- /ltac/docs/custom/2399/
[To Parent Directory]
12/3/2012 4:55 PM 187392 10272_Autofax.doc
2/5/2013 7:05 PM 57754 11614_auth of release of information.pdf
2/7/2013 4:05 PM 118217 11614_release of pt's results-2.pdf
2/6/2013 8:44 PM 29184 11614_Release of Results sec.doc
5/29/2013 6:56 PM 36352 13113_Medical Necessity Procedure For Medicare.doc
7/30/2013 2:44 PM 58880 14563_procedures for MTS test.doc
7/29/2013 5:24 PM 32256 14563_Silencer Centrifuge.doc
8/31/2015 5:10 PM 75264 14675_Gen.02.0037.02.Security and Alarms Policy.doc
8/31/2015 4:18 PM 67584 14675_Gen.02.0037.02.Security and Alarms.doc
8/7/2013 7:50 PM 171008 14676_Test Procedure
8/7/2013 7:55 PM 171008 14676_Test Procedure.doc
10/31/2013 6:50 PM 48640 15743_Gen.01.0010.02 CAP Terms of Accreditation.doc
11/15/2013 8:13 PM 74752 15920_Gen.02.0064.01 Core Lab Accumulation Tank pH Monit.doc
12/11/2013 5:36 PM 4553728 16200_Procedure for Test
12/11/2013 5:49 PM 40960 16200_test procedures.doc
1/29/2014 9:36 PM 52224 17371_Heme.03.0016.03.Post Vas Semen Analysis.doc
1/30/2014 8:18 PM 45056 17390_PP.01.0035.02.Faxing through Meditech.doc
2/10/2014 4:26 PM 36352 17560_PP.01.0054.02.NTD (Neural Tube Deficiencies) Colle.doc
2/17/2014 4:13 PM 44544 17646_Crit Result Not & Path Not.doc
2/13/2014 3:25 PM 44032 17646_Gen.01.0023.01.Critical Result Notification.doc
4/8/2014 5:36 PM 60416 18284_BB Alarm Info.doc
4/30/2014 7:37 PM 73216 18514_Gen.02.0037.02.Security and Alarms.doc
5/8/2014 3:40 PM 1538560 18542_Hemorrhage Protocol (MTS).doc
6/26/2014 5:33 PM 54784 19050_PP.01.0021.02.Collection Batch At Hosptial.doc
6/16/2014 4:15 PM 34304 19098_PP.01.0077.Pathology Specimen Transport Procedure..doc
7/9/2014 5:50 PM 58368 19511_Micro.05.0019.01.HCG Urine & Serum(Onc).doc
8/26/2014 8:11 PM 187904 20464_fax-multidoc
9/15/2014 6:48 PM 61440 20651_Phleb Test.doc
11/13/2014 9:20 PM 72192 21409_Essentials 2014.doc
12/8/2014 5:49 PM 40448 21664_Gram Stain Neat.doc
1/13/2015 4:51 PM 36352 22805_Medical Necessity Procedure For Medicare.doc
8/20/2015 1:45 PM 36352 26586_Checklist Pre and Post Procedure.doc revised.doc
10/27/2015 1:49 PM 41472 27427_PP.01.0050.01.Monitoring Temperature on Refrigerat.doc
11/18/2015 9:24 PM 13325 27747_Essentials 2015.docx
1/7/2016 6:13 PM 85504 28808_Heme.02.0029.01.Heparin Xa.doc
2/18/2016 9:38 PM 36864 29754_Seminal Fructose Procedure.doc
2/22/2016 9:01 PM 113072 29796_Zika Virus.pdf
3/4/2016 8:20 PM 21461 29986_Competency Document 2 (2).docx
3/28/2016 5:54 PM 1037110 30354_Coag QC for Operators.pdf
3/31/2016 8:57 PM 28738 30397_Heme.03.0023.02.Clinitek Status + Procedure.docx
4/5/2016 3:51 PM 69120 30449_3 Revised Urine Procedures.doc
4/11/2016 7:26 PM 2136326 30577_Weight Stigma Sensitivity Awareness 2015.pptx
4/13/2016 6:22 PM 29184 30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/12/2016 8:58 PM 23040 30593_Nancy-April.doc
4/12/2016 8:26 PM 11609 30593_Nancy-April.docx
4/12/2016 8:51 PM 22016 30593_Nancy-x.doc
4/12/2016 8:35 PM 10061 30593_Nancy-x.docx
4/12/2016 1:49 PM 981407 30593_Weight Stigma Sensitivity Awareness-x 2015.pdf
5/18/2017 3:39 PM 168883 30618_How to run a test using the cobas Liat System from.htm
5/22/2017 5:17 PM 248320 30618_Micro.06.0012.01.Liat FLU A-B.doc
4/12/2016 8:59 PM 23040 30618_Nancy-April.doc
4/12/2016 9:00 PM 36352 30618_Students 2015.doc
4/12/2016 9:12 PM 11609 30620_Nancy-April.docx
4/12/2016 9:13 PM 10061 30620_Nancy-x.docx
4/12/2016 9:14 PM 36352 30620_Students 2015.doc
4/13/2016 9:03 PM 29184 30648_30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/25/2016 5:50 PM 31232 30648_General + LIS + BB.doc
4/13/2016 9:03 PM 29184 30649_30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/25/2016 6:05 PM 26624 30649_General + LIS.doc
4/13/2016 9:03 PM 29184 30650_30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/25/2016 7:56 PM 31744 30650_General + LIS + Micro.doc
4/13/2016 9:03 PM 29184 30651_30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/26/2016 2:34 PM 33280 30651_General + LIS + Heme.doc
