- /ltac/docs/custom/865/
[To Parent Directory]
10/24/2012 11:34 PM 196842 10203_POCT STREP A.pptx
10/24/2012 11:38 PM 196842 10204_POCT STREP A.pptx
4/4/2013 7:45 PM 310118 12495_POCT Fecal Occult Blood Test.pptx
4/4/2013 8:00 PM 93339 12498_POCT Nitrazine.pptx
4/4/2013 8:05 PM 93339 12499_POCT Nitrazine.pptx
4/4/2013 8:12 PM 93339 12500_POCT Nitrazine.pptx
4/4/2013 8:16 PM 209518 12501_POCT Pregnancy Testing.pptx
4/4/2013 8:20 PM 215294 12502_POCT MANUAL DIPSTICK URINALYSIS.pptx
4/15/2013 6:18 PM 204533 12590_12501_POCT Pregnancy Testing[1].pptx
4/15/2013 7:41 PM 204533 12590_POCT Pregnancy Testing[1].pptx
4/15/2013 8:48 PM 215282 12592_POCT MANUAL DIPSTICK URINALYSIS[1].pptx
4/15/2013 10:14 PM 204759 12593_POCT Pregnancy Testing[1].pptx
4/15/2013 9:25 PM 93407 12595_POCT Nitrazine[1].pptx
4/22/2013 6:15 PM 1844911 12668_Abbot Xceed Pro.pdf
4/22/2013 9:25 PM 354704 12670_POCT Gastroccult Test.pptx
4/22/2013 7:46 PM 201055 12674_POCT STREP A.pptx
4/22/2013 10:52 PM 346042 12676_POCT Hemosure.pptx
4/22/2013 8:58 PM 303751 12678_POCT Fecal Occult Blood Test.pptx
8/13/2013 5:10 PM 274302 14788_POCT Osom hCG.pptx
1/23/2014 10:28 PM 354704 17265_POCT Gastroccult Test.pptx
1/23/2014 10:47 PM 37059 17266_Abbott Precision Policy.docx
1/23/2014 10:48 PM 346042 17267_POCT Hemosure.pptx
1/23/2014 10:51 PM 93339 17268_POCT Nitrazine.pptx
1/23/2014 11:00 PM 274302 17269_POCT Osom hCG.pptx
1/23/2014 11:02 PM 201078 17270_POCT STREP A.pptx
1/23/2014 11:10 PM 215294 17271_POCT MANUAL DIPSTICK URINALYSIS.pptx
8/15/2014 9:38 PM 747373 20336_POCT EHR Patient Result Entry.pptx
3/23/2015 3:39 PM 38586 22028_2 - Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Whole Blood Monitor.docx
3/23/2015 6:21 PM 747474 22035_POCT EHR Patient Result Entry.pptx
12/18/2014 4:27 PM 354704 22036_POCT Gastroccult Test.pptx
12/18/2014 4:28 PM 346042 22037_POCT Hemosure.pptx
12/18/2014 4:31 PM 93339 22038_POCT Nitrazine.pptx
12/18/2014 4:36 PM 274302 22039_POCT Osom hCG.pptx
12/18/2014 4:38 PM 201078 22040_POCT STREP A.pptx
12/18/2014 4:39 PM 215294 22041_POCT MANUAL DIPSTICK URINALYSIS.pptx
1/14/2016 11:38 PM 38440 29091_2 - Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Whole Blood Monitor092015.docx
1/14/2016 11:45 PM 494786 29092_9 - POC Lab Entry Button Procedure 092015.docx
1/14/2016 11:47 PM 82266 29093_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 092015.rtf
1/14/2016 11:48 PM 784085 29094_3 - Manual Urine Dipstick revised 0092015.docx
1/21/2016 10:24 PM 125834 29219_7 - Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and pH 06252014.rtf
1/21/2016 10:25 PM 509269 29220_6 - iFOB Poct revised 092015.docx
1/21/2016 10:26 PM 25247 29221_4 - OSMO Pregnancy Test Revised 2015.docx
1/21/2016 10:26 PM 66048 29222_5 - Biostar Rapid Strep Test revised 092015.doc
1/6/2017 10:58 PM 494786 36037_9 - POC Lab Entry Button Procedure 092015.docx
