[To Parent Directory]
5/29/2013 2:10 PM 56659 13119_DRY ICE.docx
7/25/2013 7:35 PM 12051 14544_comp.check.docx
8/15/2013 4:42 PM 96256 14828_SPCL-208.doc
8/15/2013 4:42 PM 13955 14828_volume log.docx
9/9/2014 7:53 PM 97280 20605_Blood Culture Collection.doc
12/4/2014 4:31 PM 36352 21720_Phlebotomy Adverse Reaction.doc
12/22/2014 8:02 PM 31098 22085_MICRO-734 mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:04 PM 56862 22092_MICRO-705 - mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:06 PM 133911 22093_MICRO-706 mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:07 PM 133911 22094_MICRO-706 mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:09 PM 151142 22095_MICRO-722 mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:10 PM 37010 22096_MICRO-736 mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:12 PM 37086 22097_MICRO-737 mts.docx
12/22/2014 8:14 PM 36754 22098_MICRO-750 mts.docx
1/8/2015 4:52 PM 80896 22699_SAFE-1021.doc
1/8/2015 4:53 PM 32768 22699_SAFE-1021.xls
5/21/2015 6:42 PM 113152 24775_CMP-10.doc
7/2/2015 5:38 PM 57715 25623_Pneumatic changes June 26.docx
7/3/2015 7:11 PM 53860 25754_SPCL-205 Venipuncture.docx
7/3/2015 7:11 PM 51712 25754_SPCL-256 Addendum Fan Guideline.doc
7/3/2015 7:16 PM 51712 25755_SPCL-256 Addendum Fan Guideline.doc
7/3/2015 7:15 PM 42361 25756_SPCL-256 Adverse Reactions.docx
9/4/2015 3:43 PM 11901 26810_Micro p and p review.docx
9/28/2015 3:36 PM 93696 27115_COAG-720.doc
11/5/2015 1:31 PM 1859191 27551_cap.ed.docx
11/12/2015 2:05 PM 78336 27639_Newborn Screening Patient Information Sheet.docx.d.doc
11/24/2015 5:21 PM 11573 27802_accuvein.docx
12/1/2015 5:03 PM 96602 27866_MICRO-790.docx
12/12/2015 7:35 PM 365954 28157_WetPrepHelp.docx
12/13/2015 6:13 PM 402229 28158_Pelger Huet Anomaly MTS.docx
12/30/2015 6:02 PM 37686 28447_WENDY IQCP initial sop.docx
12/30/2015 6:08 PM 50365 28448_WENDY Quality Control Plan initial sop.docx
12/30/2015 6:05 PM 37562 28449_IQCP MEBANE.docx
12/30/2015 6:07 PM 36998 28450_MEBANE Quality Control Plan.docx
12/31/2015 5:44 PM 30789 28470_Media Quality Control.docx
1/11/2016 6:20 PM 62633 28471_MICRO-150.docx
12/31/2015 5:46 PM 127339 28472_renuzyme.docx
1/11/2016 6:22 PM 150973 28905_1059 ar battery disposal.docx
1/11/2016 6:23 PM 151154 28906_1059mebane battery disposal.docx
1/12/2016 12:54 PM 30751 28943_Battery Disposal.docx
1/27/2016 1:31 PM 31038 29285_Procalcitonin SOP.docx
2/9/2016 3:58 PM 116621 29576_SA NASAL COMPLETE final.docx
2/17/2016 12:26 PM 574068 29679_Importance of Blood Culture Volumes.pptx
3/3/2016 9:38 PM 3563352 29977_SPPR-707 Body fluids for cytology 1_26_16.docx
3/22/2016 6:55 PM 441478 30296_SPPR - 707.docx
3/22/2016 6:54 PM 1719296 30296_SPPR - 709.doc
6/6/2016 3:34 PM 550590 31546_VBF-A 2016 education.docx
7/1/2016 2:54 PM 53967 32269_IMMY CrAg.docx
