- /ltac/docs/custom/110/

[To Parent Directory]

11/15/2013 8:43 PM 33280 15922_cGMP.doc
8/25/2014 6:42 PM 68608 20446_110 Phlebotomy Adverse Reactions REV 8-14.doc
8/25/2014 9:01 PM 68608 20452_255 Collection and Processing of Autologous Tears..doc
8/25/2014 9:39 PM 67072 20453_255 Collection and Processing of Autologous Tears r 8-2014.doc
8/27/2014 1:54 AM 58880 20469_231 BodyFLuidProcessing.doc
8/27/2014 2:25 AM 367616 20470_040IriCell.doc
8/28/2014 4:20 PM 41613 20486_009 SP1000i rev. 052914.docx
8/29/2014 9:03 PM 67584 20487_015 Fecal Wright Stain rev. 041514.doc
8/29/2014 9:03 PM 2520576 20488_020 Fetal Hemoglobin rev. 041514.doc
8/29/2014 9:04 PM 72704 20489_030 Lamellar Body Count rev. 041514.doc
8/29/2014 9:04 PM 66048 20490_035 Micro Hct rev.041514.doc
8/29/2014 9:05 PM 87040 20494_045 Nasal Eos rev. 041514.doc
9/20/2014 4:07 AM 61952 20495_056 post vasectomy.DOC
8/29/2014 9:02 PM 66048 20496_095 Cold Agglutinin rev. 050914.doc
8/29/2014 9:08 PM 79360 20497_120 Spinal Fluid Cell Count rev. 052314.doc
8/29/2014 9:01 PM 66048 20498_125 Body Fluid rev. 051214.doc
8/29/2014 9:08 PM 260608 20499_143 Crystal Exam rev. 041514.doc
8/29/2014 9:09 PM 65536 20500_185 Manual WBC Diff rev.052814.doc
9/22/2014 11:01 PM 124416 20501_191 Molis WAM rev.061014.doc
8/29/2014 9:07 PM 57344 20502_221 Slide Request for Pathology Review rev. 052314.doc
8/29/2014 9:06 PM 104448 20503_030 Fetal Fibronectin rev. 041514.doc
8/29/2014 9:00 PM 66048 20504_010 Eosinophil Count, Automated rev. 051214.doc
9/17/2014 5:14 PM 1101824 20705_ATMS.16.Revised.9.14.14.doc
9/20/2014 4:13 AM 56320 20732_220 CreatUrine (2).doc
9/20/2014 4:15 AM 58880 20733_377 mTP.doc
9/22/2014 6:44 PM 65536 20747_117 Annual Fire Safety Training.doc
10/22/2014 8:07 PM 2046214 21074_Ebola Class 10-21-14.pptx
10/22/2014 8:06 PM 3367409 21075_Donning Doffing PPErev 10-21-14.pptx
11/4/2014 9:50 PM 72192 21260_072 Specimen collection-outpatient rev 12-13.doc
11/13/2014 11:55 PM 58439 21460_Blood Volumen Monitoring Tool 11-2014.docx
12/15/2014 5:18 PM 579072 21937_Respect and POSITIVE Rel in WP GG YL 5 2012 20pgs..ppt
2/25/2015 2:58 AM 57344 23711_022ua preg.doc
2/25/2015 2:59 AM 53760 23712_015 Count 10 QC.doc
3/3/2015 8:32 PM 2633724 23778_Lactate Using StatStrip Lactate Hospital Meter Sys.pdf
4/7/2015 5:50 PM 365810 24202_Thrombin Time.pdf
4/7/2015 5:55 PM 79872 24203_120 Spinal Fluid Cell Count rev. 032615.doc
5/14/2015 9:46 PM 1385279 24657_Processing of Quest Send-out Specimens.pdf
6/12/2015 10:52 PM 1832842 25170_Quest Send Out Processing P&P 07-260.pdf
6/19/2015 6:23 PM 666610 25289_5.8.8.102_CriticalValuePolicy_ver02.pdf
6/19/2015 6:32 PM 109568 25294_5.8.8.102 Critical Value part B.doc
6/19/2015 6:49 PM 36016 25295_535 KRMS and Cerner Downtime Procedures.docx
6/19/2015 6:50 PM 32759 25296_540 HealthConnect Downtime Procedures.docx
6/19/2015 6:51 PM 34453 25297_545 HealthConnect and KRMS Downtime Procedures.doc.docx
7/22/2015 5:01 PM 603216 26193_KPPI Medicopia Downtime Procedures.pdf
7/31/2015 4:09 PM 1503104 26345_Job Aid_Accessioning Manual Orders.pdf
8/12/2015 10:38 PM 145206 26523_2015 Process for Laboratory Checkin of Blind_Visio.docx
8/12/2015 10:30 PM 360448 26524_Process for blind or vision loss member lab check .ppt