1/6/2017 10:57 PM 29191 36038_Consult Diagnostics Pregnancy Test Revised
1/6/2017 10:50 PM 38440 36039_2 - Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Whole Blood Monitor092015.docx
1/30/2017 9:38 PM 125834 36706_7 - Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and pH 06252014.rtf
1/30/2017 9:39 PM 509269 36707_6 - iFOB Poct revised 092015.docx
1/30/2017 9:40 PM 82266 36708_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 092015.rtf
1/30/2017 9:42 PM 784085 36709_3 - Manual Urine Dipstick revised 0092015.docx
1/30/2017 9:43 PM 66048 36710_5 - Biostar Rapid Strep Test revised 092015.doc
8/22/2017 11:11 PM 1929620 42410_Roche ACCU-CHEK Inform II Glucose.pdf
9/8/2017 10:35 PM 1929620 42737_Roche ACCU-CHEK Inform II Glucose.pdf
2/1/2018 8:22 PM 494786 46288_9 - POC Lab Entry Button Procedure 092015.docx
2/1/2018 8:28 PM 125834 46289_7 - Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and .rtf
2/1/2018 8:30 PM 509269 46290_6 - iFOB Poct revised 092015.docx
2/1/2018 8:31 PM 82266 46291_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 092015.rtf
2/1/2018 8:32 PM 66048 46292_5 - Biostar Rapid Strep Test revised 092015.doc
2/1/2018 8:34 PM 784085 46293_3 - Manual Urine Dipstick revised 0092015.docx
4/16/2019 5:42 PM 23544 46294_4 - Consult Diagnostics Pregnancy Test Revised 201.docx
2/1/2018 8:35 PM 25261 46294_4 - OSMO Pregnancy Test Revised 2015.docx
2/1/2018 8:52 PM 25261 46295_4 - OSMO Pregnancy Test Revised 2015.docx
5/16/2019 11:39 PM 127133 54948_7 - Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and .rtf
7/9/2019 10:13 PM 489949 55018_9 - POC Lab Entry Button Procedure 022018.docx
5/16/2019 11:42 PM 421134 55084_6 - iFOB Poct revised 062018.docx
5/16/2019 11:56 PM 84468 55085_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 022018.rtf
5/16/2019 11:58 PM 67584 55086_5 - Biostar Rapid Strep Test revised 022018.doc
4/16/2019 5:41 PM 778441 55087_3 - Manual Urine Dipstick revised 022018.docx
7/2/2019 5:10 PM 23544 56625_46294_4 - Consult Diagnostics Pregnancy Test Revis.docx
5/28/2020 6:45 PM 489949 63210_9 - POC Lab Entry Button Procedure 022018.docx
5/28/2020 6:47 PM 127133 63211_7 - Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and .rtf
5/28/2020 6:49 PM 421134 63212_6 - iFOB Poct revised 062018.docx
5/28/2020 6:49 PM 84468 63213_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 022018.rtf
5/28/2020 6:50 PM 139776 63214_2 - Accu-Chek Inform II Procedure.doc
5/28/2020 6:51 PM 67584 63214_5 - Biostar Rapid Strep Test revised 022018.doc
5/28/2020 6:53 PM 778441 63216_3 - Manual Urine Dipstick revised 022018.docx
5/28/2020 6:54 PM 23544 63217_4 - Consult Diagnostics Pregnancy Test Revised 201.docx
6/9/2020 5:08 PM 139776 63382_2 - Accu-Chek Inform II Procedure.doc
2/17/2022 7:46 PM 139776 70959_Accu-Chek Inform II Procedure.doc
2/17/2022 7:46 PM 489949 72442_EHR Patient Result Entry.docx