7/1/2016 3:31 PM 38345 32271_SPCL-210.docx
7/1/2016 3:57 PM 97792 32273_SPCL-208.doc
11/10/2016 7:43 PM 91648 34663_QM-165-CH.doc
11/30/2016 5:11 PM 49232 34887_Cytology Work Aid November 2016 Revision.docx
12/13/2016 1:54 PM 230366 35093_bcid procedure.docx
12/13/2016 1:55 PM 176949 35093_gi filmarray procedure.docx
12/13/2016 1:57 PM 230366 35094_bcid procedure.docx
12/13/2016 2:05 PM 49151 35095_QM-179 CV.docx
12/13/2016 1:59 PM 23380 35096_micro results to be called.docx
12/13/2016 2:06 PM 31045 35097_MICRO-306 SL.docx
12/13/2016 2:04 PM 35601 35098_MICRO-315 CD.docx
12/21/2016 12:42 PM 13598 35237_Cell Saver Instructions.docx
1/13/2017 1:14 PM 13622 36252_Wet Prep Result Entry.docx
2/21/2017 7:23 PM 12690 37156_MAS Control Result Entry for Refractometer.docx
2/23/2017 4:07 PM 39909 37184_set up and reporting of Body Fluids CH.docx
2/28/2017 11:21 AM 14677 37256_Heparin Education Session.docx
3/1/2017 9:21 PM 20143 37343_sputum eval gs.docx
3/13/2017 1:48 PM 121856 37735_phleb holiday policy.doc
3/21/2017 6:21 PM 53693 38163_Heme-701 Revised.docx
3/21/2017 6:25 PM 117760 38164_Iris Automated Urinalysis iQ200.doc
3/30/2017 2:14 PM 100320 38628_MICRO BD VACUTAINER C AND S TRANSFER STRAW KIT.do.docx
4/12/2017 4:20 PM 12088 39173_Steps for resulting tests on a lipemic sample.docx
4/27/2017 12:28 PM 41072 39339_CCHEM-110 Chemistry Reagent Receipt and Verificati.docx
4/27/2017 12:25 PM 21540 39339_Reagent Verification Log.xlsx
4/27/2017 12:20 PM 27512 39340_CHEM-460-AR Beckman User Defined Reagent (UDR) Pro.docx
4/27/2017 1:39 PM 1005968 39341_CCRY Procedure.docx
5/3/2017 12:05 PM 1006075 39414_CCRY Procedure.docx
5/12/2017 12:03 PM 1006342 39558_CCRY Procedure.docx
5/15/2017 7:05 PM 727513 39614_03.31.17 STOP Do Not Use Reschedule Function in Su.pdf
5/15/2017 7:04 PM 1193858 39615_04.11.17 STOP Beckman Coulter Procedural Update Sp.pdf
5/15/2017 7:06 PM 1658547 39616_04.11.17 STOP Rasburicase Uric Acid (UACRAS) Testi.pdf
5/15/2017 7:06 PM 1718671 39617_04.11.17 Test Menu Update Cease of FHCT Testing.do.pdf
5/15/2017 7:04 PM 93396 39619_05.01.17 Alamance Urgent Medical Device Recall Uni.pdf
5/15/2017 7:05 PM 3461385 39620_05.02.17 STOP Other Site Go live of Respiratory an.pdf
5/15/2017 7:01 PM 110544 39621_05.16.17 STOP ARMC to send urine cultures to Moses.pdf
6/13/2017 5:32 PM 1538982 40324_2915 MICRO-2915-CH Environmental Culture Other Tha.pdf
6/13/2017 5:50 PM 336116 40325_06.08.17 STOP Beckman Coulter Update Biotin Interf.pdf
6/13/2017 5:52 PM 3155910 40326_STOP 06.06.17 Transition of Alamance Regional Medi.pdf
6/13/2017 5:58 PM 1592613 40336_2047 MCIRO-2047-CH Preparing a Tissue Specimen for.pdf
6/13/2017 5:58 PM 592908 40336_STOP Grinding Tissues in Thioglycolate Broth.pdf
6/21/2017 2:47 PM 131236 40479_2.20.17 STOP AFB and Fungal Testing to Convert to .pdf
