessfulCapillaryCollections.pdf
11/22/2019 3:40 PM 538968 59198_BloodbornePathogenReview.pdf
2/3/2020 4:32 PM 589835 61224_DrawingFromYoungChildren.pdf
2/3/2020 4:47 PM 699841 61225_OrderOfDraw.pdf
2/3/2020 6:26 PM 647543 61228_Geriatric Phlebotomy.pdf
4/3/2020 6:57 PM 221154 62273_spill kit instructions.pdf
4/3/2020 7:22 PM 1372620 62273_Spill Kit.jpg
4/3/2020 7:25 PM 221154 62277_spill kit instructions.pdf
4/3/2020 7:27 PM 1372620 62279_Spill Kit.jpg
8/25/2021 3:39 PM 2939980 70437_42873_Emergency Eyewash Training.12.18.12.pptx
9/1/2021 4:56 PM 224831 73374_62277_spill kit instructions.pdf
9/1/2021 5:02 PM 1372620 73375_Spill Kit.jpg
10/3/2022 5:40 PM 23030209 81951_BD_PushButton_V3_LowRes_080313_Original.mp4
10/3/2022 4:29 PM 2939980 81952_42873_Emergency Eyewash Training.12.18.12.pptx
10/3/2022 4:43 PM 524288 81954_39573_PPEslides-CDC without test and answers updat.ppt
10/3/2022 5:55 PM 2005583 81955_44945_Sharps Injury Prevention.ppt.pdf
10/3/2022 4:47 PM 224831 81956_62277_spill kit instructions.pdf
10/3/2022 4:50 PM 1372620 81957_Spill Kit.jpg
10/3/2022 6:18 PM 617710 81965_AcceptableVenipunctureSites.pdf
10/3/2022 6:29 PM 685246 81966_SuccessfulCapillaryCollections.pdf
9/21/2018 1:01 PM 1425595 82178_50738_Tourniquet Review.pptx