8/27/2015 4:33 PM 548135 26703_Vision Loss Training 8-205.pdf
8/31/2015 5:48 PM 223673 26745_035 Heparin Anti-Xa Assay Rev. 090115.pdf
11/5/2015 7:50 PM 474767 27502_COAG.SCPMG.001 APTT Mixing Study rev.112014.pdf
11/5/2015 7:38 PM 423643 27503_COAG.SCPMG.002 APTT Mixing Study rev.112014.pdf
12/2/2015 6:10 AM 64000 27504_030 New Reagents Rev. 092915.doc
12/2/2015 6:09 AM 60928 27505_270 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Bouin's Solution Rev. 1.doc
12/11/2015 5:18 PM 657688 28138_Outpatient Specimen Log-In.pdf
12/11/2015 5:22 PM 781310 28139_Create a Transfer List.pdf
12/11/2015 5:22 PM 818655 28140_Modify Collections.pdf
12/11/2015 5:21 PM 1643326 28141_Manual Orders and Specimens Received from Skilled .pdf
12/11/2015 5:20 PM 614828 28142_Mayo Medical Labs Send-out Specimens.pdf
12/12/2015 12:52 AM 69632 28152_012 How To Evaluate QC Values rev. 111715.doc
12/12/2015 12:57 AM 82432 28154_020 Coag Specimen Requirements rev. 111915.doc
12/12/2015 12:59 AM 133632 28155_026 STA-R Evolution PT,PTT,FIB,DDIMER rev. 120715..doc
12/12/2015 12:58 AM 68096 28156_100 Microhematocrit Control rev. 111915.doc
12/21/2015 5:43 PM 579072 28298_Respect and POSITIVE Rel in WP GG YL 5 2012 20pgs.ppt
1/14/2016 4:45 PM 67072 29043_286 MedtoxDrugScreen.doc
1/15/2016 11:33 PM 11366 29043_medtrainingtest.docx
1/18/2016 4:08 PM 11359 29043_MedtrainingTest2.docx
1/18/2016 3:15 PM 11281 29043_MedtrainingTestDoc.docx
1/19/2016 3:03 PM 11305 29043_Test.docx
1/19/2016 3:23 PM 11269 29043_Testagain.docx
1/18/2016 11:32 PM 11255 29043_This is a test.docx
1/21/2016 9:50 PM 25314 29213_130 Tardiness Jan 2016.pdf
1/21/2016 9:12 PM 25025 29213_130 Tardiness.docx
1/21/2016 9:51 PM 31603 29214_180 Call-In Policy Jan 2016.pdf
1/26/2016 4:40 AM 122646 29263_286 MedtoxDrugScreen.pdf
1/26/2016 4:42 AM 280408 29264_070 Strep. Pneumoniae.pdf
1/26/2016 4:43 AM 89837 29265_100DilutionTable.pdf
1/26/2016 4:39 AM 122646 29265_286 MedtoxDrugScreen.pdf
1/26/2016 4:33 AM 1751533 29265_document2016-01-19-093737.pdf
1/26/2016 4:38 AM 110265 29265_Image-1.jpg
2/9/2016 5:44 PM 58439 29578_Blood Volume Monitoring Tool 11-2014.docx
2/9/2016 5:48 PM 68608 29579_110 Phlebotomy Adverse Reactions REV 8-14.doc
2/9/2016 5:49 PM 58880 29580_231 Body Fluid Processing.doc
2/9/2016 5:51 PM 411648 29581_260 Quest Send outs and Care 360.doc
2/16/2016 6:15 PM 399605 29661_Proper Use of Yellow Biohazard Bag to Transport Sp.pdf
2/16/2016 6:16 PM 214479 29662_Heel Puncture_Rev 1.pdf
2/16/2016 6:18 PM 198123 29663_Preanalytical Processing Policy for LabNet.pdf
2/16/2016 6:19 PM 197543 29664_Drawing Blood from Patients with an IV_Rev 1.pdf
4/13/2016 9:30 PM 690899 30654_Test Reporting TAT 06-030.pdf
4/14/2016 4:16 PM 60120 30694_4-025-01 Eosinophil Urine Sputum rev.040116.docx
4/14/2016 4:30 PM 104960 30695_4-012-01 Hematology Manual Slide Stainer
4/14/2016 4:34 PM 104448 30696_5-030-01 Fetal Fibronectin rev.010816.doc
4/14/2016 5:06 PM 1253376 30698_4-030-01 Lamellar Body Count rev. 121615.doc
6/1/2016 7:14 PM 187944 31498_Language.pdf
6/21/2016 5:42 PM 139258 31939_300 Specimen Acceptance Rejection Policy Rev 6-5-1.pdf
6/24/2016 5:19 AM 43444 32045_04-000 Beckman Coulter- UniCel DxC 800_OCI.docx
6/27/2016 8:38 PM 655372 32093_Procedure_Resulting in Cerner GenLab - Manual Entr.pdf