6/21/2017 2:48 PM 15048 40480_03.07.17 Respiratory Therapy LIS printout.pdf
6/21/2017 2:49 PM 561604 40481_03.07.17 STOP Respiratory Therapy Venous Blood Gas.pdf
6/21/2017 2:49 PM 929261 40482_03.14.17 Legionella Urinary Antigen Conversion to .pdf
6/21/2017 2:51 PM 53830 40483_03.23.17 STOP BB test priority code change.pdf
6/21/2017 2:50 PM 1651569 40484_03.29.17 STOP Mixing Platelet Label.pdf
6/21/2017 2:53 PM 1165004 40485_06.23.17 STOP New ISBT Barcodes.pdf
6/21/2017 2:54 PM 37919 40486_2017.3.12 Sunquest Downtime notification.docx
6/21/2017 2:55 PM 248320 40487_INPATIENT LAB CULTURE ORDER CHANGES.doc
6/21/2017 2:55 PM 38060 40488_STOP Request-Annoucement Template 1719F QM-1719F-C.docx
6/21/2017 2:52 PM 339993 40489_Wound Abscess Tissue Cultures Nursing Job Aid.pptx
7/5/2017 1:58 PM 118228 41038_07.05.17 C. difficile Testing Algorithm Update.pdf
7/24/2017 8:56 PM 39550 41843_2017.08.01 Umbilical Cord Drug Testing.docx
7/25/2017 6:15 PM 2959680 41851_07.26.17 STOP Annual Stago Coagulation Lot Convers.pdf
8/1/2017 4:04 PM 59122 42024_CHEM-660-AR.docx
8/8/2017 8:23 PM 2306938 42171_SAFE-1084.docx
8/30/2017 6:11 PM 80384 42187_SPCL-209.doc
8/9/2017 6:33 PM 86528 42188_SPCL-101.doc
8/9/2017 6:32 PM 38924 42189_LIS-109-CH AutoVerification Validation.docx
8/15/2017 11:48 AM 17432 42276_Micro_Checklist.xlsx
8/15/2017 5:00 PM 43480 42285_ARMC Micro.docx
8/19/2017 1:27 PM 33500 42373_COAG-722 PFA.docx
8/21/2017 8:35 PM 484640 42385_LIS-113-CH.docx
8/30/2017 5:12 PM 296991 42607_State Lab Enteric Bacteriology Sendout Form MTS.pd.pdf
9/25/2017 2:27 PM 42962 42956_CHEM-110.docx
9/29/2017 3:16 PM 132293 43044_Alere TechLab LEUKO EZ VUE.docx
10/11/2017 1:51 PM 2229217 43192_10.05.17 STOP New Wet Prep Canned Comments.pdf
10/12/2017 3:05 PM 373543 43221_ARMC Changes to Blood Product Identification Tag.p.pdf
10/12/2017 3:04 PM 189345 43221_ARMC Flyer Duplication.docx
10/25/2017 5:47 PM 446778 43464_Clinical Significance of Schistocytes on Periphera.pdf
10/31/2017 2:45 PM 2543495 43601_10.31.17 STOP Xpert Xpress Flu Testing.pdf
10/31/2017 2:47 PM 86498 43602_MICRO-723.docx
11/1/2017 4:06 PM 86439 43618_MICRO-723.docx
11/8/2017 5:05 PM 151139 43756_Case Presentation FH13-C 2017 Sezary Cell.docx
12/5/2017 2:49 PM 264029 44353_12.01.17 STOP REMEL MicroTest M6 Multi Microbe Med.pdf
12/5/2017 2:53 PM 10904338 44354_12.05.17 iRICELL Complete Urinalysis System Go Liv.pdf
12/23/2017 1:03 PM 508678 44528_CHEM-602-AR.docx
12/12/2017 9:28 PM 39473 44529_2017.12.26 STOP Removal of GGT from in house test .docx
12/12/2017 9:35 PM 10896948 44531_2017.12.05 STOP NOT ALL SIGNED iRICELL Complete Ur.pdf
12/12/2017 9:27 PM 264031 44532_2017.12.01 STOP REMEL MicroTest M6 Multi Microbe M.pdf
12/12/2017 9:26 PM 3067741 44533_2017.11.28 Moses Cone will discontinue TRICYCLIC t.pdf
