- /ltac/docs/custom/109/
[To Parent Directory]
10/29/2012 10:34 PM 160768 10238_RMS TECHNICAL ANNOUNCEMENT 120003 DEACTIVATION OF .doc
10/30/2012 11:45 PM 160768 10265_RMS TECHNICAL ANNOUNCEMENT 120003 DEACTIVATION OF .doc
10/30/2012 11:48 PM 41984 10266_Cease Performance of Manual Duplicate Test Reducti.doc
10/31/2012 8:40 PM 252687 10271_4700-1515 STAT TAT.pdf
11/1/2012 4:58 PM 112640 10279_Beckman Coulter Unicel DXC 800 Quality Control.doc
11/1/2012 5:02 PM 83456 10281_Beckman Coulter Unicel DXC 800 System Calibration..doc
11/1/2012 5:07 PM 112640 10282_Beckman Coulter Unicel DXC 800 Quality Control.doc
11/2/2012 7:58 PM 378740 10287_P2Y12 (Plavix) Sample Collection Procedure.pptx
11/5/2012 4:21 PM 378740 10288_P2Y12 (Plavix) Sample Collection Procedure.pptx
11/7/2012 6:20 PM 118356 10328_Update New Method for Urine Toxicology Screen.pdf
11/7/2012 6:27 PM 110592 10329_Accumetrics VerifyNow Sample Processing for P2Y12 .doc
11/7/2012 6:29 PM 101376 10330_Accumetrics VerifyNow Quality Control for P2Y12 te.doc
11/7/2012 6:31 PM 96256 10331_Accumetrics VerifyNow Maintenance for P2Y12 test.d.doc
11/13/2012 12:11 AM 114688 10383_Profile-V MedTox Scan Sample Processing for Drugs .doc
11/13/2012 12:12 AM 95232 10384_Profile-V MedTox Scan Quality Control for Drugs of.doc
11/13/2012 12:12 AM 220812 10385_Profile-V MedTox Scan Maintenance for Drugs of Abu.docx
11/16/2012 6:37 PM 20480 10460_How to add comments in KRMS.doc
12/10/2012 6:37 PM 64000 10740_LClM218-request for semen analysis ver.3 - pending.doc
12/10/2012 6:44 PM 69120 10741_LClM212- microalbumin for SW ver3- pending.doc
12/19/2012 6:11 PM 5524681 10842_lamellar body procedure.pdf
12/19/2012 6:28 PM 5710485 10844_Lamellar body procedure new.pdf
12/19/2012 7:01 PM 1471383 10846_pfa 100, platelet function.pdf
12/19/2012 7:21 PM 1005050 10850_pfa-100 manual o-ring cleaning and replacement.pdf
12/20/2012 6:43 PM 35570 10866_Technical Bulletin - Opiate Confirmation Update 12.pdf
12/21/2012 2:34 AM 103572 10870_Cerner Memo.pdf
1/8/2013 3:07 AM 105984 11235_LCM 272.1 VITROS QC Revision.doc
1/8/2013 3:11 AM 105984 11236_LCM 272.1 VITROS QC Revision.doc
1/8/2013 6:32 PM 480715 11261_Procedure_APTT Mixing Study - Final w Signatures.p.pdf
2/5/2013 5:43 PM 13456 11612_Waste disposal ABCs.docx
2/18/2013 10:19 PM 140800 11861_LGM4004_FDAReportingProcessForDeviceRelatedSerious.doc
2/26/2013 6:20 PM 26490 11976_Memo -ALBUMIN BCG.docx
3/20/2013 3:35 AM 221696 12315_Updated Sysmex XT-1800i QC Proc.doc
3/20/2013 3:23 PM 25635 12319_MEMO TROPONIN.docx
3/29/2013 8:38 PM 35264 12428_Technical Bulletin - THC-Benzo Confirmation Update.pdf
4/19/2013 10:00 PM 111725 12655_Memo -Liquid Anti-Xa reagent.docx
5/9/2013 12:37 AM 14039 12841_LAB STROKE PROTOCOL REVISITED.docx
5/9/2013 12:56 AM 60416 12842_Vitros Sodium cartridge memo April 2013.doc
5/20/2013 1:04 PM 36723 13045_HSV DNA PCR_statalert_Bulletin_20130516.docx
6/1/2013 1:57 AM 307299 13258_Container ID Power point.pptx
6/7/2013 9:19 PM 578706 13425_Procedure_Managing Glucose Tolerance Test Patient .pdf
6/7/2013 9:21 PM 87040 13426_Performing glucose tolerance test.doc
6/7/2013 9:26 PM 103598 13427_Form_Glucose Tolerance Test Patient Reminder1.pdf
7/9/2013 5:33 PM 33598 14145_Technical Bulletin APTT Mixing Study Update June 2.pdf
7/19/2013 11:36 PM 122097 14458_Resulting high values in Vitros 350.docx
7/22/2013 10:41 PM 93184 14467_Specimen Collection Flowchart - KPPI-Medicopia Sys.doc
7/23/2013 6:46 PM 487368 14515_Iris IQ200 autovalidation suspension.pdf
8/16/2013 8:56 PM 85925 14854_SightLife Cornea Donor Harvesting.pptx
9/3/2013 7:03 PM 1203285 15076_cGMP Reading Material.pdf
9/3/2013 7:57 PM 1203285 15077_cGMP Reading Material.pdf
9/4/2013 12:01 AM 577229 15082_aaBB_COLA_CMS_Posters.pdf
10/4/2013 7:46 PM 128901 15438_Asuragen Thyroid Molecular testing transport bag.J.JPG
10/4/2013 7:46 PM 104206 15438_RNA Retain® vial kits for Asuragen Thyroid Molecul.pdf
10/9/2013 5:50 PM 1448704 15502_Cytology Workflows.pdf
10/17/2013 11:10 PM 249946 15565_Young Donor - Reducing Riskl of Reactions.pdf
10/17/2013 11:23 PM 741022 15567_Apheresis Consent - How to Complete Form.pdf
10/17/2013 11:26 PM 625330 15568_Deferral Slip - Providing Donor with Deferral Info.pdf
10/17/2013 11:32 PM 2393619 15569_Shipping and Packing Blood Products at Mobile Driv.pdf
10/17/2013 11:52 PM 88064 15571_Failed Draw.doc
10/17/2013 11:56 PM 46080 15572_Volume Loss Worksheet.xls
10/18/2013 12:00 AM 180224 15573_CalculateRBC-PlasmaLoss.doc
1/8/2014 8:01 PM 119570 16308_Allogeneic Physical Exam - Vital Signs Criteria.pd.pdf
1/8/2014 8:02 PM 244923 16312_hepatitis A Virus Outbreak - Management.pdf
1/8/2014 8:03 PM 286496 16313_Individual Donor Record Procedure Checklist.pdf
1/8/2014 7:45 PM 113972 16316_Minor Consent rev 5.pdf
1/8/2014 7:44 PM 170064 16318_TRIMA Accel System Maintenance.pdf
6/21/2014 11:14 PM 1012167 19185_Amending Results for Microbiology.pdf
6/21/2014 11:17 PM 59392 19186_Use of Personal Electronic Devices.doc
6/21/2014 11:30 PM 1176434 19187_Manual Dilution Policy.pdf
6/21/2014 11:31 PM 2902144 19188_Result Entry in the Microbiology Module.pdf
6/21/2014 11:33 PM 1175453 19189_Job Aid_Microbiology Module Coded Entries - Versio.pdf
6/27/2014 8:30 PM 194560 19314_Beckman Coulter AU680 SAmple Processing.doc
6/27/2014 8:39 PM 101888 19315_Beckman Coulter AU680 Quality Control.doc
6/27/2014 8:45 PM 46936 19316_Beckman Coulter AU680 Reagent and Material Managem.docx
6/27/2014 8:40 PM 46451 19317_Beckman Coulter AU680 Calibration.docx
6/27/2014 8:44 PM 64414 19318_Beckman Coulter AU680 Maintenance.docx
7/11/2014 12:59 AM 607098 19758_Procedure_Amending Results (Microbiology Module).p.pdf
7/11/2014 1:00 AM 1345793 19759_Procedure_Result Entry in the Microbiology Module .pdf
7/11/2014 1:01 AM 1175453 19760_Job Aid_Microbiology Module Coded Entries - Versio.pdf
7/11/2014 1:03 AM 98590 19761_QM.
