- /ltac/docs/custom/1103/
[To Parent Directory]
1/27/2020 4:14 PM 15386 60976_New Employee Onboard.docx
1/21/2020 5:03 PM 17943 60977_BODY FLUID WORKSHEET.docx
2/18/2020 5:56 PM 64177 61521_DB.BB.SP.PR.608.r01_Antibody Titers.docx
8/12/2021 5:12 PM 1545237 70136_Routine Testing on the Ortho Vision_PolicyStat 903.pdf
5/3/2021 5:33 PM 118228 70327_Preparation of Positive and Negative Gel DAT QC Sa.pdf
5/3/2021 5:59 PM 219244 70329_Log of Positive and Negative Gel DAT QC Samples 02.pdf
5/3/2021 5:51 PM 118228 70329_Preparation of Positive and Negative Gel DAT QC Sa.pdf
5/7/2021 11:59 AM 257508 70419_CP217 IrradiationofBloodComponents_DB.BB.CP.PR.217.pdf
7/8/2021 12:33 PM 135078 72167_Making a Test Red Cell Suspension.pdf
7/17/2021 2:47 PM 144219 72449_Laboratory Procedure for Canceling Orders and Resu.pdf
7/17/2021 12:38 PM 46545 72449_latest[1]
8/12/2021 4:27 PM 452526 73118_Triaging and Identifying Acceptable Samples for Te.pdf
8/12/2021 4:39 PM 213037 73120_Historical Record Checks PS 8608906.pdf
8/12/2021 4:42 PM 331962 73121_Hemoglobin S Solubility Testing of Patient_Sickled.pdf
8/12/2021 5:18 PM 562219 73122_Ortho Vision Analzyer Quality Control_PolicyStat 9.pdf
8/12/2021 5:22 PM 441397 73123_ORTHO VISION Analyzer Manual Card Review_PolicySta.pdf
8/12/2021 5:26 PM 1055732 73124_Ortho VISION Analyzer Maintenance_PolicyStat 97968.pdf
8/12/2021 6:03 PM 1209084 73127_Laboratory Beaker Downtime Procedure_PoliyStat 990.pdf
8/19/2021 7:40 PM 164441 73264_Preparation of Eluate PS10280635.pdf
8/19/2021 7:51 PM 173773 73265_Testing of Eluates by the Gel Method PS10280653.pd.pdf
8/19/2021 7:54 PM 418900 73266_Inventory and Ordering Blood Products from Establi.pdf
8/19/2021 8:05 PM 83105 73267_Blood Bank Staff Identification Form - Dearborn.pd.pdf
9/2/2021 4:14 PM 411473 73380_Determining the ABO and RhD of Patients at least 4.pdf
9/3/2021 4:33 PM 109154 73391_Procedure for Laboratory Employees to Communicate .pdf
10/13/2021 6:58 PM 493836 74033_Antibody Screening 10152021.pdf
10/26/2021 5:25 PM 264262 74252_General Transfusion Medicine Policies -Dearborn re.pdf
10/26/2021 5:28 PM 118672 74254_Storing and Disposing of Disposing of Patient Samp.pdf
10/26/2021 5:31 PM 272404 74255_Weak D Testing rev 102621.pdf
3/21/2024 2:21 PM 117582 74278_Laboratory Fire Safety 03202024.pdf
11/2/2021 12:51 PM 196181 74358_Neonatal ABO and Rh Forward Typing by Tube Testing.pdf
11/15/2021 5:27 PM 879823 74605_Quality Control of Blood Bank Reagents_Dearborn.pd.pdf
11/15/2021 7:47 PM 104874 74606_Blood Product Deviation Reporting_Dearborn Blood B.pdf
11/15/2021 6:26 PM 104874 74611_Blood Product Deviation Reporting_Dearborn Blood B.pdf
12/4/2021 12:59 PM 231887 75003_Packaging and Transportation of Specimens Between .pdf
12/7/2021 3:55 PM 242166 75027_Providing Components for Massive Transfusion - Dea.pdf
12/13/2021 8:02 PM 518151 75147_Providing Components for Massive Transfusion - Dea.pdf
12/14/2021 12:47 PM 429329 75156_Providing Components for Massive Transfusion - Dea.pdf
1/8/2022 11:18 PM 302682 76117_RBC Crossmatch Guidelines.pdf
1/8/2022 11:21 PM 348016 76118_Newborn Compatibility Testing Guidelines.pdf
1/8/2022 11:28 PM 344747 76119_Selection of Platelets_Plasma and Cryoprecipitate..pdf
1/8/2022 11:40 PM 423392 76120_Emergency Issue of Blood Products.pdf
1/19/2022 7:07 PM 126151 76595_Prewarm Technique.pdf
1/19/2022 7:14 PM 118950 76596_Critical Value Notification Policy for Transfusion.pdf
1/19/2022 7:18 PM 125476 76597_Electronic Crossmatch - Blood Bank.pdf
1/19/2022 7:33 PM 119851 76598_Platelet Storage - Blood Bank.pdf
1/19/2022 7:38 PM 132767 76599_Weak D Testing.pdf
1/19/2022 7:48 PM 121459 76603_Return of Blood Products from Issue.pdf
1/19/2022 8:47 PM 110881 76609_Review of Quality Control - Dearborn Blood Bank.pd.pdf
1/19/2022 8:55 PM 101826 76613_Pre-admission Testing - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
1/25/2022 3:45 PM 127573 76793_Policies Specific to Patients with Passive Anti-D .pdf
1/25/2022 3:53 PM 124751 76794_Visual Inspection of Blood Products - Blood Bank.p.pdf
1/25/2022 4:11 PM 119932 76795_Blood Product - Quarantine or Discard.pdf
1/27/2022 1:50 PM 130580 76877_Autologous and Directed Donations - Blood Bank.pdf
2/18/2022 1:44 PM 117977 77486_Labeling Blood Components - Blood Bank (1).pdf
2/18/2022 1:59 PM 140842 77487_Special Transfusion Requirements For Patients Grea.pdf
2/18/2022 2:14 PM 131967 77488_Thawing Fresh Frozen Plasma and Cryoprecipitate - .pdf
2/18/2022 2:25 PM 197956 77489_Serologic Crossmatching of Red Blood Cells.pdf
3/4/2022 3:28 PM 186602 77700_BioFireĀ® Blood Culture Identification 2 Panel by N.pdf
3/29/2022 4:05 PM 259749 78128_DTT Treatment and Testing.pdf
3/31/2022 4:56 PM 438085 78185_Quality Control and Preventative Maintenance of He.pdf
4/19/2022 1:55 PM 364691 78424_Aliquot Preparation.pdf
5/6/2022 4:22 PM 115772 78617_Transfer of Blood Products to Outside Facilities -.pdf
5/6/2022 4:12 PM 166569 78618_Resolution of ABO or Rh Discrepancies and Transfus.pdf
5/6/2022 4:02 PM 115210 78618_Resolution of ABO-Rh Discrepancies for Patients Wh.pdf