7/16/2016 4:13 AM 75264 32775_04-001 DXC800 Setup Procedure_OCI.doc
7/16/2016 4:14 AM 77824 32776_04-002 DXC800 Startup, Shutdown & Reboot_OCI.doc
7/16/2016 4:15 AM 90112 32777_04-003_Loading Reagents on Beckman Sychron DXC800.doc
7/16/2016 4:12 AM 116224 32778_04-004 Calibrating Beckman Synchron DxC800_OCI.doc
7/16/2016 4:16 AM 116736 32779_04-005_Processing Samples on Beckman Sybchron DxC8.doc
7/16/2016 4:12 AM 93184 32780_04-006Completing Maintenance on Beckman Synchron D.doc
7/16/2016 4:13 AM 32262 32781_04-007 DXC800 QC_OCI.docx
8/1/2016 10:16 PM 79139 32782_04-008_Attributes for DxC.docx
7/16/2016 4:10 AM 75776 32783_04-101_Access 2 Set-up Procedure.doc
7/16/2016 4:10 AM 82944 32784_04-102_ Access 2 Startup, Shutdown & Reboot.doc
7/16/2016 4:11 AM 78336 32785_04-103 Calibrating Beckman Access 2_OCI.doc
7/16/2016 4:14 AM 87552 32786_04-104_Loading Reagents on Beckman Access 2.doc
7/16/2016 4:16 AM 89600 32787_04-105_Processing Samples on Beckman Access 2.doc
7/16/2016 4:09 AM 93184 32788_04-106_QC Beckman Access 2.doc
7/16/2016 4:11 AM 132608 32789_04-107Attributes for Access 2OCI.doc
7/16/2016 4:15 AM 248971 32790_Manual Dilution Policy_Rev 4.pdf
9/22/2016 8:43 PM 452400 33844_Autologous Serum Eyedrops New P&P 9.22.16.pdf
10/18/2016 2:51 PM 485344 34259_PPP-0129-Reference_CLIA Personnel Duties, Responsi.pdf
10/18/2016 3:21 PM 271620 34259_SCPMG-PPP-0129 CLIA Personnel Duties, Responsibili.pdf
10/18/2016 2:52 PM 274076 34260_PPP-0130_Policy_Competence Assessment for Testing .pdf
10/18/2016 3:22 PM 172958 34260_SCPMG-PPP-0130 Competence Assessment for Testing P.pdf
10/18/2016 6:40 PM 427107 34269_02-015-01 Processing Quality Control for IQAP on S.pdf
11/8/2016 2:46 PM 216691 34615_084 Code STEMI Procedure.pdf
11/10/2016 2:45 AM 1194713 34643_Tube safety.pdf
11/15/2016 1:49 AM 158923 34711_red rule.pdf
11/15/2016 1:54 AM 196127 34712_hand hygiene policy.pdf
11/15/2016 1:56 AM 40374 34713_Hand Hygiene and Smoke Free Agreement Policy Ackno.pdf
11/17/2016 3:41 AM 756224 34757_Vision Procedure.pdf
1/4/2017 10:08 PM 254382 35859_SCPMG-PPP-0114 Blood Culture - Skin Preparation an.pdf
1/4/2017 10:11 PM 124313 35860_SCPMG-PPP-0128 Processing Sterile Site or Respirat.pdf
1/4/2017 10:12 PM 209216 35861_SCPMG-PPP-0124 Adverse Reactions New.pdf
1/4/2017 10:13 PM 264185 35862_SCPMG-PPP-0125 Urine Specimen Guidelines for Refer.pdf
1/4/2017 10:15 PM 294177 35863_SCPMG-PPP-0126 Urine Specimen Guidelines for the R.pdf
1/4/2017 10:16 PM 192810 35864_SCPMG-PPP-0123 Tourniquet Application New.pdf
1/4/2017 10:18 PM 239313 35865_SCPMG-PPP-0115 Tests Requiring Special Handling Ne.pdf
1/4/2017 10:19 PM 197250 35866_SCPMG-PPP-0122 Fingerstick.pdf
1/4/2017 10:21 PM 176828 35867_SCPMG-PPP-0107 Instrument and Equipment Qualificat.pdf
1/4/2017 10:26 PM 176828 35868_SCPMG-PPP-0107 Instrument and Equipment Qualificat.pdf
1/5/2017 8:47 PM 212297 35958_050 Tests Performed at the Orange County Laborator.pdf
1/6/2017 7:37 PM 290270 35991_QM. Reference Regional Critical Values.pd.pdf
2/15/2017 5:45 PM 68608 37041_4-095-01 Cold Agglutinin rev. 012717.doc
2/27/2017 7:53 PM 263072 37041_4-095-01 Cold Agglutinin rev. 012717.pdf
12/4/2017 6:49 PM 829824 37785_The Guiding Principles of Proficiency Testing.pdf