7/11/2014 1:40 AM 394325 19763_Use of Personal Electronic Devices.pdf
6/26/2019 3:55 AM 77359 19851_Manual Dilution Policy.pdf
7/16/2014 11:25 PM 251958 19852_QM.
8/26/2014 1:30 AM 281684 20459_Procedure_Preparing Blood Films for Malaria and Ot.pdf
8/26/2014 1:44 AM 247679 20460_Appendix 1_Buffy Coat Film Preparation for Leishma.pdf
8/26/2014 10:28 PM 3360023 20467_Procedure_Preparing Blood Films for Malaria and Ot.pdf
9/10/2014 3:15 AM 149897 20607_iFOBT Workflow for Specimens with No Orders.pdf
9/11/2014 4:59 PM 64000 20632_LHM204 BODY FLUID ANALYSIS.doc
9/11/2014 5:36 PM 55296 20635_LHM211 HEMACYTOMER - INCYTO C-CHIP.doc
9/11/2014 5:37 PM 115200 20636_LHM214 CRYSTAL EXAMINATION IN SYNOVIAL FLUID.doc
9/11/2014 5:58 PM 1860608 20637_LHM260 Preparing a slide for slide review or manua.doc
9/11/2014 6:36 PM 244736 20638_LBM209 gram stain latest version.doc
9/11/2014 6:37 PM 5817856 20639_LBM216 Q Score, sputum.doc
9/11/2014 6:40 PM 36352 20640_LBM238 CHECKING IF STERILE SITE SPECIMENS WITH NO .doc
9/11/2014 6:44 PM 49664 20642_LHM246 Urinalysis autorelease process.doc
9/11/2014 6:48 PM 46080 20644_LUM247 HANDLING OF SAMPLES WITH ORDERS FOR BOTH UR.doc
9/15/2014 5:01 PM 26391 20656_Aspirin testing on Verify Now.docx
9/16/2014 8:24 PM 3702784 20679_LHM299.23Preparing a slide using MINIPREP Slidemak.doc
9/16/2014 8:26 PM 43008 20680_LHM287 FLUID QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE.doc
9/16/2014 8:30 PM 101888 20681_LHM299.15 Beckman Coulter DxH 800 Running of contr.doc
9/16/2014 8:31 PM 85504 20682_LHM299.16 Changing Control Lot Numbers.doc
9/16/2014 8:35 PM 86528 20684_LHM299.17 Beckman DxH 800 X-B new.doc
9/16/2014 8:35 PM 93184 20685_LHM299.18Beckman DxH 800 Running of Patient Sample.doc
9/16/2014 8:37 PM 113664 20686_LHM299.19Beckman Coulter SMS Processing
9/16/2014 8:38 PM 96256 20687_LHM299.20 IRIS ALIFAX TEST1 Running of
9/16/2014 8:41 PM 114176 20688_LHM299.21IRIS ALIFAX TEST1 Running of Patient Samp.doc
9/16/2014 8:42 PM 86528 20689_LHM491 Beckman Coulter DxH Replacing Reagents.doc
9/16/2014 8:43 PM 101376 20690_LHM492Beckman Coulter Shutdown & Running Daily Che.doc
9/17/2014 3:02 PM 117248 20691_LHM493 Beckman Coulter DxH 800 Calibration (S-Cal).doc
9/16/2014 8:45 PM 74240 20692_LHM494 Beckman Coulter DxH Instrument Function Che.doc
9/16/2014 8:47 PM 76800 20693_LHM495Beckman Coulter DxH SMS Cleaning Procedure.d.doc
9/16/2014 8:49 PM 129536 20694_LHM496v2 IRIS ALIFAX TEST1Running of Maintenance.d.doc
9/16/2014 8:52 PM 25950 20695_LBM 294 WORKLFOW FOR iFOBT SPECIMENS RECEIVED WITH.docx
9/18/2014 1:34 AM 680448 20709_Specimen Log In, Cerner Millennium. For LAMC use o.doc
10/3/2014 10:12 PM 96768 20860_LHM299.20 IRIS ALIFAX TEST1 Running of Controls.doc
10/3/2014 11:05 PM 26240 20861_Aspirin and Tbili BF.docx
10/21/2014 5:41 PM 97792 21048_LHM299.20 IRIS ALIFAX TEST1 Running of
10/21/2014 5:11 PM 97280 21048_LHM299.20 IRIS ALIFAX TEST1 Running of Controls.doc
11/8/2014 6:57 PM 1860608 21328_LHM260 Preparing a slide for slide review or manua.doc
11/9/2014 3:39 PM 1860608 21329_LHM260 Preparing a slide for slide review or manual differential.doc
11/15/2014 4:30 AM 62976 21470_LGM2029_AccountabilityForSpecimenAcceptability.doc
11/15/2014 4:40 AM 62976 21471_LGM2029_AccountabilityForSpecimenAcceptability.doc
12/30/2014 5:48 PM 624128 22229_LSPM 253 Processing Random Urine Specimens 2014 v0.doc
1/8/2015 12:04 AM 28901 22685_Thrombin time.docx
1/12/2015 7:58 PM 49664 22788_LUM246 Urinalysis autorelease process.doc
1/12/2015 8:01 PM 122368 22789_LUM252 I Chem velocity SAmple Processing procedure.doc
1/21/2015 5:51 PM 122368 23008_LUM252 I Chem velocity SAmple Processing procedure.doc
1/28/2015 10:42 PM 3026093 23115_EQC Handout Jan 26.docx
1/29/2015 7:38 PM 1181184 23136_LBM295 FilmArray Respiratory Panel RP System 2015 .doc
1/29/2015 8:18 PM 91648 23148_LBM296 Molecular_Monitoring Laboratory Contaminati.doc
1/29/2015 8:19 PM 126976 23150_LBM407 FilmArray Respiratory Panel System Preventi.doc
2/6/2015 11:56 PM 26145 23362_Respiratory Panel testing.docx
2/12/2015 4:43 PM 67072 23459_LHM299.17 Beckman DxH 800 X-B new.doc
2/12/2015 4:58 PM 81408 23460_LHM299.18Beckman DxH 800 Running of Patient Sample.doc
2/17/2015 7:28 PM 59904 23580_training doc semen analysis rejection log.doc
2/19/2015 11:40 PM 754688 23652_Processing Body Fluid specimens v01.doc
2/20/2015 12:12 AM 754688 23653_Processing Body Fluid specimens v01.doc
2/20/2015 6:47 PM 754688 23667_Processing Body Fluid specimens v01.doc
2/21/2015 8:42 PM 204800 23678_LHM204 BODY FLUID ANALYSIS.doc
2/21/2015 8:11 PM 8293888 23679_LBM216 Q Score, sputum.doc
3/3/2015 8:49 PM 1553408 23762_LBM297 WBCs in Stool Specimens.doc
3/3/2015 5:19 PM 204800 23776_LHM204 BODY FLUID ANALYSIS.doc
3/4/2015 11:20 PM 68106 23820_Procedure For Operating the Airfuge Ultracentrifug.docx
3/6/2015 4:15 PM 204800 23840_LHM204 BODY FLUID ANALYSIS.doc
3/6/2015 4:34 PM 204800 23841_LHM204 BODY FLUID ANALYSIS.doc
3/16/2015 4:10 PM 8339968 23952_LBM216 Q Score, sputum.doc
3/20/2015 7:31 PM 74752 24041_Processing Non Blood Specimens From Interventional.doc
4/30/2015 6:11 PM 27338 24508_GLU 2 HR TEST.docx