5/6/2022 4:16 PM 115210 78619_Resolution of ABO-Rh Discrepancies for Patients Wh.pdf
5/6/2022 4:00 PM 141824 78620_Resolution of ABO Discrepancies- Enhancement of We.pdf
5/6/2022 3:58 PM 337312 78621_Resolution of ABO Discrepancies for A Subgroups an.pdf
5/6/2022 3:54 PM 597347 78622_Resolution of ABO and Rh Discrepancies.pdf
5/6/2022 4:05 PM 254620 78623_Resolution of Rh Discrepancies - Blood Bank.pdf
5/6/2022 4:39 PM 284494 78624_Resolution of ABO and Rh Discrepancies Cause by Co.pdf
5/6/2022 7:22 PM 131720 78625_Direct Antiglobulin -DAT- Test by Tube Method - Bl.pdf
5/6/2022 7:28 PM 810195 78626_Quality Control and Preventativ Maintenance of the.pdf
5/6/2022 7:29 PM 118915 78627_Shipping Container Temperature Monitoring.pdf
5/6/2022 7:24 PM 138025 78628_Fetal Cell Screening Using the FMH Rapid Screen Ki.pdf
5/12/2022 12:56 PM 115902 78710_Transfer of Blood Products to Outside Facilities -.pdf
5/16/2022 6:50 PM 264957 78759_Review of The Surgery Schedule - Dearborn Blood Ba.pdf
5/16/2022 6:45 PM 360310 78760_Sterile Connection Device- Operation- Quality Cont.pdf
5/16/2022 6:53 PM 93557 78761_Transfusion Medicine Staffing Plan - Dearborn.pdf
5/16/2022 7:26 PM 734093 78762_Irradiation of Blood Components Using the Rad Sour.pdf
5/24/2022 12:21 PM 102174 78873_Taking the Temperature of a Blood Product - Blood .pdf
5/24/2022 12:17 PM 96086 78874_Digital Timer Check - Blood Bank.pdf
5/24/2022 12:24 PM 127191 78875_Correlation Of Results Between Instruments and Met.pdf
6/1/2022 7:46 PM 455696 78995_Rh Immune Globulin Evaluation.pdf
6/1/2022 2:30 PM 168070 78996_Cord Blood Evaluation - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
6/1/2022 7:40 PM 212877 78997_Acid Elution by Kleihaeur Betke Method - Dearborn .pdf
6/1/2022 7:49 PM 146471 78998_Fetal Cell Screening Using the FMH Rapid Screen Ki.pdf
6/1/2022 7:51 PM 180329 78999_Hemoglobin S Testing of Donor Units.pdf
6/1/2022 7:32 PM 136322 79000_The Use of Irradiation Indicators for Irradiating .pdf
6/7/2022 7:16 PM 109625 79096_Submitting Samples to a Reference Laboratory - Dea.pdf
6/7/2022 7:18 PM 108999 79098_Reviewing the SoftBank Pending Tests Report - Bloo.pdf
6/7/2022 7:20 PM 209615 79099_Reviewing Epic Beaker Outstanding and Expected Lis.pdf
6/7/2022 7:24 PM 122397 79101_Policies Specific to Patients with Sickle Cell Di.pdf
6/7/2022 7:25 PM 116726 79102_Communication with the Patient-s Caregivers - Dear.pdf
6/7/2022 7:28 PM 166518 79103_Policies Specific to Patients with Anti-U - Blood .pdf
6/7/2022 7:30 PM 98131 79104_Tagging Blood Products - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
6/7/2022 7:34 PM 102403 79105_Weighing Blood Products - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
6/8/2022 12:21 PM 205773 79139_Cooler Validation.pdf
6/8/2022 12:40 PM 374190 79140_Transporting Blood Products in a Cooler.pdf
6/8/2022 12:15 PM 319467 79141_Calibration of Serologic Centrifuges.pdf
6/8/2022 12:41 PM 320670 79142_Use of SoftBank Downtime Files During SoftBank Dow.pdf
6/8/2022 12:19 PM 600840 79143_Computer Inventory Policy.pdf
6/8/2022 12:24 PM 531909 79144_Manual Operations.pdf
6/8/2022 12:06 PM 204854 79145_Blood Bank Computer Downtime Procedure.pdf
6/8/2022 12:02 PM 243744 79146_Allohemagluttinin Titration.pdf
6/8/2022 12:04 PM 380133 79147_Antibody Titration.pdf
6/8/2022 12:07 PM 128204 79148_Blood Bank Records.pdf
6/8/2022 12:37 PM 163758 79149_Standardization & Calibration of Thermometers.pdf
6/8/2022 12:17 PM 102316 79150_Centrifuge RPM and Timer Checks.pdf
6/15/2022 11:09 AM 131029 79341_Response to an Alarm Condition - Dearborn Blood Ba.pdf
6/15/2022 11:15 AM 111983 79342_Supervisory Review of Antibody Investigations - De.pdf
6/22/2022 11:21 AM 110198 79343_Urticarial Transfusion Reactions.pdf
6/15/2022 11:18 AM 137624 79345_Blood Bank Emergency Management Plan - Dearborn.pd.pdf
6/15/2022 11:26 AM 99145 79346_Manual Temperature Monitoring - Dearborn Blood Ban.pdf
6/22/2022 1:28 PM 139102 79407_CBC Corrections.pdf
6/22/2022 11:26 AM 124217 79480_Additional Testing for Transfusion Reactions.pdf
6/22/2022 11:33 AM 100992 79481_Additional Blood Bank Guidance When The Medical Di.pdf
6/22/2022 11:31 AM 94528 79482_Roles and Responsibilities of Medical Director for.pdf
6/22/2022 1:20 PM 438163 79483_Laboratory Evaluation of a Suspected Transfusion R.pdf
6/22/2022 11:37 AM 145030 79484_Policies for Providing Red Blood Cells to Patients.pdf
6/22/2022 11:45 AM 167103 79486_Interpretation of Antibody Investigations.pdf
6/22/2022 11:47 AM 561735 79487_Warm Autoantibody Investigation - Dearborn Blood B.pdf
6/22/2022 11:54 AM 143381 79488_Selection of Blood Components for Neonatal Transfu.pdf
6/22/2022 11:58 AM 118262 79489_Testing of Eluates by the Tube Method - Dearborn B.pdf
6/30/2022 5:52 PM 298045 79490_Neonatal Exchange Transfusions - Dearborn Blood Ba.pdf
6/22/2022 5:57 PM 110301 79524_Suspected Bacterial Contamination of a Transfused .pdf
6/22/2022 7:41 PM 132906 79532_FMH RapidScreen Lot to Lot Comparison.pdf
6/26/2022 6:09 PM 88848 79604_Use of Blood Warmers - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
