- /ltac/docs/custom/1875/
[To Parent Directory]
11/25/2013 3:52 AM 38400 16014_Patient Identification Procedure Updated.doc
11/25/2013 4:20 AM 38400 16015_Patient Identification Procedure Updated.doc
11/26/2013 8:17 PM 49152 16031_Patient Identification Procedure NL.doc
11/26/2013 8:20 PM 46080 16032_ARC Procedure NL.doc
11/27/2013 2:48 AM 48640 16041_Patient Misidentification Response Procedure NL.doc
11/27/2013 3:23 AM 48640 16042_Misidentification.doc
12/2/2013 10:05 PM 51712 16077_Laboratory General Spec Collection.doc
3/24/2014 5:59 AM 11191575 18143_Mobile Phlebotomy Log Training.pdf
7/7/2014 1:29 AM 57856 19611_Maximum lift policy.doc
7/7/2014 1:35 AM 66048 19612_Segregation of waste memo 2014-1.doc
11/12/2014 4:07 PM 45568 21390_Patient Identification Procedure Update 11-12-14.d.doc
11/12/2014 3:28 PM 45056 21390_Patient Identification Procedure Update 11-12-14.doc
11/12/2014 4:37 PM 191244 21393_Utility Knife Safety.pdf
12/17/2014 8:22 PM 728034 22023_Supervisor Training-MTS.pptx
12/17/2014 8:28 PM 948445 22024_Supervisor Training-MTS PDF.pdf
12/17/2014 8:36 PM 948445 22025_Supervisor Training-MTS PDF.pdf
12/22/2014 1:06 AM 41472 22058_Monthly Supervisor Report Training-MTS.xls
9/17/2015 4:08 PM 59717 26984_What is Time Management.docx
9/17/2015 4:22 PM 49664 26985_Misidentification Response.doc
9/17/2015 4:35 PM 49664 26988_Misidentification Procedure.doc
10/16/2015 9:29 PM 1379148 27349_geriatric venipunctures.pdf
6/21/2017 3:13 PM 198392 30900_OSHA GHS Quick Card.jpg
6/9/2016 4:15 PM 60416 31597_Safety Rules 2014b.doc
8/12/2016 5:32 PM 15494 33306_Mock Collection video link.docx
9/13/2016 3:37 PM 107526 33724_StarkandAKSChartHandout.pdf
9/27/2016 10:18 PM 276079 33898_Introduction to BBPL Phlebotomy edit.pptx
9/27/2016 6:35 PM 295029 33898_Introduction to BBPL Phlebotomy.pptx
9/27/2016 6:37 PM 253789 33899_Infection Control.pptx
9/27/2016 6:40 PM 16710 33901_Infection Control Exercise.docx
9/28/2016 7:03 PM 2494464 33921_Unit 2A Anatomy and Physiology.ppt
9/28/2016 7:51 PM 4819968 33924_Unit 2B Circulatory System.ppt
9/28/2016 7:53 PM 1426944 33925_Unit 7 Quality Assurance and Legal Issues.ppt
9/29/2016 5:18 PM 747008 33937_AgeSpecificPhlebotomy_revJan2016.ppt
9/29/2016 5:20 PM 1205479 33938_Greiner Tube Chart.pdf
9/29/2016 7:05 PM 103369 33938_Order_of_Draw_A4_Poster_rev01_0116_en.pdf
9/29/2016 5:30 PM 2792448 33939_Venipuncture September 2016.doc
9/29/2016 8:41 PM 1645234 33952_vacuette blood collection techniques.pdf
9/29/2016 8:37 PM 332506 33964_NKH_UnderfilledTubes.pdf
9/29/2016 7:01 PM 569206 33968_1102001R1_PA_Pulse-Good_Phlebotomy_V4 (2).pdf
9/29/2016 7:19 PM 988160 33969_phb_overview_of_the_profession.ppt
9/29/2016 8:07 PM 455506 33972_mlm_1410_laberrors_lawsuits_cs.pdf
9/29/2016 8:14 PM 3677696 33973_Preanalytic variables.ppt
9/29/2016 8:18 PM 289424 33974_Processing.pptx
9/29/2016 8:21 PM 101376 33975_The Practice of Phlebotomy.doc
9/29/2016 9:23 PM 8683520 33977_venipuncture equipment.ppt
9/29/2016 10:28 PM 8793088 33978_venipuncture procedure.ppt
9/29/2016 10:10 PM 26112 33979_blood culture specimen collection study questions..doc
9/29/2016 10:14 PM 24576 33980_Specimen Processing Exercise.doc
9/29/2016 10:18 PM 39936 33981_Legal and Regulatory Issues09292016.doc
9/29/2016 10:23 PM 29450 33982_ComplicationsInSpecimenCollection.docx
9/30/2016 4:47 PM 364216 33997_GML Tracking SOP Ship.docx