3/21/2017 3:33 PM 249906 38077_02-170 Meal and Rest Period Rev 2-17.pdf
3/21/2017 3:53 PM 159279 38109_180 Call-In Policy Rev 2.2.17.pdf
3/21/2017 3:59 PM 114383 38116_015 Director Delegation of Responsibilites rev 3.7.pdf
3/21/2017 4:03 PM 158939 38125_040 Continuing Educatio Requirement 2.2017.pdf
5/3/2017 4:55 PM 1738598 39424_09-001 CO Accessioning Samples in KRMS 4.17.pdf
6/5/2017 1:42 PM 675868 39935_C.diff Quik check procedure.pdf
6/8/2017 6:33 PM 1051601 40227_Non-Patient Accessioning for Endotoxin Testing and.pdf
9/15/2017 5:33 PM 137536 42851_1-0010 Storage of Acids and Flammable Liquids.pdf
9/15/2017 5:20 PM 381763 42851_3-0010 Sysmex XN-9000 Procedure.pdf
9/15/2017 5:35 PM 138922 42852_1-0020 Use and Care of Microscope.pdf
9/15/2017 5:38 PM 144881 42854_1-0040 Referral of Smears for Pathologist Review.p.pdf
9/15/2017 5:39 PM 614402 42855_SCPMG QMS-0076 Laboratory Systems Regional Critica.pdf
9/15/2017 5:42 PM 281150 42856_02-0010 XN QC Procedure.pdf
9/15/2017 5:49 PM 187522 42857_02-0011 XN Calibration and Precision.pdf
9/18/2017 4:37 PM 148151 42859_02-0020 Processing QUALITY CONTROL for IQAP (Insig.pdf
9/18/2017 4:39 PM 223906 42860_02-0030 Evaluating New Lot Numbers of Controls for.pdf
9/18/2017 4:40 PM 146219 42861_02-0040 Microhematocrit Control.pdf
9/18/2017 4:42 PM 160637 42862_02-0050 Body Fluid Cell Count Control.pdf
9/18/2017 4:44 PM 133607 42878_02-0120 MicroHCT Centrifuge Calibration.pdf
9/18/2017 4:46 PM 229195 42879_02-0210 Performance Verification for New Shipment .pdf
9/18/2017 4:47 PM 141856 42880_02-0310 Instrument Validation After Repair.pdf
9/18/2017 4:49 PM 381763 42881_3-0010 Sysmex XN-9000 Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 4:51 PM 619125 42882_3-0020 WAM 5.0 Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 4:52 PM 462232 42883_3-0030 Sysmex DI-60 Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 4:53 PM 259867 42884_3-0040 Reticulocyte Count.pdf
9/18/2017 4:56 PM 167662 42885_3-0050 MicroHCT.pdf
9/18/2017 4:57 PM 147299 42886_3-0060 Eosinophil Count.pdf
9/18/2017 5:02 PM 187727 42887_3-0070 Manual WBC Differential.pdf
9/18/2017 5:21 PM 185979 42888_3-0080 Hematology Manual Slide Stainer.pdf
9/18/2017 5:32 PM 154956 42889_3-0090 Blood Smear Preparation Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:12 PM 154956 42890_3-0090 Blood Smear Preparation Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:13 PM 612665 42891_3-0100 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample Proble.pdf
9/18/2017 6:15 PM 146048 42892_3-0110 Calculation of Cell Counts.pdf
9/18/2017 6:17 PM 156927 42893_3-0120 Cytospin Slide Preparation Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:19 PM 271835 42894_3-0130 Spinal Fluid Cell Count Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:20 PM 177245 42895_3-0140 Body Fluid Analysis Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:21 PM 319444 42896_3-0150 Crystal Exam Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:29 PM 194257 42897_3-0160 Nasal Smear Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:33 PM 188751 42898_3-0170 Eosinophil Urine Sputum Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:34 PM 230095 42899_3-0180 Fecal Wright Stain Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:36 PM 157574 42900_3-0190 India Ink Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:37 PM 326013 42901_3-0200 ESR Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:39 PM 306198 42902_3-0210 Rapid HIV 1 Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:41 PM 344776 42903_3-0220 Mono.pdf
