- /ltac/docs/custom/980/

[To Parent Directory]

5/19/2016 6:26 PM 1792512 30705_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
5/19/2016 6:31 PM 1792512 31300_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
6/10/2016 3:18 PM 99328 31620_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
6/10/2016 3:22 PM 21492 31620_CBOC COMPUTER PROCEDURE FOR SURE-VUE.docx
6/14/2016 11:51 AM 100352 31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
6/14/2016 11:47 AM 121856 31620_Sure-vue.HCG proceedure.doc
6/14/2016 11:53 AM 21492 31748_CBOC COMPUTER PROCEDURE FOR SURE-VUE.docx
6/27/2016 6:46 PM 20481456 32091_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin I.pptx
6/27/2016 6:49 PM 20346991 32092_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine..pptx
7/22/2016 7:52 PM 19711087 32934_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine..pptx
8/3/2016 2:22 PM 1747456 33160_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
8/5/2016 3:26 PM 1746944 33210_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
8/5/2016 3:30 PM 1746944 33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
9/28/2016 6:41 PM 341487 33920_InCup Drug Screen Training.pptx
11/30/2016 5:43 PM 341656 34888_InCup Drug Screen Training.pptx
11/30/2016 6:05 PM 228854 34889_InCup Drug Screen Training Initial and Annual.pptx
11/30/2016 8:12 PM 1346480 34894_inCup Package Insert.pdf
1/26/2017 5:34 PM 30493 36559_COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT.docx
1/26/2017 5:32 PM 30493 36560_COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT.docx
1/26/2017 5:36 PM 30499 36561_COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT.docx
1/26/2017 5:39 PM 22551 36562_PXP Checklist.docx
1/26/2017 5:45 PM 30499 36563_COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT.docx
2/27/2017 2:42 PM 1746944 37228_CVVAMC 2017 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
8/18/2017 3:01 PM 99328 37767_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
8/18/2017 2:59 PM 100352 37767_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
9/14/2017 2:02 PM 20334605 41137_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin
9/14/2017 2:16 PM 20481530 42827_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin I.pptx
9/14/2017 2:11 PM 20334605 42827_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin
9/27/2017 2:04 PM 21492 43008_CBOC COMPUTER PROCEDURE FOR SURE-VUE.docx
12/19/2017 5:47 PM 19725337 44692_32934_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creat.pptx
12/19/2017 8:20 PM 56146 44701_Initial Competency Assessment iSTAT BUN Creatinine.pdf
12/19/2017 8:22 PM 71514 44702_iSTAT BUN Creatinine Operator Training Checklist.p.pdf
1/19/2018 8:10 PM 99328 45693_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
1/19/2018 7:15 PM 19725338 45917_32934_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creat.pptx
1/19/2018 7:18 PM 20334605 45917_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin
1/19/2018 7:21 PM 1899008 45921_CVVAMC 2017 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
1/19/2018 7:27 PM 228854 45924_InCup Drug Screen Training Initial and Annual.pptx
1/19/2018 7:26 PM 342880 45924_InCup Drug Screen Training.pptx
1/19/2018 7:29 PM 1346495 45925_inCup Package Insert.pdf
1/19/2018 8:04 PM 19560104 45928_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and
1/19/2018 8:08 PM 21492 45929_CBOC COMPUTER PROCEDURE FOR SURE-VUE.docx
4/2/2018 12:33 PM 19711092 46832_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine..pptx
3/16/2018 5:55 PM 1910784 47198_CVVAMC 2017 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
7/12/2018 2:31 PM 19725570 49551_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine .pptx