6/22/2015 7:05 PM 91648 25337_LHM299.16 Changing Control Lot NumbersVER02.doc
6/23/2015 10:01 PM 107520 25346_LHM299.15 Beckman Coulter DxH 800 Quality Control..doc
7/2/2015 5:42 PM 576453 25625_How to result Result calculations with Inequalitie.pptx
7/22/2015 4:22 PM 100626 26190_NEW QC BODY FLUID CRYSTAL 08.2015.docx
7/22/2015 5:53 PM 72793 26194_NEW QC Procedure for Cellavision 08.2015.docx
7/22/2015 7:14 PM 119296 26195_LHM248 ver05 Semen Aanlysis Automated- Spermalite .doc
7/22/2015 7:14 PM 132608 26196_LHM229 ver07 Semen Analysis Complete Manual.doc
7/29/2015 8:49 PM 620028 26305_Training document velocity strips.docx
7/31/2015 6:40 PM 1795584 26357_LGM 2022 Quality Control Policy 2015 v15.doc
7/31/2015 9:25 PM 31571 26359_Change in QC Levels and Frequency.docx
8/4/2015 8:36 PM 105768 26420_20150804_Urine container type change.pdf
8/21/2015 4:57 PM 9418043 26618_Quest Diagnostics sendouts via Cerner_copied Aug 1.rtf
8/21/2015 6:14 PM 83968 26621_LHM299.26 Semen Analysis- Specimen Collection Inf.doc
9/25/2015 10:07 PM 80896 27069_Sta-R Evolution Calibration Ver 2.doc
9/28/2015 6:42 PM 59904 27096_STA Compact Calibration Revised V2.doc
10/1/2015 9:58 PM 70144 27180_LUM254 Iris Velocity and IQ200 power up and shutdo.doc
10/20/2015 8:54 PM 118272 27391_LHM248 ver06 Semen Analysis Automated- Spermalite .doc
11/10/2015 9:25 PM 4105691 27418_Quality Control (QC) Policy version16.pdf
10/30/2015 8:07 PM 761612 27485_ABS TRAINING FOR CLS.docx
11/10/2015 9:03 PM 723944 27624_LGM 6006 - Employee Files Quarterly Audit.pdf
11/10/2015 9:30 PM 604795 27625_Pipette Calibration.pdf
11/10/2015 9:30 PM 830736 27626_Calibration Verification.pdf
11/10/2015 9:35 PM 993698 27627_New and Transfer Employee Orientation.pdf
11/17/2015 11:27 PM 1475766 27723_Resulting in Cerner GenLab - Manual Entry.pdf
11/17/2015 11:29 PM 910009 27724_Competency Assessment.pdf
11/17/2015 11:31 PM 1083788 27725_Preventative and Reparative Equipment Maintenance..pdf
11/25/2015 8:51 PM 3224627 27813_QM Proficiency Testing.pdf
11/25/2015 8:55 PM 1786220 27814_QM Proficiency Testing.pdf
12/14/2015 7:22 PM 921871 28167_Beckman Coulter Access 2 QC LCM 265.pdf
12/14/2015 7:27 PM 921871 28168_Beckman Coulter Access 2 QC LCM 265.pdf
12/17/2015 11:58 PM 1215657 28246_Profile-V Medtox Scan Quality Control for Drugs of.pdf
12/18/2015 12:23 AM 1141505 28247_Rapid fFN (Fetal Fibronectin) for the Hologic TLiI.pdf
4/30/2016 12:33 AM 90922 30969_Blood Borne Pathogen - Lead CLS Reference
5/5/2016 8:30 PM 333262 31014_QC Shift and Trend Policy.docx
5/5/2016 5:08 AM 1088084 31077_Tracking and Delivery of Pathology Specimens.pdf
5/5/2016 9:58 PM 93865 31087_Employee Alcohol and Drug Problems - Lab Employee .docx
5/11/2016 3:35 AM 81440 31088_Employee Alcohol and Drug Problems - Non Lab Emplo.docx
6/3/2016 2:01 AM 1281748 31526_BD Urine Boric Gray.pdf
6/3/2016 2:07 AM 253952 31527_LBM209 gram stain ver 06.doc
6/28/2016 1:18 AM 164736 32097_LMB 294 - Workflow for iFOBT Specimens Received wi.pdf
6/29/2016 10:49 PM 164736 32162_LMB 294 - Workflow for iFOBT Specimens Received with No Orders.pdf
7/18/2016 7:36 AM 3216088 32797_Personal Use of Photographic, Video and Recording .pdf
7/26/2016 12:12 AM 754688 32956_23667_Processing Body Fluid specimens v01.doc
7/29/2016 4:52 PM 2008089 33088_APTT Mixing Study Procedure.pdf
7/29/2016 4:57 PM 818575 33089_APTT Mixing Study Workflow.pdf
8/17/2016 2:43 PM 8339968 33349_LBM216v05 Q Score, Sputum Culture Protocol.doc
10/19/2016 4:00 PM 254382 34286_Blood Culture - Skin Preparation and Specimen Coll.pdf
10/19/2016 6:54 PM 7927615 34291_Lab Video 2.mp4
10/19/2016 6:57 PM 1552834 34292_Lab Video 1.mp4
10/22/2016 2:13 AM 411539 34333_244 AlloMap Sample Handling - for MTS.pdf
11/3/2016 6:38 PM 1343501 34554_LPhM 250 - Allomap Blood Sample Collection.pdf
11/10/2016 10:55 PM 1552834 34675_34292_Lab Video 1.mp4
11/14/2016 7:21 PM 86016 34700_Autologous.doc
1/3/2017 10:35 PM 35942 35780_Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Determinatio.docx
1/3/2017 10:36 PM 36467 35781_Colorimetric Assay of Heparin (UFH) on the Stago S.docx
1/3/2017 10:37 PM 39214 35782_D Dimer Determination on the Stago STA Compact.doc.docx
1/3/2017 10:38 PM 37295 35783_Fibrinogen Determination on the Stago STA Compact..docx
1/3/2017 10:43 PM 250221 35786_Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Determinatio.docx
1/3/2017 10:44 PM 246175 35786_Colorimetric Assay of Heparin (UFH and LMWH) on th.docx
1/3/2017 10:45 PM 256912 35788_D-Dimer Determination on the Stago STA-R Evolution.docx
1/3/2017 10:48 PM 256586 35789_Fibrinogen Determination on the Stago STA-R Evolut.docx
1/3/2017 10:51 PM 249009 35790_Prothrombin Time and INR Determination on the Stag.docx
1/4/2017 8:12 PM 37879 35853_ChloroChek Chloridometer Sweat Chloride Assay.docx
1/4/2017 9:14 PM 2021748 35854_ChloroChek Chloridometer Maintenance.docx
1/5/2017 7:30 PM 784692 35954_LIAT Influenza A&B Procedure.docx
1/13/2017 4:07 AM 31267 36250_4034 Personal Appearance And Wearing Apparel.pdf
1/24/2017 5:26 PM 62464 36489_KPPI Hand Held Infection Prevention.doc
2/3/2017 9:49 PM 2578513 36693_Document Control.pdf