6/26/2022 6:13 PM 81884 79605_Therapeutic Phlebotomy - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
6/26/2022 6:19 PM 122375 79606_Serologic Confirmation of ABO Group and Rh Type - .pdf
6/30/2022 7:45 PM 406957 79607_Downtime Emergency Issue - Blood Bank.pdf
6/30/2022 7:17 PM 627315 79608_Antigen Typing - Dearborn Blood Bank.pdf
6/30/2022 7:21 PM 1597888 79906_Employee Orientation, Training and Competency - De.pdf
7/5/2022 3:48 PM 1597888 80239_Employee Orientation, Training and Competency - De.pdf
7/18/2022 8:00 PM 280888 80834_Investigation of Cold Reacting Antibodies.pdf
7/19/2022 5:56 PM 130017 80848_Confirmatory Typing of Donor RBC Units.pdf
7/19/2022 5:57 PM 150017 80850_Helmer UltraCWTMII Automatic Cell Washing System O.pdf
8/29/2022 3:21 PM 98144 81457_Laboratory Proficiency Testing.pdf
9/9/2022 6:47 PM 225557 81621_Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 plus Assay (1).pdf
9/12/2022 6:27 PM 135412 81635_Direct Antiglobulin -DAT- Test by Tube Method - Bl.pdf
9/22/2022 5:20 PM 433047 81734_Alontia Degree.pdf
9/29/2022 2:31 PM 209083 81853_Urgent Product Correction_Mismatched Images & CIMS.pdf
10/11/2022 5:04 PM 106314 82141_Laboratory Reagent Labeling.pdf
10/10/2022 7:09 PM 30129 82141_latest[1]
10/10/2022 7:15 PM 30129 82145_latest[1]
10/11/2022 5:10 PM 130200 82145_Manual Temperature Monitor Form (1).pdf
10/11/2022 5:16 PM 617274 82145_Temp Trak Temperature Monitoring - Dearborn.pdf
10/11/2022 5:07 PM 935366 82145_TempTrak Temperature Monitoring - Dearborn.pdf
10/11/2022 3:32 PM 106314 82157_Laboratory Reagent Labeling.pdf
10/13/2022 7:42 PM 30129 82198_latest[1]
10/19/2022 1:43 PM 377149 82297_Laboratory Noise Protection Guidelines.pdf
10/24/2022 6:50 PM 93393 82359_Histology Specimen Acceptance and Rejection Criter.pdf
10/27/2022 5:18 PM 115076 82411_Blood%20Culture%20Product-%20Transfusion%20Service.pdf
11/9/2022 5:23 PM 149991 82561_Culture-%20CSF[1].pdf
11/15/2022 3:33 PM 56971 82611_12419883[1]
11/15/2022 3:38 PM 1134936 82611_Culture, Upper Respiratory.pdf
11/15/2022 5:42 PM 118469 82611_Culture- Upper Respiratory.pdf
11/15/2022 3:22 PM 56971 82611_latest[1]
11/17/2022 5:18 PM 97151 82678_Color-Blindness Testing for Laboratory Employees v.pdf
11/17/2022 7:46 PM 396714 82681_Formaldehyde.pdf
11/18/2022 4:46 PM 258987 82692_Employee Incident Investigation and RCA 11182022.p.pdf
11/29/2022 4:19 PM 142229 82859_Laboratory Procedure for Canceling Orders and Resu.pdf
12/8/2022 2:14 PM 695652 83013_Blood Bank Quality Activities - Dearborn.pdf
12/14/2022 2:38 PM 45358 83077_IT Security Education.pdf
12/29/2022 1:05 PM 84434 83291_Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Device.pdf
1/17/2023 4:49 PM 783939 83813_24hr-urine-preservative-precautions 11072022.pdf
1/19/2023 6:59 PM 139572 83921_EOC Monitoring Hazardous Gases and Vapors - 102520.pdf
1/19/2023 7:25 PM 1268184 83922_Lab Precautions and Control Measure for Handling C.pdf
1/19/2023 7:22 PM 154718 83922_Laboratory Precautions and Control Measures for Ha.pdf
2/1/2023 12:33 PM 383031 84183_Reagent lot to lot verification 01172023.pdf
2/1/2023 12:38 PM 708145 84184_Radiometer ABL 800 Operator Procedure 01172023.pdf
2/13/2023 2:38 PM 100937 84449_Laboratory Waste Disposal v 2_10_23.pdf
2/13/2023 7:41 PM 892792 84455_Laboratory Spill Response v 2_10_23.pdf
2/21/2023 5:54 PM 186869 84550_Rh Immune Globulin Evaluation - Blood Bank.pdf
2/21/2023 6:00 PM 100310 84551_Blood Product Deviation -BPD- Reporting - Blood Ba.pdf
2/21/2023 6:06 PM 102421 84552_Notification Process for Transfusion Related Fatal.pdf
12/8/2022 2:14 PM 695652 84553_83013_Blood Bank Quality Activities - Dearborn.pdf
3/21/2023 2:12 PM 161360 84990_Laboratory Test Cancellations- Redraws and Result .pdf
3/21/2023 6:23 PM 450060 84997_Helicobacter%20pylori%20Urea%20Breath%20Test%20Bre.pdf
5/3/2023 3:21 PM 784977 85725_Beaumont Lab Intro to Lab Compliance 2021 Draft _O.pdf
5/3/2023 3:19 PM 1099211 85725_Booklet_Introduction to Compliance_Oct_2021.pdf
6/8/2023 5:52 PM 117974 86155_Response to Red Level Trauma Activation - Dearborn.pdf
6/20/2023 1:22 PM 131749 86254_Clinical Pathology Laboratory Specimen Handling an.pdf
6/30/2023 12:46 PM 57360 86423_Clinical Alert - Cancels and Redraws Require Notif.pptx
7/21/2023 3:35 PM 184411 86678_Clincial Alert Searching the Submitter by Address .pdf
7/25/2023 11:50 AM 88036 86695_Laboratory Safety and Loss Prevention 07252023.pdf
7/25/2023 12:54 PM 84354 86696_Laboratory Regulatory Agency Inspection 07252023.p.pdf
7/27/2023 2:01 PM 86617 86727_Laboratory Hoods 07252023.pdf
7/28/2023 12:42 PM 283860 86730_Specimen Processing Entering 24 Hour Urine Volume-.pdf
7/28/2023 12:56 PM 89041 86731_Laboratory Add-on Orders for Inpatients.pdf
7/28/2023 1:04 PM 285251 86732_Specimen Processing Laboratory - Manually Receivin.pdf
8/14/2023 7:24 PM 178271 86885_Clinical Alert - Cancels and Redraws Require Notif.pdf
8/15/2023 12:04 AM 145440 86915_Policies for Providing Red Blood Cells to Patients.pdf
8/15/2023 12:11 AM 113454 86916_Historical Blood Bank Record Check.pdf
8/15/2023 12:16 AM 376263 86917_Investigation of Incompatible Crossmatches.pdf
