- /ltac/docs/custom/2523/

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10/9/2012 5:15 PM 232448 10018_8740.HemoSure.doc
11/21/2012 6:10 PM 47002 10520_BD Veritor System Reader Operation.docx
11/21/2012 6:17 PM 53414 10522_BD Veritor System - Rapid Influenza A+B.docx
11/21/2012 9:23 PM 53414 10526_BD Veritor System - Rapid Influenza A+B.docx
12/14/2012 4:01 PM 98816 10797_Rapid Influenza A+B - BD Veritor System 97.doc
12/14/2012 4:34 PM 67584 10798_Port-A-Cul Specimen Collection and Transport Vials.doc
12/14/2012 6:02 PM 180224 10802_ImmunoCard STAT EHEC - Shiga Toxin 97.doc
12/14/2012 6:06 PM 59904 10803_MacConkey Broth 97.doc
12/18/2012 8:18 PM 81408 10833_BD Veritor System Reader Operation 97.doc
12/19/2012 8:58 PM 98816 10854_Rapid Influenza A+B - BD Veritor System 97.doc
1/3/2013 6:57 PM 97792 11158_Massive Transfusion.doc
1/3/2013 6:56 PM 88576 11159_Method Correlations.doc
1/3/2013 8:06 PM 99840 11162_Ordering Products from Supplier.doc
1/3/2013 8:08 PM 90624 11163_Platelets-Apheresis.doc
1/3/2013 8:11 PM 105984 11164_Preadmission Surgical Workups.doc
1/3/2013 8:13 PM 86016 11165_Preparation of Units for Emergency Issue.doc
1/3/2013 8:19 PM 170496 11166_Product and Specimen Transfer.doc
1/3/2013 8:20 PM 84480 11167_Product Selection in Horizon Blood Bank.doc
1/3/2013 8:23 PM 140288 11168_Fetal Maternal Bleed Rapid Screen.doc
1/3/2013 8:29 PM 448329 11169_Proficiency Testing in Blood Bank.rtf
1/3/2013 8:34 PM 252928 11170_Quality Control - Reagent Quality Control - Gel Me.doc
1/3/2013 8:50 PM 146432 11171_Quality Control -Daily Temperature Recording and I.doc
1/9/2013 1:33 PM 120832 11293_Quality Control-Reagent Quality Control - Tube Met.doc
1/9/2013 1:36 PM 111616 11294_Reagents Prepared In House.doc
1/9/2013 1:37 PM 128000 11295_Receipt of Product Deliveries.doc
1/9/2013 1:39 PM 90112 11296_Receipt of Reagents,Derivatives,Accessories.doc
1/9/2013 1:42 PM 125440 11297_Recheck Testing.doc
1/9/2013 1:44 PM 98816 11298_Reference Consultation Services- Memorial Blood Ce.doc
1/9/2013 1:46 PM 56832 11299_Reporting Fatalities Due to Transfusion.doc
1/9/2013 1:47 PM 84480 11300_Resulting Testing from the Pending Worklog.doc
1/9/2013 1:50 PM 83968 11301_Returning Products Post Issue.doc
1/9/2013 1:52 PM 130560 11302_Returns,Credits,Discards.doc
1/9/2013 1:57 PM 97280 11306_Rh Immune Globulin.doc
1/9/2013 2:00 PM 94208 11307_Rh Phenotyping-C,E,c,e Antigen Typing.doc
1/9/2013 2:02 PM 90112 11308_Saline Replacement Technique.doc
1/9/2013 2:09 PM 109056 11309_Shipping to Area Hospitals.doc
1/9/2013 2:10 PM 146944 11310_Specimen Handling in Horizon Blood Bank.doc
1/9/2013 2:16 PM 81920 11311_Specimen Requirements, Labeling, and Storage.doc
1/9/2013 2:18 PM 79360 11312_Therapeutic Phlebotomy.doc
1/9/2013 2:21 PM 78336 11313_Transfusing Products in HBB.doc
1/9/2013 2:23 PM 186368 11314_Transfusion Reaction.doc
1/9/2013 2:25 PM 260919 11315_TTMC Emergency Issue 2 (Autosaved).docx
1/9/2013 2:27 PM 69120 11316_Unsuitable Blood Products.doc
1/11/2013 5:49 PM 28837 11381_Monitoring Campylobacter Incubation Conditions.doc.docx