12/12/2017 9:25 PM 38546 44533_2017.12.19 STOP Beckman Airfuge Ultracentrifuge.do.docx
12/12/2017 9:26 PM 38546 44534_2017.12.19 STOP Beckman Airfuge Ultracentrifuge.do.docx
1/3/2018 1:33 PM 15202 45249_Iris Go Live Competency Information.docx
1/8/2018 6:24 PM 3391390 45505_2018.01.09 STOP Leuko EZ Vue (LACFEC) Testing at A.pdf
1/29/2018 3:12 PM 31680 46187_Procalcitonin 2018.docx
2/16/2018 11:26 AM 29772 46604_COAG-301.docx
2/16/2018 11:24 AM 43093 46605_COAG-715.docx
2/16/2018 11:20 AM 40848 46606_COAG-716.docx
3/20/2018 5:14 PM 36919 47259_STATUS MONO PROCEDURE.docx
3/22/2018 3:55 PM 936234 47289_BCP-09 2018.pdf
3/22/2018 3:58 PM 934825 47290_CASE STUDY 2018.pdf
3/29/2018 6:11 PM 60377 47444_Chem-133 Carryover Check for Automated Samplers.do.docx
4/12/2018 3:42 PM 41238 47602_CHEM-110.docx
4/24/2018 5:25 PM 14609409 47812_Echo Instrument.docx
5/8/2018 11:42 AM 261986 47997_CC-13-011-01 - Guidance for Troubleshooting Atypic.partial
5/10/2018 6:13 PM 6611473 48036_05.9.18 Daratumumab Darzalex Test Order.pdf
9/5/2018 5:20 PM 62334 50520_CHEM-660-AR.docx
9/12/2018 4:13 PM 5503652 50617_STUDENT-Packaging_and_Shipping_Infectious_Materi-2.pdf
9/21/2018 2:19 PM 2348482 50710_2018.02.01 STOP Procalcitonin (PCT) Linearity Chan.pdf
9/21/2018 2:18 PM 2497853 50711_2018.02.01 STOP Cerebrospinal Fluid Total Protein .pdf
9/21/2018 2:17 PM 9260784 50712_2018.02.01 CHM.28850 Ethanol Specificity Evidence .pdf
9/21/2018 2:16 PM 66333 50713_2018.02.06 Retic STOP, AR CCtr now sending retics .pdf
9/21/2018 2:15 PM 1662353 50714_2018.02.06 STOP Exponentially Weighted Moving Aver.pdf
9/21/2018 2:14 PM 57880 50715_2018.02.13 Serous Fluid Orders PPT Slide.pptx
9/21/2018 2:10 PM 465979 50716_2018.02.08 STOP New SDS Hawk Site vendor_.pdf
9/21/2018 2:08 PM 1149642 50717_2018.02.22 CJD priority code STOP.pdf
9/21/2018 2:07 PM 2618288 50718_2018.02.27 Alamance Regional Mini-Vidas Interface .pdf
9/21/2018 2:07 PM 1783751 50719_2018.02.27 Alamance Regional Hematek Stainer Go Li.pdf
9/21/2018 1:46 PM 799296 50735_2018.03.20 STOP GGT, Theo, Tobra, Pheno removed fr.pdf
9/21/2018 1:47 PM 1217672 50736_2018.03.20 STOP Stago New Lot Verifications for DI.pdf
9/21/2018 1:45 PM 83817 50737_2018.03.20 Procedure update Carryover Studies STOP.pdf
9/21/2018 1:43 PM 759024 50739_2018.04.01 Scale Verification Addendum.pdf
9/21/2018 1:40 PM 875089 50740_2018.04.10 ARMC Mebane New Status Mono Test.pdf
9/21/2018 1:37 PM 7110328 50741_2018.04.01 Scale Verification INITIAL for use weig.pdf
9/21/2018 1:39 PM 1133127 50742_2018.04.01 Scale Use, Weighing Blood Cultures to d.pdf
9/21/2018 1:36 PM 488880 50743_2018.04.01 Scale Verification MEBANE.pdf
9/21/2018 1:28 PM 39127 50744_2018.05.09 STOP Request-Annoucement LIS section LB.docx