8/15/2023 2:42 PM 172674 86922_MPMLA - Paid medical leave 07242023.pdf
8/15/2023 2:45 PM 126132 86923_Timekeeping Policy 07142023.pdf
8/15/2023 2:54 PM 187094 86924_Attendance and Reliability Policy 07012023.pdf
8/17/2023 11:07 AM 134975 86942_Laboratory Hazard Communication.pdf
8/22/2023 2:03 PM 472307 87028_Newborn Screening Collection - Dearborn.pdf
8/24/2023 4:54 PM 474791 87028_Newborn Screening Collection 08242023.pdf
8/31/2023 6:20 PM 156534 87149_Platelet Function Analyzer Operation - Dearborn.pd.pdf
9/5/2023 3:31 PM 126601 87165_PSA Female Patients Clinical Alert_.pdf
9/5/2023 3:56 PM 131791 87166_Laboratory Hazard Communication.pdf
9/18/2023 2:40 PM 261646 87306_Clincal Alert Lab Blood Culture Volume Matters.pdf
9/21/2023 5:28 PM 92050 87346_Collection and Coordination of Cortrosyn Stimulati.pdf
9/25/2023 2:07 PM 133609 87366_Laboratory Annual Safety Assessments 09212023.pdf
9/25/2023 2:33 PM 114656 87369_Laboratory Electrical Safety Related Work Practice.pdf
9/25/2023 4:15 PM 97610 87370_Laboratory Ultraviolet -UV- Radiation Safety 09212.pdf
9/27/2023 6:19 PM 175748 87420_Send out PSA for Males less than 50 years old Clin.pdf
10/3/2023 11:56 AM 163195 87464_Send out PSA for Males less than 50 years old Clin.pdf
11/10/2023 6:23 PM 107841 87860_Communicating Critical Laboratory Results.pdf
11/30/2023 4:34 PM 122357 88110_Laboratory Infection Control 11302023.pdf
11/30/2023 5:30 PM 9727090 88113_Flammable Liquids in the Laboratory 11302023.pdf
11/30/2023 5:52 PM 100453 88116_Laboratory Emergency Preparedness 11302023.pdf
12/6/2023 1:45 PM 52019 88158_latest[1]
12/6/2023 1:41 PM 142837 88158_Peripheral Smear Evaluation.pdf
12/18/2023 5:58 PM 144470 88357_Document Management and Record Retention Procedure.pdf
12/26/2023 4:11 PM 108562 88602_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical Auto-Validation.pdf
12/26/2023 6:20 PM 123355 88612_Specimen Acceptance and Rejection Criteria - Outre.pdf
1/9/2024 2:36 PM 115773 88941_Laboratory Personal Protective Measures-History.pd.pdf
1/9/2024 3:02 PM 89431 88942_Laboratory Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment..pdf
1/9/2024 3:55 PM 132014 88946_Clinical Pathology Laboratory Specimen Handling an.pdf
1/10/2024 12:15 PM 108084 88957_Laboratory Staff Shift and Start Time Assignments..pdf
1/29/2024 6:28 PM 82199 89239_Laboratory Service Plan for Phlebotomy Support in .pdf
1/29/2024 6:31 PM 84874 89240_Phlebotomy Mobile Heartbeat Phones - Dearborn 0117.pdf
1/29/2024 6:35 PM 109637 89243_Phlebotomy Pediatric Patient Procedure - Dearborn .pdf
1/29/2024 6:38 PM 118227 89244_Dearborn Special Situations in Phlebotomy - Inpati.pdf
1/29/2024 6:55 PM 125217 89246_Handling of Point of Care Testing Equipment Concer.pdf
3/1/2024 6:45 PM 432061 89309_Abbott Instrument Manager -IM- Operation Guide 2.1.pdf
1/31/2024 6:15 PM 431278 89309_Abbott Instrument Manager -IM- Operation Guide.pdf
1/31/2024 6:25 PM 161185 89311_Abbott ARCHITECT Chemistry System Analyzer Operati.pdf
3/1/2024 6:53 PM 131781 89312_Abbott Architect C-Series Analyzer Maintenance 2.1.pdf
1/31/2024 6:49 PM 130612 89312_Abbott Architect C-Series Analyzer Maintenance.pdf
1/31/2024 6:52 PM 94703 89313_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical Importing Calib.pdf
1/31/2024 7:05 PM 137505 89314_Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Blood Draw Timing.pdf
1/31/2024 7:44 PM 159144 89316_Abbott Architect Immunoassay System Analyzer Opera.pdf
2/1/2024 6:12 PM 317480 89331_Point of Care Testing Policy.pdf
2/1/2024 6:18 PM 90044 89332_Individualized Quality Control Plans -IQCP- - Dear.pdf
2/5/2024 2:00 PM 134114 89362_Laboratory Proficiency Testing.pdf
2/5/2024 2:06 PM 943634 89363_TempTrak- Temperature Monitoring - Dearborn.pdf
2/5/2024 2:45 PM 92375 89364_Point of Care Downtime Result Recording, Reporting.pdf
2/5/2024 2:51 PM 91451 89370_Point of Care Epic Beaker Outstanding List Retriev.pdf
2/5/2024 3:03 PM 96300 89373_Point of Care Autoverification Policy.pdf
2/5/2024 3:11 PM 90731 89374_Point of Care Testing Internal Inspection.pdf
2/5/2024 3:48 PM 104767 89375_Point of Care Testing Approval Process.pdf
2/5/2024 3:53 PM 116628 89376_Point of Care - Mapping Departments in QML.pdf
2/5/2024 3:58 PM 87336 89377_Dearborn Point of Care CLIA License Maintenance.pd.pdf
2/5/2024 4:04 PM 810442 89378_Database Accounts Creation for New Point of Care S.pdf
2/6/2024 12:56 PM 318903 89393_Point of Care Adding Quality Control Lot Numbers t.pdf
2/6/2024 1:01 PM 180769 89394_Point of Care Adding Reagent Lot Numbers to Databa.pdf
2/6/2024 2:28 PM 89889 89396_Laboratory Employee Notification for Absence 02062.pdf
2/6/2024 2:46 PM 810442 89398_Database Accounts Creation for New Point of Care S.pdf
2/6/2024 3:14 PM 297790 89400_ABL80 Flex Co-Ox OSM Total Hemoglobin and Oxyhemog.pdf
2/6/2024 3:57 PM 109115 89401_Quality Assessment Incident report-Unacceptable In.pdf
3/1/2024 7:01 PM 904758 89415_Abbott Architect I-Series Analyzer Maintenance 2.1.pdf
2/7/2024 1:43 PM 903580 89415_Abbott Architect I-Series Analyzer Maintenance.pdf