1/11/2013 5:52 PM 50688 11382_Monitoring Campylobacter Incubation Conditions 97.doc
1/15/2013 2:38 PM 81408 11415_Chemical Hygiene Plan-Laboratory.doc
1/15/2013 1:58 PM 61200 11415_Chemical Hygiene Plan-Laboratory.docx
2/14/2013 2:21 PM 58320 11751_HepU AntiXa.docx
2/14/2013 2:36 PM 53940 11752_HepU.Calibration.docx
2/14/2013 2:37 PM 48467 11753_HepU.QC.docx
2/14/2013 4:54 PM 94720 11757_8510.PeripheralPrep.doc
2/14/2013 7:31 PM 53248 11757_8591SmearRev.doc
2/14/2013 7:22 PM 59904 11758_8509.AutoDiffCriteria.doc
3/20/2013 7:27 PM 39685 12329_CoaguChek XS Plus Testing.docx
9/10/2013 1:20 PM 108544 15169_8022I C.difficile - Illumigene.doc
11/8/2013 8:59 PM 55112 15849_fix.HepU AntiXa.docx
11/11/2013 8:07 PM 55030 15849_HepU AntiXa.docx
11/12/2013 7:50 PM 55030 15880_HepU AntiXa.docx
11/27/2013 1:10 PM 72549 16036_Gram Stain.docx
2/3/2014 4:27 PM 48113 17425_D Test for Clindamycin Induction – Inducible Clindamycin Resistance.docx
6/23/2014 3:03 PM 123225 17428_Giardia Cryptosporidium Quik Chek - Alere.docx
2/3/2014 4:36 PM 59518 17431_Vitek 2 Compact Antimicrobial Susceptibility Cards-Inoculation and Use.docx
2/3/2014 4:41 PM 99895 17436_Vitek 2 Compact Quality Control Identification and AST Cards.docx
2/3/2014 4:43 PM 99895 17436_Vitek 2 Compact Quality Control Identification and.docx
2/3/2014 5:45 PM 48113 17441_D Test for Clindamycin Induction – Inducible Clindamycin Resistance.docx
2/3/2014 5:51 PM 59518 17443_Vitek 2 Compact Antimicrobial Susceptibility Cards-Inoculation and Use.docx
2/20/2014 7:42 PM 77706 17725_Sperm preparation for Intrauterine
6/23/2014 1:29 PM 729206 19155_Processing of Specimens for Bacterial Culture.docx
6/19/2014 8:46 PM 55614 19156_Fluid Culture (228).docx
6/19/2014 7:55 PM 58579 19163_Illumigene Pertussis.docx
6/19/2014 8:04 PM 58579 19164_Illumigene Pertussis.docx
6/23/2014 2:20 PM 57571 19191_Illumigene Pertussis.docx
6/23/2014 2:25 PM 57571 19192_Illumigene Pertussis.docx
12/15/2014 4:15 PM 65311 21932_Illumigene Pertussis - Updated Procedure.docx
7/17/2012 6:56 PM 42278 9159_Urisys 1800 QC, Quality Control.docx
7/17/2012 7:06 PM 42278 9160_Urisys 1800 QC, Quality Control.docx
7/30/2012 2:56 PM 972426 9290_DOC120730.pdf
7/30/2012 7:54 PM 201575 9302_DOC120730.pdf
7/30/2012 8:09 PM 472534 9305_DOC120730-001.pdf
8/1/2012 6:11 PM 232448 9337_8740.Hemosure.doc
8/1/2012 6:39 PM 232448 9338_8740.Hemosure.doc
8/7/2012 3:23 PM 202240 9408_Fecal Occult Blood, OCCFE, Hemosure iFOBT, Hemoccult.doc
8/7/2012 3:51 PM 202240 9409_Fecal Occult Blood, OCCFE, Hemosure iFOBT, Hemoccult.doc
8/7/2012 6:35 PM 202240 9417_Fecal Occult Blood, OCCFE, Hemosure iFOBT, Hemoccu.doc
8/7/2012 9:43 PM 202240 9431_Fecal Occult Blood, OCCFE, Hemosure iFOBT, Hemoccu.doc
8/14/2012 12:38 PM 95715 9485_iFOBT, Fecal Occult Blood, OCCFE, Hemosure iFOBT, Hemoccult.docx
9/7/2012 12:07 PM 159232 9667_A1 Antigen Typing (Lectin).doc
9/7/2012 12:43 PM 159232 9669_A1 Antigen Typing (Lectin).doc
9/7/2012 12:51 PM 152576 9670_ABO Discrepancies.doc
9/7/2012 12:54 PM 100864 9671_ABO Forward and Reverse, Rh - Gel Card.doc