9/21/2018 1:17 PM 672757 50745_2018.05.02 Updated Crediting Security Clearances.p.pdf
9/21/2018 3:58 PM 3124592 50746_2018.05.29 STOP Total Hgb GEM4000 Upper limit and .pdf
9/21/2018 3:55 PM 152050 50747_2018.06.26 STOP FDP drop from test menu.pdf
9/21/2018 3:57 PM 57654 50748_2018.06.26 Fibrin Degradation Products Memo.docx
9/21/2018 3:56 PM 16324 50749_2018.07.24 SW New Function Designated Employees wi.docx
9/21/2018 2:31 PM 1642389 50750_2018.07.24 SW New function SCPW in SQ to reset pas.pdf
9/21/2018 2:30 PM 885196 50751_2018.07.24 SW Ability to Create New Medical Record.pdf
9/21/2018 2:29 PM 2531041 50752_2018.07.24 SW Changed Average volume for Adsol RBC.pdf
9/21/2018 2:28 PM 766036 50753_2018.07.24 ARMC Wescor Gram Stain Procedure.pdf
9/21/2018 2:27 PM 1510504 50754_2018.08.08 STOP MC performing HgbA1C .pdf
9/21/2018 2:27 PM 38902 50755_2018.08.28 STOP Lot to Lot testing in Chemistry AR.docx
9/21/2018 2:26 PM 250686 50756_2018.08.28 Staff memo Surgical PCR Age Limitation .pdf
9/21/2018 2:25 PM 105927 50757_2018.08.28 STOP Annual 2018 Stago Lot Conversion.p.pdf
9/21/2018 2:25 PM 2815083 50758_2018.08.28 STOP Stago Lot conversion.pdf
9/21/2018 2:24 PM 1564594 50759_2018.08.28 ARMC STOP Chemistry Lot to Lot testing..pdf
9/21/2018 2:23 PM 39060 50760_2018 08 22 MICRO PROCEDURE UPDATES.docx
9/21/2018 2:21 PM 99475 50761_2018.08.28Cepheid Infinity Upgrade and SA Complete.pdf
9/21/2018 2:19 PM 1041460 50762_2018.08.28 SA complete test patient testing with c.pdf
10/4/2018 12:41 PM 64036 50912_CHEM-660-AR.docx
10/4/2018 3:58 PM 78861 50930_CHEM-630-MEB.docx
10/24/2018 3:27 PM 42883 51236_CHEM-110.docx
12/4/2018 5:06 PM 1300067 51789_Dry Ice Safety Training.pptx
12/6/2018 3:45 PM 2684 51846_bcp-28.jpg
1/16/2019 3:08 PM 4288375 53214_2018.12.18 STOP Dry Ice safety and Safety Inspecti.pdf
1/16/2019 3:14 PM 5572447 53215_2018.12.18 STOP SW Urine Drug Screen Result Text u.pdf
1/16/2019 3:21 PM 6147644 53216_2018.12.18 STOP ARMC Xpress GAS Infinity PCR test.pdf
1/16/2019 3:22 PM 3699793 53217_2018.12.18 STOP ARMC moving to 24 hr DXC 660i QC.p.pdf
1/16/2019 3:19 PM 63788 53218_2017.10.31 Flu Xpress Memo.docx
1/16/2019 3:16 PM 6147644 53218_2018.12.18 STOP ARMC Xpress GAS Infinity PCR test.pdf
1/16/2019 3:23 PM 220538 53219_2018.11.27 Procalcitonin Medical Staff Memo 11.21..docx
1/16/2019 3:24 PM 982414 53220_2018.11.27 PCT FDA presentation.pdf
1/25/2019 1:11 PM 135264 53425_2019.1.29 STOPNotification CHL EPIC inquiry proces.pdf
1/25/2019 1:40 PM 616607 53425_IT-705 Epic CHL inquiry.docx
1/24/2019 9:15 PM 478530 53426_2019.01.29 Chemical Height STOP Notification pdf.p.pdf
1/24/2019 9:21 PM 141073 53427_2019.01.15 Lab Access Policy STOP Notification.pdf
1/24/2019 9:22 PM 21526 53427_SAFE-1007 Laboratory Restricted Access.docx
2/19/2019 6:31 PM 181498 53945_MICRO-721 .docx