2/7/2024 2:00 PM 106580 89418_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical ABBOTT A3600 Ac.pdf
2/7/2024 2:03 PM 95092 89420_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical Abbott A3600 Ac.pdf
2/7/2024 2:08 PM 102328 89421_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical Abbott Instrume.pdf
2/7/2024 2:17 PM 109255 89423_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical Auto-Validation.pdf
2/7/2024 2:25 PM 95804 89424_Dearborn Laboratory Auto Technical Calibration Ver.pdf
2/7/2024 2:31 PM 94109 89425_Chemistry Glomerular Filtration Rate.pdf
2/13/2024 2:16 PM 160127 89499_Alere hCG Combo Test.pdf
2/13/2024 2:23 PM 256526 89500_AmniSure Rupture of Fetal Membranes -ROM.pdf
2/13/2024 2:28 PM 309606 89501_Point of Care Fern Test.pdf
2/13/2024 2:33 PM 133815 89502_pHizatest.pdf
2/13/2024 2:45 PM 160072 89503_Point of Care Urinalysis Dipstick Testing Using Si.pdf
2/13/2024 4:06 PM 321149 89505_Point of Care Wet Mount.pdf
2/13/2024 4:13 PM 207451 89507_Hemochron Signature Elite Activated Clotting Time .pdf
2/13/2024 4:24 PM 227000 89508_i-STAT System.pdf
2/13/2024 4:27 PM 196967 89509_Nova StatStrip Glucometer.pdf
2/13/2024 4:44 PM 1978160 89511_TEG- 6s Hemostasis Testing - Point of Care.pdf
2/13/2024 5:22 PM 338408 89513_ABL90 FLEX PLUS Blood Gases and Electrolytes in Wh.pdf
2/13/2024 5:33 PM 427316 89515_Point of Care Adding-Updating Operators in Databas.pdf
2/13/2024 5:35 PM 93394 89516_Point of Care Loaners and Devices Out for Service .pdf
2/19/2024 7:38 PM 84388 89626_Aliquoting Specimens.pdf
2/20/2024 2:28 PM 84388 89645_Aliquoting Specimens.pdf
2/20/2024 2:44 PM 99861 89646_Beaumont Laboratory Requisition-Specimen Mismatch .pdf
2/20/2024 2:48 PM 161562 89648_Clinical Alert Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is a Hem.pdf
2/21/2024 4:53 PM 90508 89660_Addendum to Systemwide Policy - Attendance and Rel.pdf
2/22/2024 12:54 PM 124677 89673_Quality Assessment report - unacceptable Inpatient.pdf
2/28/2024 6:49 PM 472438 89749_Newborn Screening Collection 02282024.pdf
3/1/2024 7:08 PM 164234 89780_Radiometer ABL 800 Series Operator Procedure 2.16..pdf
3/1/2024 7:21 PM 177326 89781_ABL Radiometer 800 Series Maintenance Procedure 3..pdf
3/9/2024 9:16 PM 161094 89880_Clinical Alert FDP (Fibrin Degradation Products).p.pdf
3/9/2024 9:22 PM 154382 89881_Clinical Alert Type Screen.pdf
3/9/2024 9:26 PM 750778 89882_Collected Not Received Report - Laboratory Process.pdf
3/9/2024 9:28 PM 89128 89883_Dearborn Specimen Processing Send Out Result Audit.pdf
3/9/2024 9:32 PM 84731 89884_Dearborn Specimen Processing Specialty Specimen Ha.pdf
3/9/2024 9:35 PM 39507 89885_Duplicate order workflow.docx
3/9/2024 9:37 PM 111659 89886_Irretrievable Specimen Handling.pdf
3/9/2024 9:41 PM 89398 89887_Laboratory Outreach Processing Un-Centrifuged Seru.pdf
3/9/2024 9:44 PM 246273 89888_Laboratory Outreach Viewing Imaged Materials in Ep.pdf
3/9/2024 9:47 PM 497062 89889_Laboratory Specimen Processing and Resulting Newbo.pdf
3/9/2024 9:52 PM 161539 89890_Laboratory Test Cancellations- Redraws and Result .pdf
3/9/2024 9:56 PM 143484 89891_Processing Trichomonas Update Clinical Alert_.pdf
3/9/2024 9:59 PM 275031 89892_SoftExpress - Viewing Courier Specimen Documentati.pdf
3/9/2024 10:02 PM 1001513 89893_Specimen Processing Adding on Missed or Wrong Test.pdf
3/9/2024 10:05 PM 176091 89894_Specimen Processing Beaker Requisition Entry 08242.pdf
3/9/2024 10:09 PM 1407670 89895_Specimen Processing Laboratory Preparing Specimens.pdf
3/9/2024 10:13 PM 547612 89896_Specimen Processing Laboratory Presumptive and Rai.pdf
3/9/2024 10:16 PM 103857 89897_Specimen Processing Laboratory Registration Non Fa.pdf
3/9/2024 10:19 PM 813666 89898_Specimen Processing Preparing Specimens to be Sent.pdf
3/9/2024 10:34 PM 89385 89899_Specimen Processing Receipt and Handling of Specia.pdf
3/14/2024 2:24 PM 104867 89925_Auto-Calculation Verification Procedure 4.17.2023..pdf
3/14/2024 3:02 PM 138510 89926_Formulas for Manual Calculations 3.1.2023.pdf
3/14/2024 3:32 PM 97931 89927_Instrument Manager -IM-Abbott- and Laboratory Info.pdf
3/14/2024 3:38 PM 91251 89928_Laboratory Chemistry Total Error Allowable 2.6.202.pdf
3/14/2024 3:44 PM 124731 89929_Laboratory Performance Guidelines For Analytical M.pdf
3/14/2024 7:02 PM 157254 89932_New Chemistry Test Introduction 1.8.2024.pdf
3/15/2024 11:56 AM 122933 89940_Reagent Lot-to-Lot Verification 2.16.2024.pdf
3/15/2024 11:59 AM 104015 89941_Specimen Aliquots and Dilutions - Chemistry 1.8.20.pdf
3/15/2024 12:09 PM 116027 89942_Sure-Vue Mono- Arlington Scientific 5.17.2022.pdf
3/15/2024 12:38 PM 170579 89943_Hemoglobin A1c in Whole Blood Using the Bio-Rad D-.pdf
3/15/2024 2:32 PM 87498 89945_Dearborn Point of Care CLIA License Maintenance 2..pdf
3/15/2024 2:44 PM 320719 89947_Point of Care Wet Mount 2.28.2024.pdf
3/26/2024 2:27 PM 244148 90096_Swarm Alerts 03202024.pdf
3/27/2024 12:27 PM 131781 90131_Abbott Architect C-Series Analyzer Maintenance 2.1.pdf
3/27/2024 2:53 PM 1531504 90136_Abbott ARCHITECT Chemistry System Analyzer Operati.pdf
3/27/2024 3:28 PM 1449880 90139_Abbott Architect Immunoassay System Analyzer Opera.pdf