1/7/2019 6:51 PM 342880 52907_InCup Drug Screen Training.pptx
1/9/2019 3:08 PM 1346495 53015_inCup Package Insert.pdf
1/10/2019 2:06 PM 20481530 53074_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin I.pptx
1/23/2019 6:41 PM 21492 53372_CBOC COMPUTER PROCEDURE FOR SURE-VUE.docx
1/23/2019 6:45 PM 99328 53373_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
1/23/2019 6:48 PM 18609 53374_Bypass Data Entry Function for Entering UPREG Resu.docx
2/8/2019 1:03 PM 1346495 53662_inCup Package Insert.pdf
6/4/2019 1:57 PM 19711092 55715_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine..pptx
6/4/2019 1:55 PM 20481530 55715_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin I.pptx
7/18/2019 2:38 PM 100352 57276_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
9/26/2019 6:42 PM 1910784 58360_CVVAMC 2019 Point of Care Glucose training.ppt
1/10/2020 12:47 PM 78336 60675_57276_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
9/10/2020 2:40 PM 19711092 63644_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine..pptx
12/16/2020 3:24 PM 20347106 65574_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creatinine..pptx
12/16/2020 3:14 PM 19560104 65574_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and
12/15/2020 7:17 PM 1749504 66658_33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose training .ppt
12/18/2020 7:12 PM 342880 66664_InCup Drug Screen Training.pptx
12/18/2020 7:04 PM 1346480 66665_inCup Package Insert.pdf
12/18/2020 6:11 PM 18728 66666_53374_Bypass Data Entry Function for Entering UPRE.docx
12/18/2020 6:14 PM 78336 66668_57276_31620_Sure-Vue hCG.doc
12/3/2020 4:08 PM 257141 66681_Precision Quick Cup Urine Drug Screen CLIA Waived..docx
12/9/2021 6:59 PM 1171411 68688_BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Training PowerPoint.pptx
2/5/2021 1:36 PM 23110 68717_VistA Result Entry Directions for BinaxNOW Rapid C.docx
2/5/2021 9:21 PM 23028 68727_VistA Result Entry Directions for BinaxNOW Rapid C.docx
2/17/2021 1:33 PM 16248 68958_BINAX VISTA DOCUMENTATION Alternative Directions ..docx
2/25/2021 1:39 PM 2537227 69076_Emergency Shelter and tornado training during COVI.pptx
7/26/2021 11:36 AM 712192 72644_Precision DX Multi-Panel Drug Test Cup.pdf
11/18/2021 4:34 PM 289313 74702_LiveProcess Training.pptx
12/9/2021 7:40 PM 1171411 75066_BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Training PowerPoint.pptx
12/9/2021 8:00 PM 19718889 75076_32934_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and Creat.pptx
12/9/2021 7:38 PM 1749504 75077_66658_33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucose tra.ppt
12/9/2021 7:03 PM 16248 75080_BINAX VISTA DOCUMENTATION Alternative Directions ..docx
12/9/2021 6:55 PM 26534 75089_VistA Result Entry Directions for BinaxNOW Rapid C.docx
12/9/2021 8:05 PM 20488813 75092_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin I.pptx
12/14/2021 5:06 PM 257288 75094_Precision Quick Cup Urine Drug Screen CLIA Waived..docx
12/14/2021 5:12 PM 712192 75173_Precision DX Multi-Panel Drug Test Cup.pdf
12/14/2021 5:24 PM 257288 75174_Precision Quick Cup Urine Drug Screen CLIA Waived..docx
12/14/2021 5:26 PM 18728 75175_66666_53374_Bypass Data Entry Function for Enterin.docx
12/14/2021 5:30 PM 78336 75177_66668_57276_31620_Sure-Vue hCG (1).doc
1/14/2022 6:33 PM 30119 76413_VistA Result Entry Directions for BinaxNOW Rapid C.docx
1/14/2022 6:46 PM 29006 76447_VistA Result Entry Directions for BinaxNOW Rapid C.docx
3/18/2022 2:11 PM 2524089 77923_Daily Maintenance and Cleaning for Precision Xceed.pdf
3/18/2022 2:16 PM 2524089 77928_Daily Maintenance and Cleaning for Precision Xceed.pdf
3/18/2022 5:51 PM 2524089 77932_Daily Maintenance and Cleaning for Precision Xceed.pdf
5/12/2022 7:33 PM 36492717 78720_Point of Care Urine Drug Screen Training Power Poi.pptx