2/17/2022 7:46 PM 127133 72443_Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and .rtf
7/28/2021 10:49 PM 139776 72673_2 - Accu-Chek Inform II Procedure.doc
7/28/2021 10:29 PM 489949 72674_9 - POC Lab Entry Button Procedure 022018.docx
7/28/2021 10:29 PM 127133 72675_7 - Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and .rtf
7/28/2021 10:31 PM 421134 72676_6 - iFOB Poct revised 062018.docx
7/28/2021 10:37 PM 84468 72677_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 022018.rtf
7/28/2021 10:38 PM 67584 72678_5 - Biostar Rapid Strep Test revised 022018.doc
7/28/2021 10:39 PM 778441 72679_3 - Manual Urine Dipstick revised 022018.docx
7/28/2021 10:40 PM 23544 72680_4 - Consult Diagnostics Pregnancy Test Revised 201.docx
6/24/2022 7:30 PM 139776 79577_2 - Accu-Chek Inform II Procedure.doc
7/7/2022 3:45 PM 2406108 80561_PPM Procedures HOPI.docx
2/17/2022 7:46 PM 489949 82643_72442_EHR Patient Result Entry.docx
2/17/2022 7:46 PM 127133 82644_72443_Gastroccult Test for Gastric Occult Blood and .rtf
1/17/2023 10:45 PM 216004 83828_Hemosure Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test.pdf
1/23/2023 5:11 PM 209695 83828_Hemosure® Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test 01.pdf
1/20/2023 6:06 PM 92134 83933_8 - Hydrion (Nitrazine) Paper 01202023.rtf
1/20/2023 6:48 PM 131404 83933_Hydrion (Nitrazine) pH Paper 01202023.pdf
1/20/2023 8:55 PM 333195 83940_Electronic Health Record POC Lab Entry Button for .pdf
1/20/2023 10:06 PM 324336 83944_Manual Dipstick Urinalysis Procedure 01202023.pdf
1/20/2023 11:04 PM 195450 83945_Urine Pregnancy Testing (hCG) 01202023.pdf
1/23/2023 5:26 PM 241897 83963_Biostar Acceava Rapid Strep A Test 01232023.pdf
1/23/2023 6:20 PM 151304 83970_Interdisciplinary Waived Testing Policy 01232023.p.pdf
1/24/2023 6:42 PM 487324 84027_Gastroccult® Test for Gastric Occult Blood and pH .pdf
2/24/2023 7:29 PM 215475 84655_Roche Accu-Chek Inform II Glucose Meter 02222023.p.pdf
2/9/2024 7:10 PM 493347 89456_Gastroccult- 2024.pdf
2/9/2024 7:55 PM 134313 89457_Hydrion -Nitrazine- pH Paper-2024.pdf
2/9/2024 8:18 PM 215173 89459_Hemosure-2024.pdf
2/23/2024 11:04 PM 320590 89699_Electronic Health Record POC Lab Entry-2024.pdf
2/23/2024 11:14 PM 247103 89703_Acceava Rapid Strep A Test-2024.pdf
2/23/2024 11:43 PM 219223 89704_Roche Accu-Chek Inform II Glucose Meter-2024.pdf
2/24/2024 12:16 AM 330158 89706_Manual Dipstick Urinalysis Procedure-2024.pdf
2/24/2024 12:27 AM 202032 89707_Urine Pregnancy Testing-2024.pdf
2/27/2024 4:12 PM 158441 89730_Interdisciplinary Waived Testing Policy-2024.pdf
2/27/2024 4:11 PM 131419 89730_Waived Testing - Handling- Testing & Reporting PT-.pdf
2/27/2024 4:35 PM 131419 89731_Waived Testing - Handling- Testing & Reporting PT-.pdf
2/29/2024 9:43 PM 261507 89769_Interdisciplinary Blood Product Transfusion Policy.pdf