9/30/2016 4:45 PM 241895 33998_GML Tracking SOP - Receive.docx
10/13/2016 3:28 PM 30208 34182_escreen dot instructions.doc
10/13/2016 3:29 PM 88157 34183_Alere_eScreen_Clinic_eCCF_Training_910960.pdf
10/13/2016 3:38 PM 123925 34184_eScreen123 Federal eCCF TIP SHEET OCT 2015.pdf
10/26/2016 8:57 PM 27961 34408_MEMORANDUM Blood Cult Vol 10.2016.docx
10/26/2016 9:00 PM 56873 34409_BLOOD CULTURE SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS.docx
10/26/2016 9:01 PM 23040 34410_Blood Cult Vol Results 10.2016.xls
11/8/2016 5:15 PM 1131521 34621_butterfly quickcard.pdf
2/28/2017 8:18 PM 361196 37323_OSHA3745 required reporting (2).pdf
3/6/2017 4:57 PM 77723 37439_QTF-TB INCUBATION AND PROCESSING SOP.docx
3/6/2017 5:41 PM 210456 37439_QTF-TB INCUBATION AND PROCESSING SOP.pdf
3/8/2017 4:44 PM 211007 37473_STAT Procedure SOP.pdf
3/20/2017 6:39 PM 218410 37941_STAT Procedure SOP.pdf
4/5/2017 3:08 PM 231947 39049_Specimen Receipt Verification for Interface Client.pdf
4/14/2017 4:15 PM 275179 39205_Exception Handling and Resolution SOP.pdf
6/8/2017 7:05 PM 953638 40233_Safety Tool Box Talks June 2017.pdf
6/15/2017 3:35 PM 953638 40381_Safety Tool Box Talks June 2017.pdf
8/10/2017 1:50 AM 149813 42203_Station 1 SOP.pdf
8/10/2017 2:35 AM 206773 42204_RHS Specimens to State SOP.pdf
8/23/2017 10:37 PM 109792 42421_Confidentiality of Information.pdf
8/23/2017 10:39 PM 183582 42422_Personal Protective Equipment.pdf
8/23/2017 10:36 PM 108866 42423_Bloodborne Pathogens.pdf
8/23/2017 10:39 PM 41950 42424_Regulated medical waste SOP.pdf
8/23/2017 10:41 PM 109740 42425_Third Party Logistics Sign In and Sign Out SOP.pdf
8/23/2017 10:38 PM 132874 42426_Materials of Trade SOP.pdf
8/23/2017 10:40 PM 134156 42427_STAT Procedure SOP 1.2.pdf
8/23/2017 10:41 PM 119779 42428_Will Calls for Specimen Pickups Procedure SOP.pdf
8/23/2017 10:40 PM 124861 42429_Station 1 SOP.pdf
8/23/2017 10:38 PM 118135 42430_GML Tracking SOP - Receive.pdf
10/9/2017 4:52 PM 109310 42431_Slide Distribution Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 1:54 PM 27148 42649_34408_MEMORANDUM Blood Cult Vol 10.2016 (1).docx
9/6/2017 7:02 PM 262346 42689_Urine Toxicology SOP 1.2.pdf
9/13/2017 7:11 PM 126470 42808_Compliance 2017.pptx
9/25/2017 7:02 PM 140957 42968_Processing Specimens.pdf
9/25/2017 7:04 PM 124265 42969_Antrim Navigation Basics.pdf
9/25/2017 7:05 PM 35466 42970_Lines 13,14,remarks,notes SOP.pdf
9/25/2017 7:06 PM 200488 42971_Antrim order entry SOP.pdf
9/25/2017 7:07 PM 212895 42972_L4 Order Entry.pdf
9/25/2017 7:08 PM 175564 42973_Specimen Receipt Verification.pdf
10/10/2017 4:30 PM 180338 43184_Specimens to State SOP.pdf
10/17/2017 5:36 PM 127125 43336_Histo-Tissue and Non-GYN Cytology SOP.pdf
10/17/2017 6:02 PM 128096 43339_Bone Marrow Procedure.pdf
10/17/2017 6:44 PM 275179 43340_Exception Handling and Resolution SOP.pdf
10/25/2017 5:14 PM 1077594 43462_OSHAquickfacts-lab-safety-cryogens-dryice.pdf
10/26/2017 4:39 PM 49664 43487_16077_Laboratory General Spec Collection (1).doc
10/27/2017 6:41 PM 113522 43492_13 Coordinator SOP.pdf
10/27/2017 6:42 PM 198248 43493_14 Management Daily Audits.pdf
10/27/2017 6:42 PM 175925 43494_15 Resolving Not on File Manifest for Interface Cl.pdf
10/27/2017 6:43 PM 53620 43495_21 Microbiology Order Entry.pdf
10/27/2017 6:44 PM 190249 43496_22 Urine Toxicology SOP 1.2.pdf
10/27/2017 6:44 PM 150168 43497_23 Cytology, PAPs.pdf
10/27/2017 6:45 PM 321657 43498_24 TOMCAT Procedure.pdf