9/18/2017 6:42 PM 821627 42904_3-0230 Automated Semen.pdf
9/18/2017 6:43 PM 308082 42905_3-0240 Fetal Fibronectin Procedure.pdf
9/18/2017 6:45 PM 153574 42906_3-0250 Slide Request for Pathology Review.pdf
9/27/2017 9:15 PM 248971 43013_QM. Manual Dilution Policy.pdf
9/27/2017 9:13 PM 213002 43014_050 Tests Performed at the Orange County Laborator.pdf
9/28/2017 4:54 PM 57017 43015_05.260.01 Record Retention Policy.pdf
10/26/2017 6:24 PM 91534 43016_365 Correction of Laboratory Records New 6-25-17.p.pdf
9/28/2017 4:56 PM 112127 43017_215 Regeant Labeling, Storage, and Handling New 6-.pdf
10/3/2017 4:19 PM 331587 43107_LIS.01.1160 Health Connect Downtime.pdf
10/3/2017 4:24 PM 294171 43108_LIS.01.1170 Inpatient Cerner Downtime.pdf
10/3/2017 4:26 PM 302502 43109_LIS.01.1180 Outpatient Cerner Downtime.pdf
10/3/2017 4:28 PM 289236 43110_LIS.01.1190 Inpatient KRMS Downtime.pdf
10/3/2017 4:29 PM 300283 43112_LIS.01.1200 Outpatient KRMS Downtime.pdf
10/3/2017 4:30 PM 201213 43113_LIS.01.1210 Computer Systems Validation Post Downt.pdf
10/26/2017 4:04 PM 297186 43114_LIS.01.1220 KPPI Downtime.pdf
10/24/2017 4:56 PM 50457 43437_SCPMG-PPP-0162 Accessing_LabNet 10-5-17.pdf
10/26/2017 6:25 PM 186302 43439_SCPMG-PPP-0113 Instructions for Use_Incubator Carr.pdf
10/24/2017 9:29 PM 153395 43443_255 Collection and Processing of Autologous Tears .pdf
10/25/2017 4:39 PM 308000 43460_Rapid Detection of Flu A&B.pdf
10/25/2017 4:40 PM 288481 43461_Rapid Detection of RSV.pdf
11/9/2017 9:45 PM 34579 43782_01-020-01 Coag Specimen Requirements rev. 110717.d.docx
11/9/2017 10:04 PM 51200 43785_01-045-01 Coagulation Repeats rev. 110717.doc
11/9/2017 10:05 PM 25986 43786_01-100-01 Reference Range rev. 110717.docx
12/4/2017 6:26 PM 207475 44322_SCPMG QMS 0075 Critical Results Values Policy.pdf
1/24/2018 10:29 PM 129485 46118_Laboratory Vision Loss training package v3pdf.pdf
2/15/2018 7:16 PM 496432 46579_Blood Culture Collection.pdf
3/14/2018 4:36 PM 1162358 47130_Collection and Receipt of Blood Bank Specimens RL .xps
3/16/2018 7:40 PM 164680 47200_351 Processing Unaccessioned Specimen.pdf
3/16/2018 7:53 PM 220936 47201_050 Tests Performed at the Orange County Laborator.pdf
3/16/2018 7:10 PM 377760 47202_02-051-01 Chocolate Agar Quality Control Rev 2.21..pdf
6/18/2018 9:13 PM 1544229 48627_Hand Hygiene Policy Training.pdf
6/18/2018 8:31 PM 391003 48628_Cleaning between Patients Training.pdf
6/18/2018 10:11 PM 1506092 48634_Laboratory Workplace Safety Policy.pdf
6/27/2018 9:29 PM 315392 48791_Emergency Medical Response and Management in Medic.doc
7/2/2018 10:14 PM 942451 49169_QFT for CPT FINAL_.pdf
7/2/2018 10:14 PM 8427245 49169_QFT for CPT FINAL_.pptx
8/31/2018 6:47 PM 96283 50471_MIC.01.0030 Gram Stain Control.pdf
8/31/2018 6:51 PM 529167 50472_MIC.02.0130 Clostridium difficile Quik Check Compl.pdf
8/31/2018 6:53 PM 92960 50473_MIC.02.0120 Blood Culture Volume Monitoring.pdf