2/20/2019 6:41 PM 195975 53971_02.26.19 STOP Testing RSV and Rotavirus as Stand A.pdf
3/4/2019 5:44 PM 129752 54206_03.05.19 ARMC STOP for Lumena .pdf
7/23/2019 6:41 PM 1015106 57358_07.30.19 removal of cryptococcus antigen from ARMC.pdf
7/23/2019 6:44 PM 1013277 57359_07.30.19 Invalid reporting of Alere C difficile Qu.pdf
7/23/2019 6:45 PM 1013967 57360_07.30.19 No BCID for select gram positive bacilli .pdf
7/23/2019 6:46 PM 1005564 57361_07.30.19 ARMC Implementation Manual Capture workst.pdf
7/23/2019 6:48 PM 1434939 57362_07.30.19 Type specific rbcs to be transfused in th.pdf
7/23/2019 6:50 PM 1013083 57363_07-30-19 STOP Autoverification Validation Procedur.pdf
10/29/2019 10:25 AM 1561879 58812_Virtual Body Fluid B 2019.pdf
11/6/2019 5:06 PM 116609 58941_Exception Code Summary CM-B 2019 ARMC.docx
12/18/2019 3:43 PM 1536000 59609_ARMC Emergency Radio Education (2).ppt
1/9/2020 5:01 PM 23431 60665_01.07.20 BB to stop adding reference lab freight c.pdf
2/5/2020 6:56 PM 519544 61284_Peripheral-Blood-Posters.jpg
3/2/2020 12:44 PM 300347 61730_Osmo1 Procedure.pdf
3/6/2020 7:52 PM 325509 61864_03.05.2020 77420-1888 03-05-20 STOP SW Novel Coron.pdf
3/6/2020 7:50 PM 318759 61865_03.05.2020 77420-1887 03-05-20 STOP SW Category B .pdf
7/27/2020 1:46 PM 416939 64899_Updated Latex Allergy Training.pptx
8/8/2020 4:52 PM 31453 65042_01.27.2020 MHP main lab will perform Lactate and r.pdf
8/8/2020 4:51 PM 320277 65043_02-04-20 STOP Coronavirus Comment for RP PCR Panel.pdf
8/8/2020 4:56 PM 319726 65044_02-13-20 STOP MC Updated Reference Range for P2Y12.pdf
8/8/2020 4:59 PM 317528 65045_02-17-20 STOP WH Discontinued Cepheid GBSPCR - Cop.pdf
8/8/2020 5:01 PM 317318 65046_02-23-20 STOP MC Implementing Amnisure Fetal Fibr.pdf
8/9/2020 1:08 PM 319718 65047_02-23-20 STOP WH Lab Closing-Record Storage - Copy.pdf
8/9/2020 1:15 PM 319003 65048_77420-1861 02-25-20 STOP Addition of INR Reference.pdf
8/8/2020 6:12 PM 1068700 65049_77420-1863 02-23-20 STOP MC Implementation of BB T.pdf
8/9/2020 1:12 PM 457868 65050_02-25-20 STOP MC BVCV ASR to FDA Approved - Copy.p.pdf
8/8/2020 5:00 PM 317318 65051_02-23-20 STOP MC Implementing Amnisure Fetal Fibr.pdf
8/9/2020 1:09 PM 744171 65052_02-24-20 STOP MC Process for WCC Outpatients (1).p.pdf
8/9/2020 1:17 PM 327307 65053_02-25-20 STOP Hemprb Removal-Combined Updated Sysm.pdf
8/9/2020 1:22 PM 320569 65054_77420-1891 03-31-30 STOP ARMC Fern Testing LandD__.pdf
8/9/2020 1:28 PM 321416 65055_77420-1892 03-31-20 STOP MC Fetal Fibronectin FFN .pdf
8/9/2020 1:19 PM 323827 65056_77420-1894 03-31-20 STOP Measured LDL at MC and HD.pdf
8/9/2020 1:33 PM 320572 65057_04.13.20 STOP MC Cepheid SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 Testi.pdf
8/9/2020 1:35 PM 821327 65058_77420-1906 04-14-20 STOP Neogenomics Cytogenetics .pdf