1/30/2017 9:07 PM 246418 36693_SCPMG QMS - 0006 1 - Document Control.pdf
2/3/2017 9:50 PM 1548822 36694_General Use MasterControl.pdf
1/30/2017 9:08 PM 243679 36694_SCPMG QMS - 0007 3 - General Use of Master Control.pdf
2/3/2017 9:50 PM 4379660 36695_Creating a New Document InfoCard.pdf
1/30/2017 9:09 PM 360869 36695_SCPMG QMS - 0008 4 - Creating a New Document InfoC.pdf
2/3/2017 9:51 PM 2362263 36696_Collaborating in MasterControl.pdf
1/30/2017 9:10 PM 293450 36696_SCPMG QMS - 0009 2 - Collaborating in MasterContro.pdf
2/3/2017 9:51 PM 1010621 36697_Approving Documents in MasterControl.pdf
1/30/2017 9:11 PM 188541 36697_SCPMG QMS - 0010 4 - Approving Documents in Master.pdf
2/3/2017 9:52 PM 3898169 36698_Revising a Document in MasterControl.pdf
1/30/2017 9:12 PM 348612 36698_SCPMG QMS - 0011 4 - Revising a Document in Master.pdf
2/3/2017 9:53 PM 1649152 36699_Reviewing and Archiving Documents in MasterControl.pdf
1/30/2017 9:14 PM 246686 36699_SCPMG QMS - 0012 3 - Reviewing and Archiving Docum.pdf
2/3/2017 9:53 PM 530153 36700_QuickStart Guide for View Only Level Access.pdf
1/30/2017 9:14 PM 243116 36700_SCPMG QMS - 0013 3 - QuickStart Guide for View Onl.pdf
1/30/2017 9:15 PM 243116 36701_SCPMG QMS - 0013 3 - QuickStart Guide for View Onl.pdf
2/3/2017 9:54 PM 927027 36702_QuickStart Guide for Reader Level Access.pdf
1/30/2017 9:16 PM 208876 36702_SCPMG QMS - 0014 2 - QuickStart Guide for Reader L.pdf
2/3/2017 9:54 PM 1992387 36703_QuickStart Guide for Creator_Reviser Level Access..pdf
1/30/2017 9:17 PM 279366 36703_SCPMG QMS - 0015 2 - QuickStart Guide for Creator-.pdf
2/3/2017 9:56 PM 381909 36704_InfoCard Type Reference Chart.pdf
1/30/2017 9:18 PM 165518 36704_SCPMG-PPP-0011 01 - InfoCard Type Reference Chart..pdf
2/3/2017 9:57 PM 1892753 36705_MasterControl User Management.pdf
1/30/2017 9:19 PM 244966 36705_SCPMG-PPP-0116 01 - MasterControl User Management..pdf
2/3/2017 8:15 PM 131520 36827_Befast.pdf
2/24/2017 12:15 AM 554496 37192_TBNK Lymphocyte Enumeration Using 5-color Flow Cyt.doc
2/27/2017 6:38 PM 708801 37233_image2017-02-27-101640.pdf
2/28/2017 2:26 PM 386541 37273_Body Fluid analysis.pdf
2/28/2017 2:36 PM 987648 37273_lamcppp0292 BODY FLUID ANALYSIS.doc
3/1/2017 10:54 PM 224784 37351_LAMC-PPP-0755 Use of Personal Electronic Devices.p.pdf
3/16/2017 8:09 PM 37785 37816_Semen Sample Handling Procedure-Infertility Labora.docx
3/23/2017 11:47 PM 113664 38221_ISO SOP LBTM 200.42 QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR .doc
4/6/2017 9:33 PM 47712 39101_Control Procedure for Streptococcus pneumoniae BIN.docx
4/22/2017 1:34 AM 96256 39290_ISO SOP Preparation of Specimen for DNA content An.doc
4/22/2017 1:35 AM 113664 39291_ISO SOP LBTM 200.42 QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR .doc
4/22/2017 1:38 AM 551936 39292_ISO SOP LBTM 220.24 T-Cell Subset Enumeration Usin.doc
4/22/2017 1:41 AM 149504 39293_4-Color Cell Surface Marker Study (Acute Leukemia .doc
4/26/2017 8:38 PM 14287 39334_URGENT MEDICAL DEVICE RECALL dxh.docx
5/1/2017 2:42 PM 133264 39383_QWIK BEADS UPDATE STORAGE.docx
5/8/2017 5:57 PM 65056 39487_VRE TEST IN LAB NET.docx
5/9/2017 5:46 PM 362813 39498_Checkpoint Quick Guidev2.docx
5/17/2017 3:58 PM 420241 39665_LAMC-PPP-0144 Customer Service Scripting for Inpat.pdf
5/25/2017 2:30 AM 666329 39665_LAMC-PPP-0146 Customer Service Scripting for Outpa.pdf
5/25/2017 1:46 AM 127782 39806_SightLife Key Points.pdf
5/25/2017 2:13 AM 420241 39808_LAMC-PPP-0144 Customer Service Scripting for Inpat.pdf
5/25/2017 2:44 AM 666329 39809_LAMC-PPP-0146 Customer Service Scripting for Outpa.pdf
6/2/2017 6:17 PM 46923 39917_Hematology Scan Differential and Reporting Criteri.docx
6/5/2017 8:06 PM 61702 39953_Clostridium difficile Quik Check Review.docx
6/19/2017 4:46 PM 193536 40436_LAMC-PPP-0337 Beckman Coulter AU680 Sample Process.doc
6/19/2017 4:50 PM 80896 40437_LAMC-PPP-0326 Radiometer ABL90 Flex Analyzer Quali.doc
6/26/2017 3:38 PM 56832 40598_Use of BD Vacutainer Urine Tubes.doc
7/3/2017 4:27 PM 39695 40981_Ichem Velocity Calibration Verifications.docx
7/3/2017 4:40 PM 40332 40982_iChem Velocity Quality Manual.docx
7/3/2017 4:50 PM 44430 40985_Quality Control on IQ200.docx
7/3/2017 4:53 PM 38160 40986_Calibration of IQ 200.docx
7/6/2017 6:48 PM 957426 41141_SightLife - Information 2017.pdf
7/6/2017 6:50 PM 127782 41141_SightLife Key Points.pdf
7/7/2017 11:20 PM 840874 41207_LAB - Fire Extinguishers and Pull Stations.pdf
7/7/2017 12:58 AM 2964947 41207_LAB - Fire Extinguishers and Pull Stations.pptx
7/11/2017 9:25 AM 2289345 41328_Fire Extinguisher and Pull Stations - 4867 Main La.pdf
7/12/2017 9:21 PM 2718557 41530_LAMC-PPP-0529 Preparation of Specimen for DNA Cont.pdf
7/13/2017 1:04 AM 3577352 41533_LAMC-PPP-0572 4-Color Surface Marker (Acute Leukem.pdf
7/13/2017 1:24 AM 3393956 41534_LAMC-PPP-0572 4-color Surface Marker Study (Acute .pdf
7/13/2017 1:38 AM 2718557 41535_LAMC-PPP-0529 Preparation of Specimen for DNA Cont.pdf
7/13/2017 1:48 AM 3194263 41535_LAMC-PPP-0530 DNA Content Acquisition and Analysis.pdf
7/13/2017 1:53 AM 2718557 41537_LAMC-PPP-0529 Preparation of Specimen for DNA Cont.pdf