3/27/2024 5:07 PM 904758 90145_Abbott Architect I-Series Analyzer Maintenance 2.1.pdf
3/27/2024 5:11 PM 432061 90146_Abbott Instrument Manager -IM- Operation Guide 2.1.pdf
3/27/2024 6:41 PM 432061 90152_Abbott Instrument Manager -IM- Operation Guide 2.1.pdf
3/27/2024 7:30 PM 716571 90154_Radiometer ABL 800 Series Operator Procedure 2.16..pdf
3/27/2024 7:36 PM 177326 90155_ABL Radiometer 800 Series Maintenance Procedure 3..pdf
4/4/2024 6:55 PM 544221 90241_New Chemistry Test Introduction 1.8.2024.pdf
4/12/2024 11:33 AM 100748 90314_Dry Ice Handling 04122024.pdf
4/12/2024 3:36 PM 139454 90315_Lab Policy-Procedure and Quality Review and Approv.pdf
4/12/2024 4:41 PM 335949 90317_Proficiency Testing 04112024.pdf
4/12/2024 5:13 PM 683547 90319_Bloodborne Pathogens 03012024.pdf
4/30/2024 4:05 PM 286010 90576_Auto Dilution Verification Form.pdf
4/30/2024 4:12 PM 154560 90577_Manual Differential Count in Peripheral Blood.pdf
5/8/2024 4:05 PM 86870 90682_Urinalysis Quality Control Schedule.pdf
5/8/2024 4:05 PM 91543 90683_Urinalysis Method Comparison.pdf
5/8/2024 4:02 PM 98207 90684_Pleural Fluid pH.pdf
5/8/2024 3:38 PM 262309 90687_Laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan 05082024.pdf
5/8/2024 3:54 PM 102553 90691_Laboratory Ergonomics 05082024.pdf
5/14/2024 4:38 PM 417205 90779_Lab Spill Response 05132024.pdf
5/14/2024 4:43 PM 310453 90780_Employee Incident Root Cause 05132024.pdf
5/14/2024 5:47 PM 91237 90787_Laboratory Telephone Etiquette 05132024.pdf
5/15/2024 1:51 PM 116643 90817_Communicating Critical Laboratory Results 05132024.pdf
5/15/2024 1:54 PM 121640 90818_College of American Pathologists -CAP- Laboratory .pdf
5/15/2024 4:37 PM 94881 90820_Temperature of Laboratory Refrigerators- Freezers-.pdf
5/15/2024 4:35 PM 112810 90821_Communicating Critical Laboratory Results.pdf
5/15/2024 4:34 PM 112810 90822_Communicating Critical Laboratory Results.pdf
5/15/2024 4:30 PM 91247 90822_Laboratory Telephone Etiquette.pdf
5/16/2024 12:28 PM 86870 90833_Urinalysis Quality Control Schedule.pdf
5/16/2024 1:45 PM 91247 90834_Laboratory Telephone Etiquette.pdf
5/23/2024 12:50 PM 93820 90913_Sperm Reporting Workflow.pdf
5/23/2024 1:00 PM 124158 90914_Strep Screen- Group A.pdf
5/23/2024 5:47 PM 148534 90917_Blood Bank Quality System.pdf
5/29/2024 2:45 PM 95093 90955_Blood Bank Staff Identification Form.pdf
6/3/2024 9:44 AM 92253 91019_Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water (CLRW) Quality.p.pdf
6/3/2024 10:32 AM 152057 91020_ABL Radiometer 800 Series Maintenance Procedure.pd.pdf
6/3/2024 10:46 AM 94166 91021_Pleural Fluid pH.pdf
6/3/2024 11:06 AM 93798 91022_Sperm Reporting Workflow.pdf
6/3/2024 11:10 AM 89485 91023_Urinalysis CATUA Workflow.pdf
6/3/2024 11:25 AM 96922 91024_Urinalysis Method Comparison.pdf
6/3/2024 11:29 AM 84499 91025_Urinalysis Quality Control Schedule.pdf
6/3/2024 2:24 PM 83468 91028_Urinalysis Strip Testing Verification.pdf
6/11/2024 5:21 PM 182696 91142_Hemoglobin S Testing of Donor Units 06122024.pdf
6/25/2024 2:04 PM 95654 91320_Temperature of Laboratory Refrigerators- Freezers-.pdf
6/25/2024 6:36 PM 105732 91333_Urine Specific Gravity by Refractometry.pdf
6/25/2024 6:40 PM 102411 91334_Chemistry Quality Control Schedule - Taylor.pdf
7/9/2024 10:37 AM 98844 91541_Urine Specific Gravity by Refractometry.pdf
7/11/2024 2:13 PM 467743 91561_chemistry OEE changes.pdf
7/15/2024 12:47 PM 190751 91582_Resolution of ABO and Rh Discrepancies.pdf
7/16/2024 7:05 PM 99198 91612_Tagging Blood Products 07212024.pdf
7/16/2024 7:51 PM 176840 91613_Transfusion Reaction Investigation & Workup.pdf
7/16/2024 7:57 PM 166764 91613_Use of the Safetrace Backup Files During Safetrace.pdf
7/16/2024 8:00 PM 166764 91614_Use of the Safetrace Backup Files During Safetrace.pdf
7/16/2024 8:02 PM 99198 91615_Tagging Blood Products.pdf
7/16/2024 8:17 PM 176840 91616_Transfusion Reaction Investigation & Workup.pdf
7/17/2024 11:22 AM 132884 91619_Weak D Testing.pdf
7/17/2024 11:27 AM 210382 91620_Reviewing Epic Beaker Outstanding and Expected Lis.pdf
7/17/2024 11:34 AM 105366 91621_FMH RapidScreen Lot to Lot Comparison.pdf
7/17/2024 11:38 AM 2201558 91624_Routine Testing on the ORTHO VISION Analyzer.pdf
7/17/2024 11:46 AM 173574 91625_Antibody Screening-Blood Bank.pdf
7/17/2024 11:50 AM 193211 91626_Antibody Identification - Blood Bank.pdf
7/17/2024 11:53 AM 128250 91627_Thawing Fresh Frozen Plasma and Cryoprecipitate - .pdf
7/17/2024 12:18 PM 178866 91630_Dispensing Blood Products - Blood Bank.pdf
7/17/2024 12:21 PM 105372 91631_Blood Product - Quarantine or Discard.pdf
7/17/2024 2:09 PM 166764 91637_Use of the Safetrace Backup Files During Safetrace.pdf
7/17/2024 2:13 PM 99198 91638_Tagging Blood Products 07212024.pdf
7/17/2024 2:32 PM 613056 91639_Transfusion reaction investigation and workup 7172.pdf
7/17/2024 2:48 PM 719490 91643_Resolution of ABO and Rh discrepancies 71724.pdf
7/17/2024 3:04 PM 251155 91644_Thawing FFP and Cryoprecipitate 71724.pdf
7/17/2024 3:13 PM 697426 91645_Blood Bank Computer Downtime 71724.pdf
7/17/2024 3:39 PM 747900 91646_Antibody Identification 7172024.pdf