10/2/2018 7:53 PM 278017 50477_3-0111 Manual Dilution Procedure for approval.pdf
9/1/2018 1:53 PM 213336 50479_critical values.pdf
10/2/2018 6:27 PM 201526 50783_SCPMG QMS-0021 Intermittent Testing for Non-waived.pdf
9/24/2018 9:23 PM 76288 50784_QM.01.1060 Personnel Competency Assessment.doc
9/24/2018 9:23 PM 92160 50785_QM.01.1230 Quality Assessment Review with
10/2/2018 6:23 PM 70127 50785_QM.01.1230 Quality Assessment Review with Staff.pd.pdf
9/24/2018 9:19 PM 70656 50786_PRE.01.0020 Blood Specimen Collection Inpatient.d.doc
10/2/2018 6:19 PM 139225 50786_PRE.01.0020 Blood Specimen Collection Inpatient.p.pdf
9/24/2018 9:19 PM 73728 50787_PRE.01.0030 Specimen collection-outpatient.doc
10/2/2018 6:21 PM 151249 50787_PRE.01.0030 Specimen collection-outpatient.pdf
10/2/2018 6:18 PM 197800 50873_SCPMG QMS-0038 Policy_Laboratory Compliance with H.pdf
10/2/2018 7:39 PM 326257 50878_3-0200 ESR Procedure.pdf
10/2/2018 7:57 PM 355571 50879_COAG.01-0010 Coagulation Specimen Requirement.pdf
10/2/2018 7:59 PM 225172 50880_COAG.01-0030 Reference, Therapeutic, and Reportabl.pdf
10/2/2018 8:07 PM 183730 50881_COAG.02-0010 Quality Control and Quality Control O.pdf
10/2/2018 8:10 PM 384741 50882_COAG.03-0010 STA-R Evolution PT,PTT,FIB,DDIMER.pdf
10/2/2018 8:13 PM 196224 50883_COAG.03-0020 Heparin Anti-Xa Assay.pdf
10/4/2018 3:10 PM 454920 50926_COAG.03-0010 STA-R Evolution PT,PTT,FIB,DDIMER.pdf
10/11/2018 3:27 PM 96304 50996_QM.01.1150 Quality Control Procedures Rev 10-4-18..pdf
10/29/2018 5:17 PM 2783002 51323_MIC.01.0060 IQCP for Commercially Prepared -CLSI-E.pdf
10/29/2018 5:19 PM 979511 51324_MIC.01.0070 Biosafety Level.pdf
10/29/2018 5:22 PM 384644 51325_MIC.01.0080 Comparability of Instruments.pdf
11/2/2018 7:34 PM 155071 51410_MIC.02.0040 Inoculation and Streaking of Culture.p.pdf
11/5/2018 10:52 PM 643979 51440_3-0100 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample Proble.pdf
11/7/2018 3:36 PM 30208 51452_16 PPE Instruction and Hand Cleaning.doc
11/7/2018 3:48 PM 40012 51452_16 PPE Instruction and Hand Cleaning.pdf
12/20/2018 8:35 PM 214423 51495_SCPMG-PPP-0151 Documentation and Error Correction .pdf
11/9/2018 10:03 PM 198558 51496_SCPMG QMS - 0050 Policy_Receipt of Home Collected .pdf
11/13/2018 10:02 PM 64436 51526_GEN.01.0160 Scope of Services.pdf
11/13/2018 10:01 PM 55813 51527_GEN.01.0100 Expense Reports .pdf
11/13/2018 10:03 PM 61853 51528_GEN.03.0260 Morphologic Observation Assessment.pdf
11/15/2018 7:05 PM 201517 51565_SCPMG QMS - 0021 Intermittent Testing of Non-waive.pdf
11/16/2018 3:59 PM 198553 51576_SCPMG QMS - 0050 Policy - Receipt of Home Collecte.pdf
11/16/2018 3:51 PM 139281 51577_QM.01.1310 Document Control.pdf
12/20/2018 6:55 PM 214436 52264_SCPMG-PPP-0151 Documentation and Error Correction .pdf
12/27/2018 8:36 PM 214423 52386_SCPMG-PPP-0151 Documentation and Correction of Lab.pdf
1/17/2019 9:09 PM 95462 53262_GEN.02.0030 attachment OCI Laboratory Organizatio.pdf
2/4/2019 8:50 PM 63488 53637_PRE.01.0120 Pediatric and Neonatal Blood Specimen .doc
4/30/2019 5:19 PM 77824 55242_PRE.01.0230 Glucose Tolerance Test Procedure Rev 1.doc
5/9/2019 5:55 PM 54784 55361_Glucose Tolerance Test Patient Reminder (002).doc