7/21/2017 7:18 PM 1013147 41817_SCPMG-PPP-0151 Documentation and Error Correction .pdf
7/27/2017 4:03 PM 1637107 41903_Thrombin Time.pdf
8/1/2017 5:04 PM 1012315 42027_SCPMG-PPP-0151 Documentation and Error Correction .pdf
8/2/2017 5:31 PM 44997 42069_Beckman DxH 800 Running of Patient Sample.docx
8/3/2017 7:00 PM 106436 42110_FA-31276 Letter recall.pdf
8/10/2017 4:48 PM 116066 42216_072617 Technical Bulletin - Automated Body Fluid C.PDF
8/14/2017 8:47 PM 437775 42270_Suspension of Autoverification for Remisol Advance.docx
8/15/2017 1:11 AM 1897868 42274_UA IQ Policy.pdf
8/22/2017 4:03 AM 1901845 42390_iCHEM Velocity and IQ200 Quality Control Policies..pdf
8/22/2017 3:21 AM 1901845 42390_Irecell Policy.pdf
8/22/2017 3:59 AM 231537 42390_UA QC Action log.pdf
8/22/2017 4:21 AM 231537 42391_UA QC Action log.pdf
8/29/2017 6:27 PM 452025 42554_Providing Consultation to Patients in the MOB Labo.pdf
9/7/2017 1:21 AM 256512 42702_LAMC-PPP-0778 Qmatic Orchestra Procedure.doc
9/7/2017 4:54 PM 256512 42710_LAMC-PPP-0778 Qmatic Orchestra Procedure.doc
9/15/2017 7:41 PM 622355 42867_LAMC-PPP-0108 How to Check Patient's Restroom Alar.pdf
9/25/2017 3:17 PM 2201130 42952_LAMC Procedure_Automated Semen Analysis Using the .docx
9/25/2017 3:16 PM 340480 42953_Semen Analysis - Manual Method.docx
9/25/2017 8:36 PM 548094 42975_Beckman Coulter UniCel® DxH 800 System Reagent Cha.docx
9/28/2017 3:33 PM 548074 43025_Beckman Coulter UniCel® DxH 800 System Reagent Cha.docx
9/28/2017 9:09 PM 13368 43033_ISED REPORTING NOTES.docx
10/9/2017 3:13 PM 48128 43156_LAMC-PPP-0032 Handling Unacceptable Specimens.doc
10/11/2017 4:26 PM 36010 43194_Eosinophil Smears procedure.docx
10/13/2017 10:53 PM 131584 43280_LAMC-PPP-0352 Biomerieux Mini Vidas Analyzer Calib.doc
10/18/2017 7:02 PM 288509 43363_Procedure Rapid dectection of Flu A+B.DOCX
10/18/2017 7:08 PM 479747 43364_Procedure Rapid dectection of RSV.DOCX
10/18/2017 8:22 PM 288509 43375_Procedure Rapid dectection of Flu A+B.DOCX
11/2/2017 5:12 PM 721817 43458_ESR using Alcor iSED ESR Analyzer.docx
10/25/2017 4:27 PM 310166 43459_Use of BD Vacutainer urine tubes for
11/9/2017 9:39 PM 21586037 43781_Manual Order Tracking Process.mp4
11/9/2017 10:14 PM 21586037 43787_Manual Order Tracking Process.mp4
11/15/2017 8:13 PM 21586037 43871_Manual Order Tracking Process.mp4
11/16/2017 6:55 PM 21586037 43901_Manual Order Tracking Process.mp4
12/4/2017 6:48 PM 318418 44325_On-Line Competency Assessment Program
1/9/2018 6:36 PM 35590 45586_Rapid FLU AB and RSV SPECIMEN STABILITY REMINDER..docx
1/14/2018 4:07 PM 129996 45748_Systems Downtime Utilizing Remisol_Final version.docx
1/17/2018 10:40 PM 254402 45839_Blood Culture.pdf
1/18/2018 4:10 AM 129996 45846_Systems Downtime Utilizing Remisol_Final version.docx
1/22/2018 4:42 PM 169777 45952_Blue biohazard sharps.docx
1/25/2018 6:01 PM 21686 46123_SCPMG-PPP-0164 Butterfly needle.docx
3/8/2018 7:18 PM 3813271 46990_CoPathPlus Cyto Acc Training Edited 2017.pptx
4/5/2018 4:17 PM 41959 47528_Appendix 1_ Buffy Coat Preparation for Leishmania .pdf
5/16/2018 5:34 PM 1963565 48132_Pager user guide.pdf
5/16/2018 5:30 PM 165910 48133_Mobile Computing and Teleworking_NAT.IS.013.pdf
5/16/2018 5:27 PM 1963565 48133_Pager user guide.pdf
5/16/2018 5:32 PM 169077 48134_Secure Electronic Storage of KP NonPublic Informai.pdf
5/25/2018 9:18 PM 56320 48266_LAMC-PPP-00326.doc
5/30/2018 3:59 AM 1735598 48292_Reagent Labeling and Storage.pdf
5/30/2018 5:22 AM 1735598 48293_Reagent Labeling and Storage.pdf
6/5/2018 8:56 PM 555365 48393_URGENT MEDICAL DEVICE RECALL IQ MTS DOC 060518.doc.docx
6/7/2018 3:08 PM 3198334 48411_LAMC-PPP-0337 Beckman Coulter AU680 Sample Process.pdf
7/2/2018 6:40 PM 400634 49153_Aerosol Transmissible Disease (TB) Exposure Contro.pdf
7/2/2018 6:43 PM 414435 49155_Bloodborne%20Pathogen%20Exposure%20Control%20Plan .pdf
7/25/2018 2:40 PM 44316 49824_LAMC-FORM-0023 Counter Top Daily Cleaning (1).pdf
7/25/2018 2:42 PM 1400723 49825_LAMC-PPP-0068 Timekeeping.pdf
7/25/2018 2:44 PM 32088 49826_LAMC-PPP-0130 Cleaning of Work Areas.pdf
7/25/2018 2:45 PM 153177 49827_LAMC-PPP-0819 Disposal of Waste in the Laboratory..pdf
8/3/2018 3:08 PM 112278 50042_LAMC-PPP-0807 Automated Body Fluid Cell Count.docx
8/6/2018 8:57 PM 55743 50081_LAMC-PPP-0171 GRAM STAIN.docx
8/6/2018 8:53 PM 46951 50082_LAMC-PPP-0303 Hematology Scan Differential and Rep.docx
8/23/2018 9:36 PM 761320 50349_Care of Bruises NS7938 Laboratory System English.p.pdf
8/27/2018 10:34 PM 33406 50387_Accessing LabNet.pdf
8/27/2018 10:37 PM 1649011 50388_Care of Bruises.pdf
8/27/2018 10:36 PM 236061 50389_LAMC-PPP-0254 Processing Random Urine Specimens at.pdf
8/27/2018 10:37 PM 26590 50390_LAMC-PPP-0243 Verifying The Identity of a KP Provi.pdf
8/27/2018 10:35 PM 39001 50391_LAMC-PPP-0830 Processing of Cytology Specimens in .pdf
8/31/2018 11:03 PM 83304 50392_50392_LAMC-PPP-0831 Processing Cytology Specimens .pdf
8/27/2018 10:41 PM 62194 50392_LAMC-PPP-0831 Processing Cytology Specimens in Out.pdf
8/31/2018 11:04 PM 84746 50393_50392_LAMC-PPP-0831 Processing Cytology Specimens .pdf
8/27/2018 10:41 PM 52472 50393_LAMC-PPP-0832 Processing of Cytology Specimens in .pdf