7/17/2024 4:29 PM 167198 91650_Use of the Safetrace Backup Files During Safetrace.pdf
7/17/2024 5:18 PM 374297 91652_Supplier Notification of Product recall withdrawls.pdf
7/17/2024 4:55 PM 374297 91652_Supplier Notification of Product recall, withdrawl.pdf
7/17/2024 5:10 PM 1566553 91653_Routine testiung on the Ortho VISION Analyzer 7172.pdf
7/17/2024 5:18 PM 351178 91654_Release of Protected Health Information 1-16-24.pd.pdf
7/17/2024 5:26 PM 107213 91655_Reviewing the Safetrace Pending Work Log 7172024.p.pdf
7/17/2024 5:32 PM 109005 91656_Specimen Container Evaluation for Analytic Interf.pdf
7/17/2024 5:43 PM 196893 91657_ABO and Rh Typing 71724.pdf
7/17/2024 6:01 PM 210676 91658_Reviewing Epic Beaker Outstanding and Expected Lis.pdf
7/17/2024 6:21 PM 147473 91659_FMH Rapid Screen lot to lot 71724.pdf
7/17/2024 6:40 PM 884506 91660_Quality COntrol of BB Reagent DBN 7172024.pdf
7/18/2024 11:01 AM 871423 91666_Clinical alert result access.pdf
7/18/2024 5:52 PM 1201303 91680_Triaging And Identifying Acceptable Samples For Te.pdf
7/24/2024 1:13 PM 95209 91712_Roles and Responsibilities of Medical Director for.pdf
7/24/2024 1:33 PM 116525 91713_Reviewing the Safetrace Pending Work Log - Blood B.pdf
7/26/2024 3:01 PM 103771 91742_Laboratory Communication.pdf
7/29/2024 3:28 PM 148127 91757_Specimen Aliquots and Dilutions - Chemistry.pdf
7/30/2024 10:43 AM 169876 91769_Cord Blood Evaluation - Dearborn Blood Bank 073020.pdf
7/30/2024 11:36 AM 220932 91770_Response to Red Level Trauma Activation DBN 073020.pdf
7/30/2024 11:41 AM 220932 91771_Response to Red Level Trauma Activation DBN 073020.pdf
8/7/2024 5:52 PM 150884 91872_Policies for Providing Red Blood Cells to Patients.pdf
8/13/2024 2:51 PM 139277 91917_Hemoccult SENSA.pdf
8/13/2024 2:49 PM 129249 91918_C- difficile GDH-Toxin.pdf
8/13/2024 2:58 PM 963694 91919_Loading Fentanyl c4000.pdf
8/13/2024 3:02 PM 963694 91920_Loading Fentanyl c4000.pdf
8/14/2024 4:32 PM 99959 91983_New Reagent Lot Verification for UN-Series Automat.pdf
8/14/2024 5:28 PM 96719 91996_HIV -Human Immunodeficiency Virus- Testing - Expos.pdf
8/16/2024 4:17 PM 1203017 92033_Triaging And Identifying Acceptable Samples For Te.pdf
8/19/2024 5:37 PM 1768407 92061_Corewell Product Issue Training.pptx
8/19/2024 6:56 PM 99741 92063_Guideline for Handling Suboptimal Urinalysis Sampl.pdf
8/26/2024 4:42 PM 1105458 92169_Corewell Product Issue Training.pdf
8/26/2024 6:17 PM 27538 92170_ABL Reagent Stability Chart.pdf
8/27/2024 2:20 PM 106648 92178_Guideline for Handling Suboptimal Urinalysis Sampl.pdf
8/27/2024 3:50 PM 110893 92180_Hemaprep Slide Preparation.pdf
8/27/2024 4:00 PM 724369 92181_Cellavision DI-60 & DC-1 Operation.pdf
8/27/2024 4:05 PM 1083768 92182_How to Use Snip and Sketch - CellaVision.pdf
8/28/2024 5:51 PM 277306 92192_Lab Operations and Admin Delegated Responsibility .pdf
8/29/2024 4:22 PM 167551 92201_Emergency Issue of Blood Products - Blood Bank.pdf
8/29/2024 4:59 PM 214045 92202_Serologic Crossmatching of Red Blood Cells.pdf
8/29/2024 5:50 PM 108672 92206_Specimen Container Evaluation for Analytic Interf.pdf
9/4/2024 4:14 PM 91765 92253_Restricted Laboratory Access 8272024.pdf
9/4/2024 4:26 PM 120474 92254_Reporting Laboratory Device-Related Adverse Patien.pdf
9/4/2024 4:35 PM 102838 92255_Terms of Accreditation- College of American Pathol.pdf
9/9/2024 11:49 AM 2755357 92305_Newborn Blood Bank Workup and Cord Evaluation.pdf
9/11/2024 1:07 PM 284503 92336_DTT Treatment and Testing - Blood Bank.pdf
9/11/2024 1:59 PM 120671 92337_Reporting Laboratory Device-Related Adverse Patien.pdf
9/11/2024 6:06 PM 2755357 92347_Newborn Blood Bank Workup and Cord Evaluation 0910.pdf
9/13/2024 6:38 PM 93314 92382_Cell Chex Manual Body Fluid Quality Control.pdf
9/16/2024 1:12 PM 99711 92391_Lab Quality Control of Media Shipments DBN 0912202.pdf
9/16/2024 1:42 PM 580808 92392_TempTrak Temperature Monitoring 09122024.pdf
9/16/2024 2:06 PM 4888097 92394_Laboratory Off Site Records Storage 09122024.pdf
9/16/2024 2:39 PM 137979 92395_Direct Antiglobulin Test by Tube Method - BB 09162.pdf
9/17/2024 11:39 AM 140432 92404_Investigation of Incompatible Crossmatches.pdf
9/17/2024 11:57 AM 101751 92405_Urinalysis Autoverification Policy-Changes.pdf
9/26/2024 12:50 PM 301502 92556_Reading- Grading- and Recording Test Reactions - B.pdf
9/30/2024 2:34 PM 259462 92591_Dress Code and Identification (ID) Badge.pdf
9/30/2024 6:13 PM 118534 92599_Handling of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and .pdf
10/1/2024 5:46 PM 178910 92624_Disposition of Components when aliquot has been re.pdf
10/1/2024 6:01 PM 106240 92625_Taking the Temperature of a Blood Product 10012024.pdf
10/1/2024 6:19 PM 121074 92627_Handling Anatomic Pathology Specimens and Autopsie.pdf
10/2/2024 11:23 AM 118534 92635_Handling of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and .pdf
10/2/2024 4:41 PM 145698 92640_Laboratory Quality Policy.pdf
10/3/2024 11:52 AM 1045409 92650_Transfusion Services Criteria For Specimen Accepta.pdf
10/3/2024 3:36 PM 2036590 92659_Forward Typing Determination of Neonatal ABORh 100.pdf