11/14/2019 7:50 PM 71680 59069_01-0010 STA Coag Specimen Requirements.doc
11/14/2019 8:06 PM 70656 59071_01-0020 Coagulation Critical Value.doc
11/14/2019 8:10 PM 59904 59072_01-0030 REFERENCE, THERAPEUTIC and REPORTABLE RANG.doc
11/14/2019 8:10 PM 108544 59073_02-0010 Quality Control and Quality Control Out of.doc
11/14/2019 8:10 PM 66048 59074_02-0020 Assaying New Reagents, Controls, Populatio.doc
11/14/2019 8:11 PM 81408 59075_02-0030 Reagent Receipt Inspection.doc
11/14/2019 8:11 PM 296600 59076_03-0010 STA-COMPACT Max Start-Up and Basic Operati.docx
11/14/2019 8:12 PM 72704 59077_03-0030 INR CALCULATION.doc
11/14/2019 8:13 PM 412672 59078_03-0040 STA Compact Max Calibrations.doc
4/21/2020 10:46 PM 1588720 62509_02-0010 Sysmex XN 550 QC Procedure.docx
4/17/2020 9:40 PM 1588559 62509_2-0010 Sysmex XN 550 QC Procedure.docx
4/17/2020 9:39 PM 230955 62509_2-0030 Evaluating New Lot Numbers of Controls for .docx
4/21/2020 10:47 PM 230953 62510_02-0030 Evaluating New Lot Numbers of Controls for.docx
4/21/2020 11:20 PM 167145 62510_02-0030 Evaluating New Lot Numbers of Controls for.pdf
4/17/2020 9:41 PM 230955 62510_2-0030 Evaluating New Lot Numbers of Controls for .docx
4/21/2020 10:48 PM 42433 62511_02-0040 Sysmex XN 550 Calibration and Precision.d.docx
4/21/2020 11:21 PM 172009 62511_02-0040 Sysmex XN 550 Calibration and Precision.p.pdf
4/17/2020 9:44 PM 42384 62511_2-0040 Sysmex XN 550 Calibration and
4/21/2020 10:48 PM 33566 62512_02-0050 Performance Verification of Reagents for t.docx
4/21/2020 11:22 PM 96574 62512_02-0050 Performance Verification of Reagents for t.pdf
4/17/2020 9:49 PM 35918 62512_2-0050 Performance Verification of Reagents for th.docx
4/21/2020 10:49 PM 89600 62513_02-0070 Sysmex Validation Plan.doc
4/21/2020 11:22 PM 230825 62513_02-0070 Sysmex Validation Plan.pdf
4/21/2020 10:49 PM 42523 62514_02-0060 Instrument Validation After Repair.docx
4/21/2020 11:22 PM 160537 62514_02-0060 Instrument Validation After Repair.pdf
4/21/2020 10:46 PM 30264 62515_02-0020 Processing QUALITY CONTROL for IQAP (Insig.docx
4/21/2020 11:18 PM 93299 62515_02-0020 Processing QUALITY CONTROL for IQAP (Insig.pdf
4/17/2020 11:03 PM 29935 62515_2-0020 Processing QUALITY CONTROL for IQAP (Insigh.docx
4/21/2020 10:49 PM 49437 62516_03-0010 Sysmex XN-L 550 Procedure.docx
4/21/2020 11:25 PM 246741 62516_03-0010 Sysmex XN-L 550 Procedure.pdf
4/21/2020 10:42 PM 30935 62571_1-0010 Storage of Acids and Flammable Liquids.docx
4/24/2020 3:32 AM 83303 62571_Storage of Acids and Flammable Liquids.pdf
4/21/2020 10:43 PM 31189 62572_1-0020 Use and Care of Microscope for final approv.docx
4/24/2020 3:32 AM 83419 62572_Use and Care of Microscope for final approval.pdf
4/21/2020 10:44 PM 32533 62573_1-0030 Referral of Smears for Pathologist Review.d.docx
4/24/2020 3:32 AM 91906 62573_Referral of Smears for Pathologist Review.pdf
4/21/2020 10:44 PM 41497 62574_1-0040 Absolute Neutrophil Count.docx
4/24/2020 3:32 AM 75248 62574_Absolute Neutrophil Count.pdf
4/21/2020 10:45 PM 45845 62575_1-0050 Automated Differential Reporting Criteria.d.docx
4/24/2020 3:32 AM 128707 62575_Automated Differential Reporting Criteria.pdf
4/21/2020 10:50 PM 46306 62576_03-0020 White Cell Differential Manual.docx
4/21/2020 11:26 PM 173299 62576_03-0020 White Cell Differential Manual.pdf