5/25/2022 6:22 PM 38009135 78893_78720_Point of Care Urine Drug Screen Training Pow.pptx
5/25/2022 6:42 PM 103165 78896_POC 4 Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Glucose Meter Pro.docx
5/25/2022 6:51 PM 5335178 78897_Glucometer precision_xceedpro Operator's manual Au.pdf
5/27/2022 11:54 AM 1749504 78953_75077_66658_33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucos.ppt
5/27/2022 12:12 PM 1748992 78953_78953_75077_66658_33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care .ppt
5/31/2023 12:24 PM 1746944 79091_75077_66658_33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care Glucos.ppt
9/28/2022 6:07 PM 2955191 81837_VA Emergency Alerting and Accountability System.pp.pptx
9/28/2022 6:28 PM 2065775 81839_SA 1 Laboratory PPE__controlled_copy_ID_16155.pdf
9/28/2022 6:30 PM 1240256 81840_SA 2 Cleaning Blood and Body Fluid Spills__control.pdf
9/28/2022 6:32 PM 1838919 81841_SA 3 Laboratory Infection Control Policy__controll.pdf
9/30/2022 1:47 PM 2065775 81893_81839_SA 1 Laboratory PPE__controlled_copy_ID_1615.pdf
9/30/2022 4:26 PM 2955191 81893_VA Emergency Alerting and Accountability System.pp.pptx
9/30/2022 1:54 PM 47616 81894_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 09292022.doc
9/30/2022 2:00 PM 14347 81895_How to look up MSDS information.docx
9/30/2022 4:53 PM 2956911 81899_81837_VA Emergency Alerting and Accountability Sys.pptx
11/3/2022 2:10 PM 6277427 82495_Federal Drug Screen Collector Training.pptx
11/3/2022 4:13 PM 473365 82498_Drug Free Workplace Program Urine Specimen Collect.pdf
11/3/2022 4:21 PM 1065736 82499_CCF Examples.pdf
11/3/2022 4:24 PM 26753 82501_Shy Bladder QNS and Collection Checklist for Feder.docx
11/4/2022 1:51 PM 19223 82506_Memorandum for Federal Collection Form Corrections.docx
12/9/2021 7:40 PM 1171411 85581_75066_BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Training PowerPoint.pptx
4/21/2023 6:06 PM 1172037 85582_75066_BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Training PowerPoin.pptx
12/9/2021 7:40 PM 1171411 85582_75066_BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Training PowerPoint.pptx
4/28/2023 7:34 PM 47104 85676_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 041423.doc
5/11/2023 6:44 PM 8770472 85863_Laboratory Medical Waste Guidelines.pptx
9/22/2023 2:59 PM 48128 87353_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 092223.doc
11/14/2023 5:12 PM 49152 87877_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 111423.doc
11/30/2023 5:23 PM 19718933 88112_75076_32934_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for BUN and.pptx
11/30/2023 5:38 PM 19718934 88112_88112_75076_32934_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for B.pptx
11/30/2023 5:41 PM 20488850 88114_75092_CVVAMC iSTAT User Training for Troponin I (2.pptx
11/30/2023 6:41 PM 1758720 88119_79091_75077_66658_33211_CVVAMC 2016 Point of Care .ppt
2/14/2024 4:04 PM 3678029 89535_POC 9 Vaginal Discharge (Wet Prep) Procedure.pdf
2/14/2024 5:18 PM 99240 89537_PPMP Competency Checklist M Wronek.pdf
4/1/2024 7:10 PM 1646673 90204_POC 4 Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Glucose Meter Pro.pdf
6/21/2024 3:50 PM 1625010 91283_POC 4 Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Glucose Meter Pro.pdf
7/24/2024 6:00 PM 106510 91714_POC 4 Abbott Precision Xceed Pro Glucose Meter Pro.docx
7/25/2024 4:02 PM 50176 91731_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 072524.doc
9/26/2024 12:38 PM 49664 92555_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 092624.doc
9/27/2024 1:22 PM 49664 92564_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 092724.doc
9/30/2024 3:39 PM 49664 92594_CASCADE CALL LIST - LABORATORY as of 093024.doc