9/4/2018 9:39 PM 52492 50509_LAMC-PPP-0832 Processing of Cytology Specimens in .pdf
11/7/2018 6:09 PM 53155 51457_LAMC-PPP-0033 Specimen Rejection Process.pdf
11/8/2018 9:00 PM 528408 51480_FA000050 ICHEM Velocity Urine Chemistry 102018.doc.docx
11/27/2018 1:54 AM 390528 51654_Job Aid - MOB Cerner Downtime for ELA_DTLA_GLN.doc.docx
11/27/2018 2:04 AM 621818 51655_Job Aid - MOB Cerner Downtime for FPL Lab Assistan.docx
11/27/2018 2:01 AM 390528 51658_Job Aid - MOB Cerner Downtime for ELA_DTLA_GLN.doc.docx
11/27/2018 2:03 AM 586937 51659_Job Aid - MOB Cerner Downtime for GOS.docx
11/27/2018 2:33 AM 934688 51660_Job Aid - MOB Cerner Downtime for FPL CLS Staff.d.docx
11/28/2018 12:59 AM 954140 51701_MOB DOWNTME JOB AIDS LAMC Campus 4950-1515 FINAL.d.docx
11/28/2018 12:57 AM 1058558 51702_MOB DOWNTME JOB AIDS LAMC Campus 4700 FINAL.docx
11/28/2018 12:58 AM 935896 51703_MOB DOWNTME JOB AIDS LAMC Campus 4900 FINAL.docx
12/3/2018 8:04 PM 29182 51779_LAMC-PPP-0032 Handling Unacceptable Specimens.pdf
12/3/2018 9:07 PM 392015 51782_LAMC-PPP-0016 Collection Identification and Handli.pdf
12/3/2018 11:26 PM 2370350 51783_LAMC-PPP-0835 Procalcitonin Assay on the BioMerieu.docx
12/4/2018 12:28 AM 2370350 51785_LAMC-PPP-0835 Procalcitonin Assay on the BioMerieu.docx
12/4/2018 12:34 AM 967944 51786_LAMC-PPP-0845 BioMerieux Vidas 3 Maintenance for P.docx
2/18/2019 5:25 PM 1013147 52079_SCPMG-PPP-0151 Documentation and Error Correction .pdf
12/27/2018 1:57 AM 3246080 52364_AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer Operation.doc
12/27/2018 2:01 AM 1066496 52365_LAMC-PPP-08201 AQUIOS START-UP PROCEDURE.doc
12/27/2018 2:02 AM 833024 52366_LAMC-PPP-0821 AQUIOS SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE.doc
12/27/2018 2:07 AM 1534976 52367_AQUIOS Quality Control Procedure.doc
12/27/2018 2:17 AM 2828800 52368_AQUIOS Preventive Maintenance.doc
12/27/2018 2:31 AM 145920 52369_LAMC-PPP-0792 10-Color Lymphoma Panel.doc
12/27/2018 2:40 AM 116224 52370_LAMC- 0825 Operation of pH Meter Fisher Sci
1/14/2019 6:13 PM 194204 53154_LAMC-PPP-0292 Body Fluid Analysis.docx
1/17/2019 5:32 PM 112558 53258_LAMC-PPP-0807 Automated Body Fluid Cell Count.docx
3/11/2019 8:15 PM 439523 54427_Suspension of autoverification.pdf
4/24/2019 7:44 PM 68608 55176_LAMC-PPP-0123.doc
5/17/2019 10:44 PM 139858 55500_LAMC-PPP-0501 Processing Outpatient specimens with.pdf
5/17/2019 10:51 PM 95606 55500_Memo - 2019 speicmen no order.pdf
6/5/2019 6:47 PM 15989 55764_5.30.2019 Call with Beckman re Class I FDA recall .docx
6/29/2019 5:08 PM 246258 56383_view_pdf LAMC-PPP-0340.pdf
7/3/2019 5:41 PM 38216 56729_LAMC-PPP-0322 Semen Analysis Post-Vasectomy Manual.docx
7/5/2019 8:08 PM 256512 56795_Qmatic Orchestra Procedure.doc
7/9/2019 7:11 PM 260096 56955_LAMC-PPP-0778 Qmatic Orchestra Procedure.doc
7/18/2019 9:25 PM 411975 57285_Safety Education Primer.pdf
7/18/2019 9:46 PM 122282 57286_safety check policy.pdf
9/23/2019 11:17 PM 1736182 58289_PLACE HOLD (DUMMY) ORDERS.pptx
9/23/2019 11:40 PM 1239417 58292_24 Hour Urine Prompt for Total Volume Report Requ.pptx
9/25/2019 5:20 PM 1134535 58328_24Hour Urine Prompt for Total Volume Report Requ..pdf
9/25/2019 5:24 PM 878567 58331_dummy orders.pdf
9/25/2019 8:36 PM 563660 58345_HIV Patient log.docx
10/22/2019 7:44 PM 1451224 58736_NextGen Dashboard Lab Manual (004).pdf
11/8/2019 4:52 PM 114796 58984_FA-000316 US Customer Letter.pdf
1/3/2020 11:11 PM 208445 60376_LAMC-PPP-0758 Semen Sample Handling Procedure - In.docx
2/3/2020 5:53 PM 81940 61227_LAMC-PPP-0173ver5 INDIA INK PREPARATION.docx
2/6/2020 4:41 PM 8680960 61311_LAMC-PPP-0511 Performing Venipuncture at KP LAMC M.doc
2/11/2020 9:54 PM 125228 61400_LAMC - PPP - 1234 Care and Maintenance for KPPI H.pdf
2/17/2020 9:07 PM 75264 61509_LAMC-PPP-0574 (3).doc
2/19/2020 5:41 PM 221455 61539_Use of Personal Electronic Devices LAMC-PPP-0755 0.pdf
4/2/2020 12:10 AM 74752 62208_LAMC-PPP-1262 Glassware Cleaning.doc
4/2/2020 12:13 AM 102400 62209_LAMC-PPP- 0554 Operation of Mettler XS204 Analytic.doc
4/2/2020 12:15 AM 153600 62210_LAMC-PPP-0792 10-Color Lymphoma Immunophenotyping .doc
5/4/2020 5:58 PM 6277422 62790_Covid Processing for RRL 5-4-2020.pptx
5/8/2020 3:58 PM 70656 62857_ISO Form LAMC-FORM- 0225 pH Meter log.doc
5/11/2020 4:36 PM 450975 62881_CovidMOBWorkflow 5-11-2020.pdf
5/11/2020 4:39 PM 459235 62882_Covid 4867 Workflow 5-11-2020.pdf
5/28/2020 5:12 PM 2080713 63204_POC Process Final11.ppsx
5/28/2020 5:08 PM 2077472 63204_POC Process Final11.pptx
5/28/2020 11:17 PM 1774557 63207_POC Process Final11.ppsx
6/11/2020 4:16 PM 161280 63530_LAMC-PPP-0572 4-color Surface Marker Study - Acut.doc
6/16/2020 2:08 PM 1007045 63616_LAMC-PPP-0153 Urinalysis Autorelease Process.ver. .docx
7/22/2020 2:31 PM 22227 64806_BCT-020 C. DIFF patient log.docx
7/29/2020 2:37 PM 590168 64939_DSAP Annual Safety Check policies and procedure.pd.pdf
7/29/2020 2:37 PM 153164 64939_Safety Check - July.pdf
8/4/2020 6:57 PM 198954 65031_LAMC-PPP-1279 PV Semen analysis.pdf
8/7/2020 5:00 PM 31152734 65113_Stroke 2020 FINAL.pptx
8/12/2020 7:46 PM 30146709 65159_Stroke 2020 FINAL.pptx
8/12/2020 8:02 PM 42358056 65159_Stroke 2020 FINAL.xml