4/13/2016 9:04 PM 29184 30652_30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/26/2016 8:45 PM 35840 30652_General + LIS + BB + Heme.doc
4/13/2016 9:04 PM 29184 30653_30593_General + LIS + Phleb.doc
4/27/2016 7:37 PM 66048 30653_General + LIS + Cyto.doc
4/26/2016 10:03 PM 35840 30897_30652_General + LIS + BB + Heme.doc
5/16/2016 4:29 PM 41472 30897_General + LIS + BB + Heme + Chem.doc
4/26/2016 10:07 PM 33280 30898_30651_General + LIS + Heme.doc
4/26/2016 10:10 PM 31232 30899_30648_General + LIS + BB.doc
5/16/2016 4:41 PM 32256 30899_General + LIS + Chem.doc
5/23/2016 7:08 PM 73728 31329_Heme.04.0003.04.LEAD.doc
5/31/2016 5:58 PM 46592 31472_Micro.03.0010.02.Catalase Test.doc
6/9/2016 6:58 PM 14357 31621_General + LIS.docx
6/10/2016 5:11 PM 14357 31651_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/13/2016 4:56 PM 16496 31651_General + LIS + Chemistry.docx
6/10/2016 5:14 PM 14357 31652_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/13/2016 6:45 PM 15819 31652_General + LIS + Phleb.docx
6/10/2016 5:14 PM 14357 31653_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/13/2016 8:01 PM 16363 31653_General + LIS + Micro.docx
6/10/2016 5:15 PM 14357 31654_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/13/2016 9:00 PM 15685 31654_General + LIS + BB.docx
6/10/2016 5:15 PM 14357 31655_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/14/2016 3:53 PM 16800 31655_6-16-General + LIS + Heme.docx
6/14/2016 3:45 PM 16927 31655_General + LIS + Heme.docx
6/10/2016 5:15 PM 14357 31656_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/14/2016 6:31 PM 17948 31656_6-16-General + LIS + BB + Heme.docx
6/10/2016 5:16 PM 14357 31657_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/10/2016 5:16 PM 14357 31658_31621_General + LIS.docx
6/14/2016 9:15 PM 17948 31774_31656_6-16-General + LIS + BB + Heme.docx
6/15/2016 2:17 PM 19796 31774_6-16-General + LIS + BB + Heme + Chem.docx
6/28/2016 7:00 PM 16270 32107_Questions from the Common checklist.docx
10/1/2018 7:57 PM 600064 32111_Hand Hygiene NPIC Education 2018-revision.ppt
10/3/2018 5:33 PM 601088 32111_Hand Hygiene.ppt
8/22/2016 1:24 PM 37376 33148_BB.02.0037.01 - Procedure for Heme Techs 620 Washi.doc
11/4/2016 7:01 PM 60928 34268_Heme.03.0003.01.Bayer Clinitek ADVANTUS.doc
12/5/2016 4:55 PM 209920 34934_Essentials Document.doc
12/5/2016 9:55 PM 209920 34952_Essentials Document.doc
12/6/2016 4:15 PM 1261526 34965_Compliance.pdf
5/22/2017 8:12 PM 62464 39738_Micro.03.0037.01 PBP2 MRSA procedure.doc
8/16/2017 2:30 PM 81508 42300_2017 CorpCompliance Exercise Winchester Hospital S.docx
8/16/2017 5:27 PM 25077 42300_2017 Lahey Health Mandatory Compliance
9/13/2017 6:09 PM 2329781 42817_Instructions for Accessing an MSDS.docx
9/19/2017 6:04 PM 2294287 42922_Instructions for Accessing an MSDS.odt
10/24/2017 4:44 PM 16916 43432_WH response to Gen.02450.docx
10/30/2017 6:32 PM 669184 43586_2017 Essentials Document -rev.doc
10/30/2017 7:21 PM 669184 43586_2017 Essentials Training and Exercise A.doc
10/3/2018 5:41 PM 601088 50895_Hand Hygiene.ppt
11/28/2018 3:24 PM 422270 51706_Vibrio overview.pdf
4/30/2019 5:30 PM 405206 55243_Fire Safety-2019-x.docx
5/23/2019 2:51 PM 54231 55578_Formalin Use.tif
5/23/2019 6:22 PM 54231 55581_Formalin Use.tif
6/26/2019 3:42 PM 25165 56196_Procalcitonin memo.docx
3/17/2020 7:15 PM 100471 61982_Crystals MTS.docx
6/1/2020 5:57 PM 3336996 63259_DOT Basic Hazmat Training for Signatories 2020.pdf
10/16/2020 1:33 PM 1416373 66002_Essentials 2020 9 4 2020 Final SPS (1).pdf
4/13/2021 2:50 PM 18756 69878_Protocol for Post Vasectomy semen studies and Fert.docx
12/7/2021 7:35 PM 393219 75032_ESSENTIALS 2021.docx
3/31/2022 6:21 PM 20176 78191_CB2022.docx
3/31/2022 6:22 PM 1776486 78191_MTS - CMA 2022.docx
6/10/2022 3:18 PM 43520 79215_Gen.01.0058.01.Correction of Laboratory
6/25/2012 2:36 PM 97792 8692_Manual 3-Gram Stains.doc
6/25/2012 3:27 PM 97792 8694_Manual 3-Gram Stains.doc
7/31/2012 7:20 PM 29696 9328_abn procedure.doc
8/13/2012 5:27 PM 30720 9464_ABN.doc
8/15/2012 6:50 PM 97792 9496_Manual 3-Gram Stains.doc