- /ltac/docs/custom/3266/
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8/27/2020 3:03 PM 84158 65350_Chemistry Calibration Procedure.docx
3/1/2021 5:29 PM 6510159 68448_Collector Training 03.2021.pptm
1/26/2021 2:39 PM 13364023 68448_CopiaClientPortalGuide.pdf
2/17/2021 5:48 PM 566774 68800_Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) (1) (1).pptx
2/10/2021 12:45 PM 568377 68800_Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) (1).pptx
2/15/2021 7:05 PM 2528827 68915_ManifestandCollection.pptx
2/27/2021 11:54 PM 2522077 69118_Collector Training (1).pptm
3/1/2021 5:31 PM 6510128 69135_Collector Training 03.2021.pptm
3/1/2021 6:35 PM 6510128 69138_Collector Training 03.2021.pptm
3/3/2021 11:41 PM 6510185 69203_sales training slides.pptm
3/4/2021 12:18 AM 14067480 69204_CopiaClientPortalGuide.pdf
3/15/2021 6:28 PM 6702122 69412_Client Services Training Slides.pptm
3/17/2021 3:10 AM 6465272 69478_Processing Training Slides.pptm
3/21/2021 11:19 PM 930401 69618_COVID WORKFLOW 2021.docx
3/21/2021 11:38 PM 807702 69619_Non COVID ORCHARD Work Flow.docx
3/24/2021 12:48 PM 1000186 69658_2021-03-22 Helix Dx - Employee Ethics Compliance .pdf
7/14/2021 7:31 PM 8908 72344_Emails training.prproj
8/2/2021 5:48 PM 192939 72950_Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Control Plan-SAF.PY.002..docx
8/2/2021 6:05 PM 302485 72950_Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Control Plan-SAF.PY.002..pdf
8/4/2021 7:18 PM 499129 73000_Emergency Preparedness Plan for Helix Diagnostics..pdf
9/9/2021 7:17 PM 730879 73458_LC.PY.001.r01 Code of Business Conduct and Ethics .pdf
9/10/2021 12:39 PM 1070717 73472_LC.PY.003.r00 PHI Release Requests.pdf
9/10/2021 12:42 PM 1230471 73473_LC.PY.005.r00 NPI Lookup.pdf
9/10/2021 12:43 PM 788817 73474_LC.PY.006.r01 HIPAA Privacy Education and Training.pdf
9/10/2021 12:45 PM 1801259 73475_LC.PY.007.r00 Laboratory Standing Blanket Order.pd.pdf
9/10/2021 12:46 PM 451037 73476_LC.PY.008.r00 Privacy Rules.pdf
9/10/2021 12:48 PM 394772 73477_LC.PY.009.r00 Security Rules.pdf
9/10/2021 12:49 PM 725926 73478_LC.PY.010.r00 HIPAA Physical Assessment Policy.pdf
9/10/2021 12:50 PM 241905 73479_LC.PY.011.r00 Conflict of Interest.pdf
9/10/2021 12:51 PM 794305 73480_LC.PY.012.r00 Business Associate Agreements.pdf
9/10/2021 12:52 PM 1416696 73481_LC.PY.014.r00 Contract Management.pdf
9/22/2021 4:23 PM 789878 73657_LC.PY.013.r00 Non Monetary Compensation Policy.pdf
11/5/2021 2:47 PM 794305 74429_73480_LC.PY.012.r00 Business Associate Agreements .pdf
12/13/2021 3:00 PM 572243 75126_68800_Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) (1) (1).pp.pptx
2/21/2022 5:43 PM 186822 77507_Buccal Swab Procedure .pdf
2/21/2022 6:04 PM 186822 77507_Buccal Swab Procedure.pdf
2/21/2022 6:04 PM 191640 77507_Guardian Collection and Ordering.pdf
2/21/2022 6:06 PM 120364 77508_Buccal Swab Checklist (002).pdf
2/21/2022 6:08 PM 191640 77509_Guardian Collection and Ordering.pdf
3/25/2022 5:30 PM 2860 78061_index.html
6/8/2022 1:48 PM 1671462 79153_Helix Compliance Training updated 4.18.22 (1).pdf
6/8/2022 1:54 PM 224246 79154_2022-04-19 In Office Collector Training.pdf
3/1/2021 6:35 PM 6510128 83165_69138_Collector Training 03.2021.pptm
6/8/2022 1:48 PM 1671462 83169_79153_Helix Compliance Training updated 4.18.22 (1).pdf
3/24/2021 12:48 PM 1000186 83170_69658_2021-03-22 Helix Dx - Employee Ethics Compliance .pdf
9/10/2021 12:43 PM 788817 83175_73474_LC.PY.006.r01 HIPAA Privacy Education and Training.pdf
9/9/2021 7:17 PM 730879 83176_73458_LC.PY.001.r01 Code of Business Conduct and Ethics .pdf
9/10/2021 12:51 PM 794305 83177_73480_LC.PY.012.r00 Business Associate Agreements.pdf
9/10/2021 12:50 PM 241905 83178_73479_LC.PY.011.r00 Conflict of Interest.pdf
9/10/2021 12:52 PM 1416696 83179_73481_LC.PY.014.r00 Contract Management.pdf
9/10/2021 12:49 PM 725926 83181_73478_LC.PY.010.r00 HIPAA Physical Assessment Policy.pdf
9/10/2021 12:46 PM 451037 83182_73476_LC.PY.008.r00 Privacy Rules.pdf
9/10/2021 12:48 PM 394772 83183_73477_LC.PY.009.r00 Security Rules.pdf
3/1/2021 5:31 PM 6510128 83196_69135_Collector Training 03.2021.pptm
2/2/2023 4:02 PM 224727 84231_2023 In Office Collector Training updated 01.31.23.pdf
2/2/2023 3:01 PM 1111725 84231_2023 In Office Collector Training updated 01.31.23.pptx
2/2/2023 3:07 PM 1725414 84232_2023- Helix Compliance Training updated 01.31.23.p.pdf
2/2/2023 3:02 PM 3116263 84232_2023- Helix Compliance Training updated 01.31.23.p.pptx
3/6/2023 3:31 PM 38186 84509_COL.JA.001.r00 Complete Lab Order Requirements.pdf
3/6/2023 3:45 PM 62968 84511_COL.JA.005.r00POCT.pdf
3/6/2023 3:59 PM 44018 84512_COL.JA.008.r00 Centrifuge Operating Instructions.p.pdf
3/6/2023 4:09 PM 266608 84513_COL.JA.010.r00Bagging of Specimens.pdf
3/6/2023 4:55 PM 299990 84515_COL.PY.012.r00 Venipuncture Fees.pdf
3/6/2023 6:07 PM 216642 84516_COL.JA.013.r00Sendout Ordering.pdf
3/6/2023 7:19 PM 238564 84517_COL.JA.014.r00Beginning and End of Day.pdf
3/6/2023 4:34 PM 225548 84754_COL.JA.011.r00Labeling of Paperwork.pdf
3/6/2023 6:52 PM 28479 84765_COL.JA.004.r00 Recollects Redraws.pdf
3/6/2023 7:58 PM 273365 84766_COL.JA.002.r00 Proper Documentation for Laboratory.pdf
4/18/2024 4:51 PM 661383 89869_2024 In Office Collector Training.pptx
3/8/2024 3:06 PM 2670124 89870_2024 April Compliance Training.pptx
4/18/2024 4:50 PM 2667183 89870_2024 Compliance Training.pptx