9/7/2012 2:16 PM 209920 9673_ABO Type-Forward and Reverse, Rh-Weak D- Tube Meth.doc
9/7/2012 2:18 PM 105472 9674_Alernate Method-Prewarm.doc
9/7/2012 2:20 PM 69120 9675_Allograft Tissue Storage and Handling.doc
9/7/2012 3:09 PM 146944 9676_Alternate Methods-Albumin,LISS.doc
9/7/2012 3:11 PM 93184 9677_Antibody Identification.doc
9/7/2012 3:24 PM 120832 9678_Antigen Testing Guide.doc
9/7/2012 3:26 PM 78848 9679_Blood Bank Daily Reports.doc
9/7/2012 3:41 PM 83456 9681_C, E, c,e Typing - Gel Card.doc
9/7/2012 3:42 PM 64000 9682_Blood Bank Policies.doc
9/7/2012 3:46 PM 57344 9683_Blood Bank Protocols.doc
9/7/2012 3:47 PM 68096 9684_Blood Bank Refrigerator & Freezer Failure.doc
9/7/2012 3:49 PM 118784 9685_Cell Suspensions and Conversions.doc
9/7/2012 3:50 PM 111104 9686_Computer Downtime Procedure.doc
9/7/2012 3:52 PM 118272 9687_Confirmation Testing of Donor Units.doc
9/7/2012 3:53 PM 83456 9688_Cord Blood Workup.doc
9/7/2012 3:54 PM 190976 9689_Crossmatch-Electronic,Immediate Spin(Gel),IgG(Gel).doc
9/7/2012 3:55 PM 76800 9690_Crossmatch - Memorial Blood Centers.doc
9/7/2012 3:58 PM 100864 9691_Cryoprecipitated AHF2.doc
9/7/2012 3:58 PM 100864 9692_Cryoprecipitated AHF2.doc
9/7/2012 3:59 PM 99328 9693_Daily Operating Procedure.doc
9/7/2012 4:01 PM 99840 9694_Data Retrieval--Previous Computer System and Curre.doc
9/7/2012 4:02 PM 106496 9695_Direct Antiglobulin Test - Tube Method.doc
9/7/2012 4:07 PM 97280 9696_Direct Antiglobulin Test -IgG & IgG,-C3d.doc
9/7/2012 4:10 PM 740864 9697_Emergency Issue and Post Issue Crossmatch.doc
9/7/2012 4:12 PM 146432 9698_Fetal Maternal Bleed ScreenImmucor.doc
9/7/2012 4:14 PM 146432 9699_Fetal Maternal Bleed ScreenImmucor.doc
9/7/2012 4:15 PM 93696 9700_Fya and K Antigen Typing - MTS Gel Card.doc
9/7/2012 4:17 PM 105984 9701_Fya and K Typing - Backup Method.doc
9/7/2012 4:19 PM 70144 9702_General Blood Bank Orders and Patient Testing.doc
9/7/2012 4:20 PM 87040 9703_Guidelines for Switching Blood Types.doc
9/7/2012 4:22 PM 123392 9704_HBB Common Computer Tasks.doc
9/7/2012 4:23 PM 72192 9705_HL7Manager Starting and Stopping Interfaces.doc
9/7/2012 4:24 PM 82944 9706_Indirect Antiglobulin Test -Gel Method.doc
9/7/2012 4:26 PM 129536 9707_Infant ABO-Forward Typing, Rh-Gel Card.doc
9/7/2012 4:27 PM 95232 9708_Infant Direct Antiglobulin Test - Gel Method.doc
9/7/2012 4:29 PM 80384 9709_Interpreting Reactions.doc
9/7/2012 4:30 PM 95744 9710_Issuing Products in HBB.doc
9/7/2012 4:31 PM 95232 9711_Jka Antigen Typing - Bioclone.doc
9/7/2012 4:33 PM 83456 9712_Least Incompatible Crossmatches.doc
9/7/2012 4:34 PM 91648 9713_Leukoreduced Red Blood Cells.doc
9/7/2012 4:35 PM 90624 9714_M Antigen Typing.doc
9/20/2012 7:42 PM 41582 9807_MacConkey Broth.docx
9/26/2012 8:09 PM 130750 9848_ImmunoCard STAT EHEC - Shiga Toxin.docx
9/26/2012 8:17 PM 130750 9850_ImmunoCard STAT EHEC - Shiga Toxin.docx
9/26/2012 8:28 PM 43773 9852_Port-A-Cul Specimen Collection and Transport Vials.docx
9/26/2012 8:37 PM 130750 9853_ImmunoCard STAT EHEC - Shiga Toxin.docx