8/12/2020 4:15 PM 28359 65059_04.16.20 STOP AR.AP.WL Cepheid SARS.CoV.2 Covid 19.pdf
8/13/2020 6:04 PM 1555896 65060_77420-1928 04-28-20 STOP AR Standardization for Co.pdf
8/13/2020 6:03 PM 1838301 65061_77420-1927 04-28-20 STOP AR IntraOperative Intact .pdf
8/13/2020 6:27 PM 319563 65062_05.05.20 STOP Sunquest v8.2 Upgrade.pdf
8/13/2020 6:26 PM 319754 65063_05.05.20 STOP SW Path Review HIS Revision.pdf
8/13/2020 6:28 PM 317616 65064_05.05.20 STOP WL Flow Cytometry HemaTek Stainer.pd.pdf
8/13/2020 6:25 PM 317286 65065_05.01.20 STOP MHP Abbott ID NOW COVID-19.pdf
8/14/2020 11:54 AM 23337 65066_05.11.20 POC MC WL Chem 8 Back in use.pdf
8/14/2020 11:56 AM 653433 65067_77420-1958 05-14-20 STOP Saline as a (VTM) Substit.pdf
8/14/2020 11:58 AM 322302 65069_77420-1959 05-26-20 STOP CCWL and CCHP Plt and Hgb.pdf
8/14/2020 11:59 AM 322349 65070_77420-1960 05-26-20 STOP MC Unrestricted BB Orders.pdf
8/14/2020 12:00 PM 1243966 65071_77420-1961 05-26-20 STOP WL Navios for Leukemia Ly.pdf
8/14/2020 12:01 PM 321893 65072_06.09.20 STOP Free T4 Normal Reference Range.pdf
8/14/2020 12:06 PM 393264 65073_06.23.20 STOP SW High Sensitivity Troponin hsTNI I.pdf
8/14/2020 12:05 PM 319620 65074_06.23.20 STOP Prealbumin Upper AMR Change.pdf
8/14/2020 12:04 PM 724796 65092_77420-2008 06-18-20 STOP MC Panther Aptima SARS-Co.pdf
8/14/2020 12:07 PM 76278 65093_06.24.20 STOP MC Vortex Specimens before Testing S.pdf
8/14/2020 12:08 PM 75852 65094_06.30.20 STOP SW Spill Clean-Up.pdf
8/16/2020 2:38 PM 321778 65095_07.01.20 STOP PreOp Testing Site Expansion SARS Co.pdf
8/16/2020 2:39 PM 318216 65096_07.14.20 STOP MCHP Cepheid SARS-CoV-2 Testing.pdf
8/16/2020 2:49 PM 318570 65097_CCWL CCHP Corrections to Critical Values in Sunque.pdf
8/16/2020 3:20 PM 77034 65098_07.27.20 STOP SW Alere HIV Biotin Interferance Com.pdf
8/16/2020 3:21 PM 77454 65099_07.27.20 SW Standardized Three Quality Management .pdf
8/16/2020 3:22 PM 320649 65100_07.30.20 STOP MC PKU Receipt and Result.pdf
8/16/2020 3:29 PM 402377 65101_08.04.20 STOP Discontinue Use of Prometheus Refere.pdf
8/16/2020 3:27 PM 319366 65102_08.03.20 STOP SW Convalescent Plasma CCP Orders.pd.pdf
8/16/2020 3:32 PM 81669 65213_08.10.2020 TEG 6 communicatin by Keith Parker.pdf
8/16/2020 3:33 PM 316962 65213_08.11.20 STOP MC OR TEG 6s (1).pdf
8/20/2020 4:08 PM 39957 65247_Nurse Notification.pdf
8/25/2020 1:17 PM 619974 65305_08.13.20 STOP Redirecting OPT CT.NG Testing to Ref.pdf
8/25/2020 1:34 PM 319014 65305_08.25.20 STOP MC RPR Syphilis Go live.pdf
8/25/2020 1:30 PM 619974 65306_08.13.20 STOP Redirecting OPT CT.NG Testing to Ref.pdf
8/25/2020 1:26 PM 381543 65306_08.25.20 STOP SW Lactic Acid Critical Value Proced.pdf
8/25/2020 1:31 PM 381543 65307_08.25.20 STOP SW Lactic Acid Critical Value Proced.pdf
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