10/27/2017 6:45 PM 147363 43499_25 Histo-Tissue and Non-GYN Cytology SOP.pdf
10/27/2017 6:46 PM 133380 43500_26 Bone Marrow Procedure.pdf
10/27/2017 6:46 PM 303966 43501_27 Processing and Disposition of Flow Specimens Fl.pdf
10/27/2017 6:48 PM 117742 43503_30 24Hr Urine Procedure.pdf
10/27/2017 6:48 PM 139072 43504_31 Add Test Procedure.pdf
10/27/2017 6:48 PM 179461 43505_32 Exception Handling and RunHold Criteria.pdf
10/27/2017 6:49 PM 134126 43506_33 Requisition Imaging Procedure.pdf
10/27/2017 6:50 PM 46260 43507_34 Lab Inspection SOP.pdf
10/27/2017 6:50 PM 122253 43508_35 Centrifuge Use and Maintenance.pdf
10/27/2017 6:51 PM 38772 43509_36 Barcode Printer Maintenance.pdf
10/27/2017 6:51 PM 39242 43510_37 Eye Wash Maintenance.pdf
10/27/2017 6:52 PM 38255 43511_38 Scanner Maintenance.pdf
10/27/2017 6:52 PM 403507 43512_39 ManOverboard1.2 Policy.pdf
10/27/2017 6:53 PM 401329 43513_40 Processing MOB Procedure.pdf
10/27/2017 6:53 PM 47084 43514_41 Processing MOB Checklist.pdf
10/27/2017 6:37 PM 111335 43530_01 Confidentiality of Information.pdf
12/6/2017 9:39 PM 1925763 44397_Needle Stick Injury Prevention 2017.pptx
12/7/2017 9:42 PM 16358802 44398_VACUETTE Safety Blood Collection Set.mp4
12/11/2017 7:20 PM 1925475 44484_Needle Stick Injury Prevention 2017.pptx
1/9/2018 9:27 PM 4100712 45602_2018 January Safety Topic Winter Weather Walking.p.pdf
2/5/2018 6:57 PM 345738 46348_February Topic -Safe Winter Driving (2).docx
3/9/2018 4:13 PM 62157 47004_Urine Drug Screen Training 03.2018.docx
3/9/2018 4:14 PM 62157 47005_Urine Drug Screen Training 03.2018.docx
3/9/2018 4:17 PM 62157 47006_Urine Drug Screen Training 03.2018.docx
3/9/2018 4:12 PM 62157 47007_Urine Drug Screen Training 03.2018.docx
3/9/2018 4:15 PM 62157 47008_Urine Drug Screen Training 03.2018.docx
3/9/2018 4:16 PM 62157 47009_Urine Drug Screen Training 03.2018.docx
3/15/2018 6:59 PM 29524 47178_26985_Misidentification Response.docx
3/15/2018 7:42 PM 948445 47182_22024_Supervisor Training-MTS PDF.pdf
3/15/2018 8:47 PM 265210 47186_33899_Infection Control.pptx
3/15/2018 9:21 PM 2553856 47189_33921_Unit 2A Anatomy and Physiology.ppt
3/15/2018 9:23 PM 4577795 47190_33924_Unit 2B Circulatory System.pptx
3/19/2018 8:14 PM 49444 47230_33975_The Practice of Phlebotomy.docx
4/3/2018 7:47 PM 24764 47504_MEMORANDUM Blood Cult Vol 10 2017.docx
4/9/2018 4:25 PM 15539882 47558_April Disaster Prevention.pdf
4/27/2018 3:00 PM 1995684 47851_May Training lifing and protecting your spine.pdf
5/21/2018 9:22 PM 127122 48214_Payment Receipt.pdf
5/21/2018 9:30 PM 662894 48215_adminprinter@bbpllab.com_20180521_160425.pdf
5/23/2018 2:44 PM 11932129 48233_ConfrontingAdultAbuseinMO (1) Elder Abuse Awarenes.pptx
7/5/2018 2:40 PM 214878 49288_July 2018 Heat Related Illness (Safety).pdf
4/12/2012 8:54 PM 92160 8112_ACCIDENT.doc
6/12/2012 10:39 PM 137728 8580_June 2012 Phlebotomy Today Institutional.msg
7/26/2012 4:13 PM 113265 9271_phb_unit1LecPHBandtheHealthCareSettingSpring2011.p.pdf
7/26/2012 4:32 PM 213626 9272_phb_unit1LabInfectionControlSpring2012.docx
7/26/2012 6:23 PM 235918 9277_Proper-Technique.htm handwashing.htm
7/26/2012 6:29 PM 16357 9279_PLAB Phlebotomy Technician Program Unit 1 Objectiv.mht
9/25/2012 3:04 AM 849383 9837_QC Lecture Handout 09.pdf
9/25/2012 3:04 AM 849383 9838_QC Lecture Handout 09.pdf
9/25/2012 3:10 AM 59908 9839_Summary Acid Base Disturbances 07.pdf