8/13/2020 10:03 PM 29815657 65204_Stroke 2020 FINAL.pptx
8/21/2020 8:33 PM 447894 65287_device recall notice 082120 velo2020-08-21-123431..pdf
8/24/2020 11:25 PM 947844 65301_Safety and Wellness Check Program Lab (1).pptx
8/25/2020 10:25 PM 949065 65301_Safety and Wellness Check Program Lab.pptx
9/6/2020 4:22 PM 47339 65543_LAMC-PPP-0322 Semen Analysis Post-Vasectomy Manual.docx
9/21/2020 9:02 PM 69164 65711_urine culture 100 label.docx
10/8/2020 11:42 PM 28040473 65907_Stroke 2020 FINAL.pptx
10/8/2020 11:13 PM 31529838 65907_Stroke 2020FINAL.pptx
10/26/2020 11:26 PM 4938312 66169_Quality Mgmt 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:40 PM 1106264 66170_Regional Supplier 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:45 PM 4938312 66177_Quality Mgmt 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:48 PM 5013297 66178_Cerner Reports 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:49 PM 2047481 66179_Correction of Results and Transfusions as Directed.pdf
10/26/2020 11:51 PM 1503926 66180_T-Seal Terumo Tube Sealer 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:53 PM 8634653 66181_Routine PM of Blood Components Storage Equiment 11.pdf
10/26/2020 11:55 PM 266464 66182_NA- STORAGE OF UNXM BLOOD IN A MONITORED REF.pdf
10/26/2020 11:57 PM 3749219 66183_Cell washer and serofuge maintenance 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:58 PM 502710 66187_cellwasher serofuge calibration worksheet 11032020.pdf
10/26/2020 11:59 PM 6913080 66192_Receipt of BB Specimens 11032020.pdf
10/27/2020 12:01 AM 3260700 66196_Routine Testing and Result mgmt Vision 11032020.pd.pdf
10/27/2020 12:02 AM 7795435 66197_ABO Discrepancy 11032020.pdf
10/27/2020 12:03 AM 5783750 66202_Dispense and Return of Blood 11032020.pdf
10/29/2020 7:04 PM 202752 66238_LAMC-PPP-1237 10-Color Acute Leukemia Immunophenot.doc
11/5/2020 7:16 PM 61440 66328_LAMC-PPP-0020 STAT and Emergency Test Results Octo.doc
11/5/2020 7:13 PM 49152 66329_LAMC-FORM-0227 Specimen Label Correction Log.doc
11/5/2020 7:10 PM 56832 66330_LAMC-PPP-0016 Collection Identification and Handli.doc
11/5/2020 7:13 PM 70656 66331_LAMC-PPP-0772_Monitoring Blood Culture Volume_IP_O.doc
11/5/2020 7:11 PM 65536 66332_LAMC-PPP-0032 Handling Unacceptable Specimens.doc
11/20/2020 11:42 PM 202240 66549_LAMC-PPP-1237 10-Color Acute Leukemia Immunophenot.doc
1/6/2021 10:55 PM 188416 67762_LAMC-PPP-1237 10-Color Acute Leukemia Immunophenot.doc
2/8/2021 10:49 PM 70018 68767_AMBULATORY ORDERS HOME HEALTH SPECIMENS.docx
2/8/2021 10:52 PM 47023 68768_11 AMBULATORY ORDERS SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES 0.docx
2/9/2021 7:45 PM 10764897 68788_Medicopia TC52 Specimen Collection Tutorial Video..mp4
2/9/2021 7:46 PM 13280691 68789_TC52 Collection Job Aid 12.2020.docx
2/9/2021 7:47 PM 37070906 68790_TC52 Job Aid Patient vs Order 12.2020.docx
3/3/2021 4:04 PM 1202311 69195_Cytology Tracking - Training_v2.pptx
3/8/2021 9:56 PM 52875 69264_SCPMG-PPP-0404 Irreplaceable Specimens (002).docx
3/8/2021 9:59 PM 14189 69265_SCPMG-FORM-0104 Specimen Label Correction Log_Irre.pdf
3/8/2021 10:02 PM 170925 69266_LAMC-PPP-1303 Incident Management Plan (1).pdf
3/8/2021 10:04 PM 108598 69267_SCPMG-Form-0056-01 NCE Form (1).pdf
3/8/2021 10:05 PM 108598 69267_SCPMG-Form-0056-01 NCE Form.pdf
8/26/2022 11:02 PM 1202311 69535_Cytology Tracking - Training_v2.pptx
5/14/2021 6:22 PM 161142 70485_05.11.2021 Technical Bulletin - New CBC Orderable .pdf
5/21/2021 6:09 PM 37316 70623_LAMC-PPP-XXXX Hematology Workflow for In Vivo Hemo.docx
6/3/2021 6:11 PM 119808 70867_LAMC-PPP-0571 06-02-2021.doc
6/19/2021 5:40 PM 1855453 71147_mycoplasma urea culture to quest.pdf
7/1/2021 5:35 PM 167085 71578_Techinical bulletin for Roche rapid flu2.pdf
7/1/2021 5:59 PM 621737 71597_LAMC-PPP-0274 Cellavision Quality Control Procedur.docx
7/6/2021 10:58 PM 392704 72094_LAMC-PPP- 0825 Operation of pH Meter Mettler Toled.doc
7/22/2021 2:44 PM 41069 72576_LAMC-PPP-1334 Peripheral Blood Smear Pathology Rev.docx
8/12/2021 7:28 PM 204893 73133_Sperm Morphology Send out Instructions.docx
8/24/2021 10:57 PM 41472 73301_LAMC-PPP-0111 Aug 04 2021.doc
8/31/2021 8:41 PM 557334 73363_LAMC-PPP-0255 072221 version.docx
9/10/2021 6:34 PM 27018 73488_LAMC-PPP-xxxx COBAS LIAT- Multi-analyte Positive r.docx
9/15/2021 4:38 PM 31154649 73566_Stroke 2021 FINAL.pptx
9/15/2021 7:05 PM 189710 73570_LAMC-PPP-1338.pdf
9/15/2021 8:24 PM 218353 73571_LAMC-PPP-1339.pdf
9/15/2021 8:49 PM 152264 73572_LAMC-PPP-1340.pdf
9/16/2021 4:11 PM 304274 73573_LAMC-PPP-1341.pdf
9/16/2021 5:00 PM 31154649 73590_Stroke 2021 FINAL.pptx
9/17/2021 4:42 PM 31958688 73605_Stroke 2021 FINAL.pptx
11/8/2021 7:53 PM 271676 74496_SCPMG-PPP-0450-01 WET MOUNT.pdf
11/9/2021 12:44 AM 262144 74501_LAMC-PPP-1367 IP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.pdf
11/9/2021 12:45 AM 169173 74502_LAMC-PPP-1365 IP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.pdf
11/9/2021 12:47 AM 167531 74503_LAMC-PPP-1364 OP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.pdf
11/9/2021 12:47 AM 262086 74504_LAMC-PPP-1366 OP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.pdf