10/4/2024 2:50 PM 490165 92673_Laboratory RL Solutions Event Reporting System 100.pdf
10/4/2024 2:52 PM 145708 92674_Laboratory Quality Policy 10042024.pdf
10/7/2024 6:19 PM 107095 92706_Lab Policy for Compliance with Applicable Federal-.pdf
10/8/2024 11:47 AM 455186 92718_Delivery of Blood Products 10082024.pdf
10/10/2024 2:22 PM 545794 92771_ORTHO VISION Analyzer Manual Card Review.pdf
10/10/2024 3:33 PM 341943 92777_DTT Treatment and Testing 10102024.pdf
10/11/2024 2:26 PM 146174 92793_Eluates 10112024.pdf
10/14/2024 2:30 PM 83791 92811_Notification Procedure for Instrument Downtime 101.pdf
10/14/2024 3:55 PM 321575 92812_Laboratory Abbott Determineā¢ HIV-1_2 Ag_Ab Combo.p.pdf
10/14/2024 4:05 PM 92584 92813_Quality Control Review and Peer Group Analysis.pdf
10/14/2024 5:14 PM 108737 92814_Sure-Vue Mono Test.pdf
10/14/2024 5:25 PM 118837 92815_Laboratory Manual Urinalysis Dipstick Testing.pdf
10/14/2024 5:36 PM 89548 92816_Urinalysis Method Comparison 09272024 16558949.pdf
10/14/2024 5:43 PM 83149 92817_Urinalysis Quality Control Schedule 09272024 16714.pdf
10/14/2024 5:49 PM 82697 92818_Urinalysis Strip Testing Verification 09272024 165.pdf
10/21/2024 12:43 PM 117188 92909_Return of Blood Products from Issue.pdf
10/21/2024 5:10 PM 326378 92911_Lab Document Management Record Retention Policy 10.pdf
10/21/2024 5:39 PM 90174 92914_Lab Internal Assessments and Self Audits 092024.pd.pdf
10/21/2024 6:01 PM 106873 92915_Procedure for Lab Employees to Communicate Concern.pdf
10/21/2024 6:13 PM 871423 92916_Clinical alert result access RESEND 10212024.pdf
10/22/2024 1:34 PM 341382 92940_Special Transfusion requirements 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 2:18 PM 146965 92942_Fetal Cell Screening Using the FMH Kit - 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 2:31 PM 351234 92944_Historical BB Record Check - 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 2:41 PM 115802 92945_Shipping Container Temp Monitoring - 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 2:53 PM 117188 92948_Return of Blood Products from Issue - 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 3:07 PM 130630 92949_Performing Neonatal Direct Antiglobulin Test -by G.pdf
10/22/2024 3:21 PM 159771 92950_RBC Crossmatch Guidelines - 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 3:31 PM 113869 92951_Sure-Vue Mono Test.pdf
10/22/2024 3:29 PM 90713 92952_Chemistry Glomerular Filtration Rate.pdf
10/22/2024 3:53 PM 681583 92953_Antigen Typing - 10172024.pdf
10/22/2024 5:39 PM 121059 92955_Handling Anatomic Pathology Specimens and Autopsie.pdf
10/22/2024 5:56 PM 93282 92957_Urinalysis Procedure for Analyzing Bloody Specimen.pdf
10/22/2024 6:05 PM 88325 92958_Sperm Reporting Workflow (1).pdf
10/22/2024 6:03 PM 195482 92959_Laboratory Examination of Urinary Sediment.pdf
10/23/2024 2:19 PM 550467 92970_Glomerular Filtration Rate 16321969 10222024.pdf
10/23/2024 2:01 PM 478019 92971_Neonatal Exchange Transfusions DBN -10232024.pdf
10/23/2024 2:07 PM 144021 92972_Selection of Blood Components for Neonatal Transfu.pdf
10/23/2024 2:13 PM 227466 92973_Blood Bank Autoverification - 10232024.pdf
10/23/2024 2:28 PM 1250977 92975_Antobody Identification - 10232024.pdf
10/23/2024 2:33 PM 1250977 92977_Antobody Identification - 10232024.pdf
10/23/2024 2:57 PM 96550 92978_Urinalysis Procedure for Analyzing Bloody Specimen.pdf
10/23/2024 3:13 PM 141447 92979_Clinitek Chemical Urinalysis-Changes 16556559 1023.pdf
10/24/2024 12:05 PM 928591 93000_Policy 29681_Medical Record Access 10242024.pdf
10/25/2024 3:39 PM 243527 93029_Platelet Storage - 10252024.pdf
10/29/2024 4:10 PM 133151 93224_Transfer and-or Shipment of Blood Products - Blood.pdf
11/21/2024 12:09 PM 764823 93243_DRAFT Sysmex Urinalysis Series - UN9000- UN3000- U.pdf
11/1/2024 4:00 PM 233795 93259_Quality Control of Blood Bank Reagents.pdf
11/1/2024 4:06 PM 162770 93260_CHE Blood Bank Safetrace Reports.pdf
11/4/2024 7:01 PM 108160 93310_Proper Handling of Unlabeled - Mislabeled Specimen.pdf
11/4/2024 7:56 PM 39033 93314_Basophil.JPG
11/4/2024 8:11 PM 110189 93316_Notification of Corrected Laboratory Results.pdf
11/4/2024 8:21 PM 164256 93317_Laboratory Test Cancellations- Redraws and Result .pdf
11/5/2024 1:27 PM 111237 93323_Calibration Verification on Radiometer ABL800 seri.pdf
11/21/2024 11:04 AM 111241 93544_Calibration Verification on Radiometer ABL800 seri.pdf
11/21/2024 11:56 AM 102350 93545_Chemistry Quality Control Schedule - Trenton 16906.pdf
11/22/2024 2:56 PM 121576 93564_Corewell Health East - Laboratory Auto Technical I.pdf
11/26/2024 5:44 PM 126238 93644_CHE- Notification of Corrected Laboratory Results .pdf
11/26/2024 5:52 PM 172212 93645_CHE -Lab Test Cancellations Redraws and Result Co.pdf
11/26/2024 6:04 PM 266923 93646_Proper Handling of Unlabled Mislabeled Specimens 1.pdf
11/27/2024 3:31 PM 212464 93655_Professional Expectations policy.pdf
12/27/2024 4:54 PM 115712 93925_Corewell Health East - Blood Bank Autoverification.pdf
1/27/2025 5:50 PM 532927 94424_0127202512085800043.pdf
1/27/2025 6:05 PM 555958 94424_0127202512091200044.pdf