4/21/2020 10:50 PM 37735 62577_03-0030 Hematology Manual Slide Stainer.docx
4/21/2020 11:26 PM 128732 62577_03-0030 Hematology Manual Slide Stainer.pdf
4/21/2020 10:51 PM 44728 62578_03-0040 Preparation of Blood Films .docx
4/21/2020 11:26 PM 88953 62578_03-0040 Preparation of Blood Films .pdf
4/21/2020 10:51 PM 50883 62579_03-0050 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample Probl.docx
4/21/2020 11:27 PM 199847 62579_03-0050 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample Probl.pdf
4/21/2020 10:52 PM 40508 62580_03-0060 WBC CORRECTION FOR NUCLEATED RED BLOOD CEL.docx
4/21/2020 11:28 PM 107562 62580_03-0060 WBC CORRECTION FOR NUCLEATED RED BLOOD CEL.pdf
4/21/2020 10:52 PM 40794 62581_03-0070 CITRATED PLATELET COUNT .docx
4/21/2020 11:28 PM 79793 62581_03-0070 CITRATED PLATELET COUNT .pdf
4/21/2020 10:53 PM 65265 62582_03-0080 ESR Procedure.docx
4/21/2020 11:28 PM 217192 62582_03-0080 ESR Procedure.pdf
4/21/2020 10:53 PM 33682 62583_03-0100 Slide Request for Pathology Review.docx
4/21/2020 11:29 PM 96885 62583_03-0100 Slide Request for Pathology Review.pdf
4/21/2020 11:19 PM 280842 62584_02-0010 Sysmex XN 550 QC Procedure.pdf
4/22/2020 10:16 PM 280842 62610_02-0010 Sysmex XN 550 QC Procedure.pdf
9/11/2020 4:16 AM 106301 65584_URN.MOB.01.0010 Urine Samples for STAT Outpatients.pdf
9/11/2020 4:22 AM 88441 65585_URN.MOB.01.0020 Morphologic Assessment.pdf
9/11/2020 4:23 AM 100421 65586_URN.MOB.02.0010 Urinalysis qUAntify control.pdf
9/11/2020 4:24 AM 65956 65587_URN.MOB.02.0020 Parallel Testing.pdf
9/11/2020 4:25 AM 71914 65588_URN.MOB.02-0030 Instrument Validation Post Repair .pdf
9/11/2020 4:26 AM 140069 65589_URN.MOB.03-0010 Clinitek Advantus.pdf
9/11/2020 4:26 AM 154361 65590_URN.MOB.03-0020 Manual UA- Back-up .pdf
9/11/2020 4:27 AM 95884 65591_URN.MOB.03-0030 Urinalysis Method Correlation.pdf
9/15/2020 5:31 PM 88441 65628_URN.MOB.01.0020 Morphologic Assessment.pdf
2/4/2021 6:50 PM 5153328 68511_OC-PPP-0655 Gram Stain Automated and Manual Method.docx
4/7/2021 7:34 PM 837 69087_index[1].cfm
4/20/2021 7:39 PM 154809 70089_CHM.MOB 02.0010 Chemistry Controls.pdf
4/20/2021 7:41 PM 115362 70090_CHEM.MOB 03-0170 Attributes for the Access Analyz.pdf
11/2/2022 11:51 PM 457375 82481_MOB WAM 5.0 Procedure.pdf
11/23/2022 12:01 AM 677022 82800_SCPMG-PPP-0399-03.pdfNov222022112613.pdf
11/23/2022 12:14 AM 113652 82801_SCPMG-PPP-0357-01.pdfNov222022112443.pdf
11/23/2022 12:08 AM 212927 82801_SCPMG-PPP-0358-03.pdfNov222022113100.pdf
11/23/2022 12:14 AM 212927 82802_SCPMG-PPP-0358-03.pdfNov222022113100.pdf
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5/11/2023 4:02 PM 1228660 85850_Ergo Guidelines.pdf
5/11/2023 4:01 PM 562097 85851_Ergonomic newsletter.pdf
5/11/2023 3:59 PM 387699 85852_Ergo Stretch TRW (1).pdf
5/11/2023 4:12 PM 20217652 85853_SCAL LAB Body Mechanics Training.pdf
7/13/2023 3:48 AM 114956 86631_SAF.01.0340 FDA-Reporting Process for Device Relat.pdf
3/22/2024 4:29 PM 437777 90056_Lab Blood Draw Station Body Mechanics Program .pdf
10/17/2024 4:10 PM 338174 92875_Transfusion Reaction .docxOct172024040806.pdf
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10/3/2012 6:36 PM 1336832 9912_Workplace Bullying NBH wo logo LAB.ppt