11/9/2021 6:20 PM 186720 74520_LAMC-PPP-1368 OP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.docx
11/9/2021 6:22 PM 243494 74521_LAMC-PPP-1370 OP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.pdf
11/9/2021 6:27 PM 243649 74522_LAMC-PPP-1371 OP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.pdf
11/9/2021 6:26 PM 186745 74523_LAMC-PPP-1369 OP Job Aid - Processing Stone Risk A.docx
12/3/2021 6:02 PM 230212 74970_Evaluating New Lot Numbers of Controls for XN.docx
12/3/2021 6:05 PM 37203 74971_LAMC-PPP-XXXX Hematology Workflow for In Vivo Hemo.docx
12/3/2021 6:06 PM 34723 74972_Performance Verification of Reagents for the SYSME.docx
12/3/2021 6:22 PM 28260 74973_Processing QUALITY CONTROL for IQAP (Insight).docx
12/3/2021 6:23 PM 49794 74974_Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample Problems.docx
12/3/2021 6:24 PM 42694 74975_Sysmex XN 550 Calibration and Precision.docx
12/3/2021 6:26 PM 1588493 74976_Sysmex XN 550 QC Procedure.docx
12/3/2021 6:27 PM 56087 74977_Sysmex XN-L 550 Procedure.docx
12/3/2021 8:13 PM 454407 74998_LAMC-PPP-1352, How to Accession Lab Orders from Ou.pdf
1/22/2022 1:33 AM 529916 76734_LAMC-PPP-1086 Modifying Collection Time.pdf
1/22/2022 1:32 AM 324378 76735_LAMC PPP 1362 Check in Scheduled Lab Appointment.p.pdf
1/22/2022 1:31 AM 333486 76736_LAMC PPP 1361 Walk In Procedure on Active Request .pdf
1/22/2022 1:30 AM 440737 76737_LAMC PPP 1068 Collecitons Inquiry.pdf
1/22/2022 1:31 AM 440737 76738_LAMC PPP 1065 Changing Search Display Options in O.pdf
1/25/2022 6:43 PM 860128 76803_LAMC PPP 1068 Collections Inquiry.pdf
2/24/2022 6:38 PM 30605255 77545_CodeStroke 2022.pptx
3/8/2022 8:05 PM 656198 77739_quickvue covid-19 antigen test procedure adapted f.pdf
3/22/2022 9:05 PM 30595518 77984_CodeStroke 2022 1.pptx
4/11/2022 7:32 PM 18899 78309_Testing Effluent Sample for Presence of RBCs_Labor.docx
5/25/2022 10:03 PM 12069 78528_TC52.docx
5/11/2022 1:01 AM 321376 78691_LAMC-PPP-0376 Validation of New Lot Coag.pdf
5/11/2022 1:04 AM 280522 78692_LAMC-PPP-0422 Calculating INR (International Norma.pdf
5/31/2022 9:23 PM 2322316 78990_Newborn Screening Bloodspot Collection Lab Present.pptx
6/28/2022 1:33 PM 589435 79733_SCPMG-PPP-0452-01.pdfJun282022013343.pdf
7/13/2022 6:27 PM 203128 80700_LAMC-PPP-1395 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample.docx
7/13/2022 6:46 PM 203128 80704_LAMC-PPP-1395 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample.docx
7/13/2022 6:56 PM 203128 80706_LAMC-PPP-1395 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample.docx
7/15/2022 5:43 PM 203128 80794_LAMC-PPP-1395 Resolving Pre-analytical CBC Sample.docx
8/30/2022 6:29 PM 11979037 81434_SCAL LAB Body Mechanics Training. final_2022 v2.pp.pptx
9/8/2022 6:18 PM 42479 81615_LAMC-PPP-xxxx Setting Up New Reagent Lot for Cobs .docx
10/17/2022 6:25 PM 46526 82244_LAMC-PPP-0169 QUALITY CONTROL POLICY IN BACTERIOLO.docx
10/18/2022 3:33 PM 71954 82264_LAMC-PPP-xxxx POLICY For Blood Films for Malaria .docx
11/8/2022 8:32 PM 108839 82550_SP- 50 Product Notification CF-07363.pdf
11/18/2022 7:37 PM 374694 82705_FA-22040 US Customer Letter.pdf
12/6/2022 2:40 PM 150584 82983_SCPMG-PPP-0514-01.pdf
12/20/2022 9:59 PM 280557 83184_Phone Tree Announcement Inservice.pdf
12/21/2022 3:37 PM 59605 83186_Immunalysis Fentanyl Assay on Beckman AU and DxC S.docx
12/21/2022 8:13 PM 310945 83200_Phone Tree Announcement Inservice.pdf
1/6/2023 9:59 AM 2788627 83629_Code Stroke Lab 2023 BEFAST.pdf
1/31/2023 6:24 PM 1236362 84172_LAMC-PPP-0170 HANDLING OF BACTERIOLOGY SPECIMENS F.docx
1/31/2023 6:24 PM 1236362 84173_84172_LAMC-PPP-0170 HANDLING OF BACTERIOLOGY SPECIMENS F.docx
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3/13/2023 8:05 AM 28750768 84540_STROKE 23.pptx
2/27/2023 8:17 PM 18085571 84681_2022_LAMC-PPP-0802 Job Aid_Cerner Downtime for LAM.pdf
3/1/2023 12:24 AM 369523 84690_Job Aid - MOB Cerner Downtime for GOS (1).docx
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3/13/2023 8:24 AM 28747575 84866_STROKE 23.ppsx
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3/13/2023 5:14 PM 45903 84869_LAMC-PPP-xxxx ViewPoint Wireless Temperature Monit.docx
3/13/2023 8:50 AM 28750768 84876_84866_STROKE 23.pptx
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2/17/2023 3:34 PM 18069 86430_84508_URINE FENTANYL QUICK BENCH GUIDE.docx
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7/7/2023 3:52 PM 25974 86563_LAMC-PPP-1492 Responding to Reports of Pseudohyper.docx
7/21/2023 4:49 AM 457563 86668_LAMC-PPP-1491 Job Aid for Cerner Downtime _ LAMC M.pdf
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10/13/2023 11:10 PM 651414 87569_LAMC-PPP-1504 10-Color Hairy Cell Leukemia Immuno.pdf
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7/17/2024 3:42 PM 964133 91647_FA-001102 US Letter.pdf
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10/1/2024 7:07 PM 646659 92571_LAMC-PPP-0755 Use of Personal Electronic Device.pd.pdf
9/27/2024 7:13 PM 232503 92571_LAMC-PPP-0755 User of Personal Electronic Device.p.pdf
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